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Everything posted by greg2112

  1. Really need Cut to the Chase this tour. After Losing It (which already lost its chance of being played last tour, imo) this is the one I'd like to hear above all....among never played tunes, that is...Chain Lightning is a close 2nd.
  2. Went to the New World Tour. Vividly remember Alex dancing during the Count Floyd Weapon intro....the need to bring that song back. They played a part of Xanadu as part of an encore medley.
  3. This is delightful. Thanks for posting.
  4. Will never forget unwrapping the ATWAS and Archives albums on Christmas morning 1982, three weeks after seeing them at Madison Square Garden for the first time. Fantastic times
  5. Not a big Vapor Trails fan, but Secret Touch kicks ass live, no question.
  6. Slower tempo set it back a bit, but the absolute thrill of hearing it live for the first time since 1983 was unforgettable (for this fan).
  7. Nothing special, like most of the recent releases. Agreed on the terrible editing. Nothing compared to the great concert film known as Exit...Stage Left.
  8. We need some Chain Lightning.
  9. I mean, with such erudite and socially telling lyrics as "All the crap we had to take" illustrating the millions of lives destroyed by Soviet misguidance, it's no wonder "Heresy" is such a genius of a tune. Yeah thats a rough lyric for sure. Bad.
  10. I like it. Not great, but its a nice, fairly mellow tune. A friend of mine used a quote from the song in his wedding vows a few years back so it has some resonance there as well.
  11. Gotta admit this was an album I panned for years. But I recently revisited it buying a new copy off itunes, and I'm really enjoying it, nearly top to bottom (save Heresy). Sure, alot of it is pop rock, but like Presto, there's really good songwriting and melody. Im even liking the title track, which as a kid I hated due to the rap (I find it pretty humorous now). This is good stuff, just wish there was more of a bottom end in the production. OK to the ranking already... Ghost of a Chance Bravado The Big Wheel Dreamline Roll the Bones Face Up Where's My Thing You Bet Your Life Neurotica Heresy
  12. Saw him open for Robert Plant at MSG in 88. He blew the crowd away. Saw him one other time as well. Glad to have the privilege.
  13. Late to the party here, but just watched the Sonisphere show on Palladia this past weekend and noticed they substituted Afraid to Shoot Strangers with Revelations. Damn wish they wouldve had that in the US set. Revelations is an all-time tune, where Afraid is average at best, IMHO
  14. ...want to add that I think Roth era VH is 1000 times better than Van Hagar. But comparing the dave solo material, sammy's win.
  15. Fuc%ing absurd. If Neil Young and Lou Reed released albums this year theyd be #'s 3 and 4. Joke.
  16. Agreed ^^^^ I dont there's been an AC/DC album with great deep cuts since FOTS
  17. Three full spins into the album and Im really enjoying it. At this early stage, Im going to say this is their most consistent and satisfying album in years. No real clunkers. Brian's voice is markedly improved, strong. And its not top heavy like most of their other latter day releases. Favorites include: Miss Adventure, Dogs of War (heavy!), Rock the House... Recommended!
  18. As I kid, I loved the DLR stuff, definitely more than the first two Hagar albums (which I also liked). But in hindsight, the DLR material is way too goofy and dated. The sammy albums, especially 5150, still hold up and are a great listen. Voted for those.
  19. Wow... thats high praise. My previously tepid interest has officially been piqued. I'm a fan, so I can find something I enjoy about all of their albums. But I can't remember enjoying all of the songs on an album this much since the early 80s. I think part of the reason is the album is extremely short, for current times, less than 40 minutes total. So there's no fat on it. My favorite ACDC album is FTATR (along with Powerage), and I love Flick, which, to date, IMO is their last truly great album. I listened to the preview clips on itunes and they sound great. Immediate purchase. Will give some full listens over my work commute and report back. Fun to have a new ACDC album to consume after all these years.
  20. Good list, but think Slayer and Pantera are too high. While I like AC/DC more than every band listed with the exception of Sabbath and Maiden, I agree theyre not metal. My Top 5: 1)Sabbath 2)Maiden 3)Metallica 4)Priest 5)Megadeth
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