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Hi All. Dreams come true, and sometimes, good things happen to good people. I had bought what I thought were great seats for the San Antonio, TX show... it ends up that there was an ADA Handicapped seating outcropping right in front of our seats, and we couldn't see the stage at all... and could barely see the "screen". We asked an usher for help. She spoke w/ her manager and the manager sat in our seats and "confirmed" to guest services that we could not see the stage. They graciously moved us to the floor... right in front of the sound board! My wife, daughter, and myself had the time of our lives. I know (especially in this forum) I'll get some heat for taking my 3 y/o daughter to a RUSH concert...but she is a die-hard fan... and we bought her top-of-the-line noise cancelling headphones....she knows the lyrics, and even does choreographed "dances" to the songs. She's a HUGE Neil fan and wants to be a drummer (yes, we bought her a kit). It ends up that some of the techs and tour managers (who I will leave annonymous out of respect for their privacy) had such a great time watching my family "rock out" to RUSH, that we were given guitar picks and invited as VIP guests to the Houston, TX show! WOW! My little girl (Notice her Hand Made "Geddy Corn" shirt) hand-made a drum for Neil and gave it to Geddy at the "mette n greet" to give to Neil. (in our pictures w/ Alex and Geddy, Geddy is holding up the "drum" gift my daughter made Neil... I'll post it at a later date!). It ends up that word came from the top that the drum was given to Neil, and in return he sent out a pair of his used drumsticks for my daughter! The tour photographer caught this moment on film. Here is the link to that moment! http://www.rushshowp...71036&k=BcSMSwS Dreams can come true, and my family and myself will never forget the kindness and genrosity of RUSH and their magnificent crew! I have been a loyal RUSH fan since 1979, have played in a RUSH cover band, and I am a working musician as a profession (I produce music for many TV shows)...and I can honestly say that it is because of RUSH that I do what I do. Just wanted to share...happy holidays to all!1 point
Found my 'donor' guitar today. It's a 2006 Standard Stratocaster. Found it on cragslist from a guy five minutes from my place for $200. That was his asking price. He gave the impression he was open to offers, but it was in mint condition. He was a nice guy, and I'm not much of a haggler. I own another MIM Strat, so I know they are solid guitars. I took it home and ran it through the TSL60 and Laney LC15R and was not disappointed. It plays extremely well, and has a thin neck, just like I like them. I ordered some waterslide paper today for the decal, and will be ordering the rest of the hardware shortly. I'm thinking of a Schaller Floyd Rose. It looks almost identicle to the one on the original guitar. I plan on putting the Lawrence 500L in the bridge. I have a Dimarzio Fred and Semour Duncan PAF I might try, but will most likely stick with the 500. Any tips or tricks from those that have been down this road would be appreciated. I have cervical vertebrea fusion surgery on Friday, and won't be able to drive for about a month, so it will be a somewhat slow process to finish the project. Here's the patient. http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn108/hetfieldinn/IMG_1746.jpg http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn108/hetfieldinn/IMG_1747-1.jpg http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn108/hetfieldinn/IMG_1748-1.jpg1 point
That could happen, but I think the Falcons will finally win a playoff game this year. They are way overdue. The Packers will have to play just as well as they did in 2010 to beat 'em. I don't want them to win one though, ever... :nya nya:1 point
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Those just had to have been made by an alien intelligence...... ;) ;)1 point
Simply Awesome, Love the edits. This is truly epic! What software are you using? Love the "Heys" in the overture and Temples. Cygnus X-1 was incredible! The Finale......Wow! :clap: :ebert: :haz: :rush: :haz: :ebert: :clap:1 point
I say alternate. That way we can hear some more unplayed gems :haz:1 point
Unexpectedly cool! I'd die right in my seat if that were to happen at a Rush show that I'd be in attendance. Well you can at least listen to it now:1 point
"The Pass" was one of the highlights for me and my fiancée at the show we attended in San Antonio. We were sitting in a section with few diehards, and mostly casual fans. But even they seemed pretty excited about "The Pass." On that note, I learned a lesson at the show: It's worth it to pay a little more to be on the floor with the diehards who are genuinely excited about the entire show, and not just the hits.1 point
I think they might be more inclined to replace an instrumental with another instrumental. Hence, YYZ with La Villa Strangiatto. Better yet, just add La Villa to the end of YYZ right after the slower keyboard bridge. That would be very cool and unexpected. :codger:1 point
Agreed, Besides there are many unplayed RUSH I would rather see brought to the Limelight. Cut to the Chase, Alien Shore, Open Secret, Different Strings, Vapor Trial, Sweet Miracle and of course Losing It! :boohoo:1 point
1 point
Packers fans should be proud... I'm a Steeler fan, but have nothing but love for the Pack, and feel that you Packer fans should hear this quick story: I am a HS football coach in Illinois, and our school just won a state championship. The Championship Ring that our kids wanted has a green "G" on the face (our helmet has a green 'G' on sides), and the ring company (who also makes NFL rings) didn't want to make our rings due to potential copyright infringement! We contacted the Packers and very quickly after contemplating the situation they have given us permission to go ahead w/ the design. They even sent us a letter congratulating us. A classy organization, understood our tradition of the G and realized that it is no threat to their trademark.1 point
Tip of the cap to the Saints for not giving up this year.1 point
Vitt made this a hell of a lot harder than it needed to be. Go for the damned 1st down...you can't make six inches?1 point
http://youtu.be/Cu-uvoJbS8Q THE RUSH MEGA MEDLEY PROJECT - I MOVIE1 point
Big Macs are one of the few things on the McDonalds menu that I actually enjoy.1 point
http://i46.tinypic.com/2mh5z0k.jpg CD: Yes - 90125 Rush - 2112 Geddy Lee - My Favorite Headache (Single Promo) Cocteau Twins - Treasure LP: Camel - Moonmadness All of them are original Canadian pressings. :) My girlfriend found them for me at a local record show. (She's a keeper! ;))1 point
The Dimple Pinch. Its a blend I know but its pretty good stuff anyhow. I really shouldn't be drinking but at this point who really gives a f**k eh?1 point