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You Dont Mess With the Zohan


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I watched You Dont Mess With the Zohan, the new Adam Sandler movie last night. It was so freaking hilarious! I was laughing through practically the whole thing. I wont give away too much of the plot for those of you who have not seen it yet but I must say it is worth watching and it has a very good message that I think we all need to adhere to especially at this time.


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QUOTE (Ya_Big_Tree @ Jun 7 2008, 07:47 AM)
I watched You Dont Mess With the Zohan, the new Adam Sandler movie last night. It was so freaking hilarious! I was laughing through practically the whole thing. I wont give away too much of the plot for those of you who have not seen it yet but I must say it is worth watching and it has a very good message that I think we all need to adhere to especially at this time.

Huh, very surprising. I thought it looked like one of those stupidity movies that was only trying to make money with cheap humour. But as of lately ive been hearing good things about it. I might end up watching it.

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QUOTE (WCFIELDS @ Jun 7 2008, 03:36 PM)
QUOTE (Storm Shadow @ Jun 7 2008, 02:49 PM)
I thought the trailers were terrible.

Yep, I thought so too.......I'll be skipping this one.......

Your loss. They actually can not show you the best parts in the trailers, trust me on that. cool.gif

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Haven;t seen it yet. I work with a guy from Israel named Golan that served in the Israeli military. He kept wondering why we said Don't mess with the Golan every time we saw him. I explained the premise and he though it sounded cool until I explained that Zohan becomes a hairdresser. That's when Golan (sounding a lot like Zohan) says that would never happen, he would never become a hairdresser. He has seen the trailer now and actually thinks it's cool that we say not to mess with the Golan.
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QUOTE (subdivider79 @ Jun 8 2008, 12:41 AM)
The reviews I've read have slammed this movie to no end. I'm not an Adam Sandler fan anyway, I kinda wish he and Will Ferrell would dive over Niagara Falls together.


I would gladly take a bullet in the leg if it guaranteed Sandler would never be seen or heard from again.

Edited by theredtamasrule
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Well, I thought Adam Sandler was funny when I was in the 5th grade. Maybe this movie will prove I wasn't hallucinating.
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QUOTE (theredtamasrule @ Jun 8 2008, 05:14 PM)
QUOTE (subdivider79 @ Jun 8 2008, 12:41 AM)
The reviews I've read have slammed this movie to no end. I'm not an Adam Sandler fan anyway, I kinda wish he and Will Ferrell would dive over Niagara Falls together.


I would gladly take a bullet in the leg if it guaranteed Sandler would never be seen or heard from again.


I'm sure many people would........he is not funny at all.........

Edited by WCFIELDS
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I saw this movie today.


Sorry to disagree with YBT, but I thought the movie was intermittently hilarious, especially at the beginning, but as it went on it got worse and worse. There was a long section near the middle towards the end where it just ceased being funny AT ALL and some of it became horrendously stupid. It actually became funny how UNfunny it was and a lot of people in the audience either were groaning or laughing at how amazingly offensive it was. I seriously considered leaving a few times.


It was really offensive on a lot of different levels, but it got to a point where it was so offensive to so many different groups of people, that it almost wasn't offensive anymore if that makes any sense.


Synopsis: Intermitently very funny, often horrendously stupid, a lot of offensive humor - I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. It wasn't as bad as Mr. Deeds, another Adam Sandler movie that was SOOOO bad, but that's not saying much.


3 out of 10.

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Adam Sandler is a one note performer. I'll wait for this to be on cable. I watched I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry last night. Guess what, it was like EVERY other Adam Sandler movie I've seen - not that funny. A few funny jokes does not a good comedy make.


With that said, I like Adam Sandler. I just don't like his movies that much.

Edited by ReRushed
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All Sandler has is the bathroom humor of a 12 year old...but then a lot of comedies nowadays rely on sexual or gross-out humor for laughs instead of actual wit or satire. Maybe he's just the symptom of the actual problem that Hollywood only knows how to resort to penis or fart jokes for a chuckle.
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QUOTE (Ya_Big_Tree @ Jun 7 2008, 07:47 AM)
I watched You Dont Mess With the Zohan, the new Adam Sandler movie last night. It was so freaking hilarious! I was laughing through practically the whole thing. I wont give away too much of the plot for those of you who have not seen it yet but I must say it is worth watching and it has a very good message that I think we all need to adhere to especially at this time.

I liked Happy Gilmore and most of Big Daddy, but this one doesn't grab me and make me want to see it at all. Glad you liked it though.

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QUOTE (subdivider79 @ Jun 8 2008, 12:41 AM)
The reviews I've read have slammed this movie to no end. I'm not an Adam Sandler fan anyway, I kinda wish he and Will Ferrell would dive over Niagara Falls together.


I wouldn't go that far but they're no Mike Myers or Eddie Murphy, that's for sure.

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QUOTE (ReRushed @ Jun 9 2008, 09:03 AM)
Adam Sandler is a one note performer. I'll wait for this to be on cable. I watched I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry last night. Guess what, it was like EVERY other Adam Sandler movie I've seen - not that funny. A few funny jokes does not a good comedy make.

With that said, I like Adam Sandler. I just don't like his movies that much.

this one was worth it because of


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I dig Adam Sandler, but I didn't really think this movie was as funny as his others.



There was one good part in it, where he was attacking a thing. (I won't give too much away) I did like the music in it.



Everyone has different humor. To each his own.

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QUOTE (Del_Duio @ Jun 9 2008, 01:31 PM)
QUOTE (subdivider79 @ Jun 8 2008, 12:41 AM)
The reviews I've read have slammed this movie to no end. I'm not an Adam Sandler fan anyway, I kinda wish he and Will Ferrell would dive over Niagara Falls together.


I wouldn't go that far but they're no Mike Myers or Eddie Murphy, that's for sure.

Eddie Murphy? He sucks!

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