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Pound of Obscure

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Everything posted by Pound of Obscure

  1. What is his opinion on why Rush's albums and live music starting with Vapor Trails sound like low end rumble and muddy noise? They completely lost the ability to record themselves.
  2. My lifelong drumming hero. Now one of too many reminders that life is fleeting. As more people and things from my youth leave us or end, thoughts of my own mortality, I find, are more common. We are the next old people. How did that happen?
  3. The wall of sound, wall of noise certainly applies to the last 3 albums and live for that matter. I've never figured out why they seemed to lose the ability to record themselves. The sound quality of their recordings just tanked with VT and never recovered.
  4. 2112 - Signals. I really can't fathom another answer. Even if one loves the other eras for what they are, as I do. They aren't better. They just aren't.
  5. Dog years. Song rocks, which is more than one can say about the rest of the album. But the turtle from gallapagose part, or whatever it says there, just sucks big turtle eggs. Ruins the song. No idea why the underline is happening. I didn't turn it on, it won't turn off.
  6. The album just lacks something. The structure of the songs, writing, melodies, musical performances were excellent. Amazing bass and drum performances. Alex, when he was allowed to play, wrote some really interesting stuff. But it was thin, somehow, despite the above accolades, sterile. Didn't sound at all like Rush. I remember the first time I heard anything from it, I turned on the radio and there was some song on, instrumental section and I thought, wow that is great drumming, who is this? Then Ged came in. NEW RUSH!!! Only way I knew was Ged's voice. Just no balls and chunk at all in that album. Just pretty and soft. I think if the same songs had been written and played with guitars it could have been an amazing album. You know except the last two songs that were just mistakes.
  7. Pretty cool. I'm quite sure the boys didn't think about it that hard.
  8. Cool. Don't think I would have the patience to figure out how to play that on a phone.
  9. 10 songs out of those 3 albums? Not sure I can do that without 6 of them being filler. Ceiling Unlimited OLV Far Cry Headlong Flight (this would be number one if putting in order) Clockwork Angels The first song on Clockwork. (which I'm completely blanking on the name LOL.) Guess I'm clearly in to filler songs now. Malnar The Anarchist BU2B Earthshine
  10. Hemispheres Permanent Waves Moving Pictures Signals 2112
  11. Played a 2 hour or so concert on drums yesterday evening in my basement for all my imaginary groupies. All Rush. All Neil. No doubt I've played all his stuff in my life a lot more than he actually did. Still not as good.
  12. The 70s bobble heads. Two of the t-shirts Neil had made to wear on the R40 tour. Not his obviously.
  13. A little. It clearly benefits them. I guess I was looking a little more specific. Do they get 1record sale for the Itunes Mercury years compilation, or 15? Just trying to get them over the Beatles, you know? LOL
  14. Was wondering if anyone knew how sales were tabulated when someone buys multiple album compilations. I tunes has the entire Mercury collection as one "album". If I bought something like that just for portability sake, does Rush get one album sale or 13 or however many albums are on it? I didn't count.
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