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ILG's non-front row review of the show


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I have to start off by saying after 2 failing twice of meeting anyone from TRF other than Different Strings, I am happy to report a successful TRF meetup at SPAC!





From left to right:


Chrysalii, Kid Gloves, Tarkus406, PhilCastro, PhilsfriendMatt, non-TRF member who's real name escapes me (he should join TRF, eh?)



Oh and me right in front looking like a doofus.


My friend Richard took the photo; another big fan who is not on the forum *yet* but lives right in Saratoga.



So the show was fantastic, as expected. I tried really hard to get those last minute tickets that get released for the front rows but no luck on ticketbastard all day. And by time I got up to the box office, they didn't have anything closer. So I stuck with the row 17 or whatever which was fine. Not front row, but...ok smile.gif


I parked in the park where it said "no concert parking" because really? Gimme a break! I got out of my car with my screwdriver, took off my LUVGEDDY plates and headed up towards the box office and then I hear someone shout "LUVEGEDDY!" I turn around and lo and behold, I get to meet TRF's very own Spike! Her and I chatted some and stupid me did not get a photo but I told her to meet us at the middle balcony bridge in the venue.


I stood in the line to get in, talked to some other people and shared Rush Stories if you will. When I got in, I bought some merch, saw Spike again and then went to the bridge to wait. My friend Richard found me and then I see Tarkus406 coming my way with everyone else and I just knew it was TRFers!


Once in the venue (and I had just gotten to my seat when the steam started and whatnot), I got wicked excited -- and as soon as I saw them, I was SO fruckin happy and thought to myself "how lucky am I that I get to see them again? How great they are still out here to put on yet another 3 hour show for all us crazy, insane fans!" I read in the Saratoga thread that GeddyRulz could nearly feel a tear in his eye and that is exactly how I felt.


I spent the rest of the first set being my usual, maniac self by dancing, fake-air drumming, jumping, screaming, shouting -- pretty much annoying the shit out of people around me laugh.gif But I was in the aisle seat and pretty much hung in the aisle. Others were too and for some reason,the ushers kept bugging them to get back but no one said anything to me.


As for the songs in the first set, I loved hearing Presto and Marathon, the latter which really kicked ass. I made a sign "Hope to run first MARATHON in 2011!" because I do but I don't think the band saw it far away. And I know John Arrowsmith didn't see it and trust me, I was looking. 'twas my goal to be back on rush.com where I belong! haha


The biggest surprise to me was BU2B. I have not been overly ecstatic about the new tunes but this one live was GREAT! I found myself really getting into it.


By this point, it's "halftime" and I had about 5 people come up asking for my picture. Literally, people wanted my pic with my plate, with me, them AND the plates. Someone else had a GEDDY plate and LIFESON was there (has a colorado plate and is on RIAB posting a lot so he says). I mean, I've had a couple pix taken of me before, but this really made me feel in the Limelight. And during the next set, the same thing happened but anyhow..


I went out to the restroom and when I came back, the usher near my aisle actually asked if I was WITH the band, to which I replied "No, but can you get me with the band??" Apparently my fandom convinced him I was with Rush. Hhahaha. He then asked how long I had been a fan and what was it about them. I told him that Rush is just an honest band, they put their all into their music and lyrics and they have been very inspiring in my life. Then, he asked if I liked Phish and the conversation ended shortly thereafter unsure.gif


Second set! Moving Pictures! Cool to hear it entirely through but, and not to *complain* but I zoned out during Limelight because it's played all the time on tour, on the radio, in movies now, etc. Then... The Camera Eye! I would have enjoyed this more if I had paid attention...


During TCE, John Arrowsmith passes right by me. I almost went out into the aisle to tap him on the shoulder but thought better of it. But then I spent the rest of the song looking for him! I was determined to get my pic taken!


About two songs later, I see him head up right towards me and (as I stated in the other thread), I got his attention, he shrugged and snapped.


Also during the set, more people asking for my picture. ohmy.gif


As for the end of the second set songs, I LOVED the different part on Closer to the Heart! They looked like they were having fun and it was great to see them improv but not get out of hand with it.


2112 was pretty huge for the audience too.


Finally, the encore which IMO was the best encore I have seen them do. La Villa was tight and energetic. Working Man -- the beginning with Geddy singing real low and modified from the original? Melt!


Overall, the sound was great I thought. Neil looked very relaxed and happy -- actually, they ALL did. It was as if they went out there and said "Let's have a blast tonight!"



Oh and one last sentiment -- for all the Geddy Gals -- Geddy shook and wiggled his booty a LOT to the pit. Just sayin wink.gif



Next show -- September 2, NYS fair!!

Edited by iluvgeddy05
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QUOTE (cygnus_thegodofbalance @ Jul 25 2010, 08:46 PM)
Yeah, yeah, that's all good, and...wait...you zoned out of Limelight!?

Well, I wasn't jumping up and down as much as other songs, I should say, It's not like I fell asleep or anything lol

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new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif Sounds like you had a great time, even though it wasn't from the front row!
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QUOTE (iluvgeddy05 @ Jul 25 2010, 08:40 PM)
I read in the Saratoga thread that GeddyRulz could nearly feel a tear in his eye and that is exactly how I felt.

I'm losing Manliness Points, but yes, from the moment they hit the stage until halfway through the first song ("Spirit of Radio"), I was choked up. It was like 27 years of rabid fandom pouring out of me - how much I love them, what they've meant to me, how they're starting to get the recognition they've always deserved... and I was proud to be a Rush fan, proud that I've been with them all this time, and proud that "I Ged it." This is my band. They're like dear friends you only get to see twice every 3 or 4 years.

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trink39.gif smile.gif Great review as usual Jill and I'm happy that you got to meet up with that mad crew of TRFers this time around. Your review made me feel like I was there with you front row again. 2.gif bekloppt.gif trink39.gif trink39.gif trink39.gif bekloppt.gif hug2.gif
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QUOTE (GeddyRulz @ Jul 25 2010, 10:18 PM)
QUOTE (iluvgeddy05 @ Jul 25 2010, 08:40 PM)
I read in the Saratoga thread that GeddyRulz could nearly feel a tear in his eye and that is exactly how I felt.

I'm losing Manliness Points, but yes, from the moment they hit the stage until halfway through the first song ("Spirit of Radio"), I was choked up. It was like 27 years of rabid fandom pouring out of me - how much I love them, what they've meant to me, how they're starting to get the recognition they've always deserved... and I was proud to be a Rush fan, proud that I've been with them all this time, and proud that "I Ged it." This is my band. They're like dear friends you only get to see twice every 3 or 4 years.


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QUOTE (Wilderness_of_Mirrors @ Jul 26 2010, 09:56 AM)
i had a great time as well!! i was in the last row of Section 2....so seats were decent, but this was the first show ive ever been to all by my lonesome! the people next to me were impressed that an 18 year old is THAT dedicated cool.gif



And I can remember when their audience was nothing but 18-year-olds!

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Nice review!! Three days later and i'm still trying to process that I saw Rush again and that they're still as great live as they ever were. The more I see them live the more impressed I am with the band. They just keep doing it right and never disappoint at all applaudit.gif
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QUOTE (iluvgeddy05 @ Jul 25 2010, 07:40 PM)

Yay biggrin.gif

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QUOTE (Kid_Gloves @ Jul 26 2010, 10:56 AM)
QUOTE (iluvgeddy05 @ Jul 25 2010, 07:40 PM)

Yay biggrin.gif

new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif Double yay! Makes this old man tear up a little seein' all you 'youngsters' out there diggin' on 2.gif ! LOVE IT! BTW, ILG - I think that's great pic. I love pics that catch people being silly and having fun! Really happy for you about your experience! AWESOME!! trink39.gif

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QUOTE (bigalfan @ Jul 26 2010, 11:05 AM)
QUOTE (Kid_Gloves @ Jul 26 2010, 10:56 AM)
QUOTE (iluvgeddy05 @ Jul 25 2010, 07:40 PM)

Yay biggrin.gif

new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif Double yay! Makes this old man tear up a little seein' all you 'youngsters' out there diggin' on 2.gif ! LOVE IT! BTW, ILG - I think that's great pic. I love pics that catch people being silly and having fun! Really happy for you about your experience! AWESOME!! trink39.gif

I think I was midsentence or something. I was also acting as though I was full of caffeine but really I was just excited biggrin.gif

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Loved your review! I don't "know" you except from reading your posts, but I got so excited when I saw your picture on rush.com biggrin.gif Glad to hear you had a wonderful time smile.gif
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Ahh such a great show wub.gif


T'was great meeting you, Jill and Chrysalii, and PhilsOtherFriendMatt (i believe he is a member here and that's his name..maybe)


Also cool running into micgtr71 out in the parking lot before entry trink39.gif


Next show: PNC 9/3!! 653.gif

Edited by Tarkus406
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QUOTE (GeddyRulz @ Jul 25 2010, 11:18 PM)
QUOTE (iluvgeddy05 @ Jul 25 2010, 08:40 PM)
I read in the Saratoga thread that GeddyRulz could nearly feel a tear in his eye and that is exactly how I felt.

I'm losing Manliness Points, but yes, from the moment they hit the stage until halfway through the first song ("Spirit of Radio"), I was choked up. It was like 27 years of rabid fandom pouring out of me - how much I love them, what they've meant to me, how they're starting to get the recognition they've always deserved... and I was proud to be a Rush fan, proud that I've been with them all this time, and proud that "I Ged it." This is my band. They're like dear friends you only get to see twice every 3 or 4 years.

Couldn't have said it better! Now Im starting to tear up 2.gif

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QUOTE (iluvgeddy05 @ Jul 25 2010, 08:40 PM)
Then, he asked if I liked Phish and the conversation ended shortly thereafter  unsure.gif

Phish f*ckin rules. I love Rush and have since about '90. But Phish puts their all into their music and lyrics as well...and I believe that their live shows are what a lot of Rush fans wish their beloved Canucks would take a cue from.



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