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rocket ignites

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Everything posted by rocket ignites

  1. Thank you much, oldRUSHfan! You always brighten things up here on TRF. :cheers:
  2. That's how to get the blood pumping on a birthday (or any day)...crank some AIC, :guitar: Thanks Cy!
  3. Thank you much, Tinwoodsman! Best of luck this week in the football pool. :ebert:
  4. Thank you for the thread and well wishes, bean-tor! I'm hanging in there...having a pretty good b-day. I hope things are well with you. I lost a big 12 points on the Thursday game...gotta make up for it this Sunday. Much thanks and appreciation for the pool scoring/tracking!
  5. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-l7GIZoqoWaw/ViA9jb5DiRI/AAAAAAAASFQ/3ABp_a4kTcs/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/O%2BM%25C3%25A1gico%2B-%2BRush%2B-%2BPresto%2B-%2BCapa%2BP%25C3%25B4ster.jpg http://andrewolson.com/Neil_Peart/drums/images/presto_files/presto7.jpg
  6. Happy 5th anniversary, Lorraine! :ebert: :clap: :cheers:
  7. It scared the bejeezus outta me the first time I listened to it so...yeah.
  8. I could really swing either way (no...not Kevin Spacey style), but Stairway gets my vote.
  9. It is wonderful when you discover a band. When I came here, the only albums I was familiar with were MP and Grace and a few other songs here and there. My memories attached to all of Rush's albums mostly have to do with my five years here. Yes, discovery and the ride to follow is an amazing thing. I was mildly aware of Rush back in those days, but it was just the right time in my life (1989-90) to have their music impact my life.
  10. Happy birthday, Brucey! Enjoy your day. :ebert: :clap: :cheers:
  11. The singles drew me in first. Bought the album. Next I bought A Show of Hands (vhs and album). Over the next few years I purchased the entire Rush catalog. It was a great time of music discovery.
  12. You are obviously a Megadeth fan...these guys aren't. I'm guessing Peace Sells was played also. One song feels more digestible to a newer listener on one take than the other. Watching the TOS reaction video was my first time hearing the song also...just like these guys. For a true assessment, one listen probably isn't fair. Hell, they did Metropolis pt.1...talk about musical overload. Yep, Peace Sells was played all the times I've seen them. I was just trying to give you an idea of where Tornado stands in the history of Megadeth and why it was a good choice for them to listen to. I'm just trying to put myself in the shoes of a new listener, not the fan.
  13. It would be a top option. I like the thought of The Spirit of Radio also. Something you can take in on first listen.
  14. If you've never heard the song before then how do you think there are better song choices? I think requests people make for these reviews should be for more "signature songs" from bands. Maybe Tornado of Souls is...I never heard the title or song itself mentioned in casual Megadeth talk. I think Peace Sells, or Symphony of Destruction, etc would be a better choice for virgin ears. (well, somewhat since they already did Holy Wars). JMO. So, you think they should just stick to the greatest hits because that's what you are familiar with? Tornado is a huge favorite of both the fans and the band. The song rarely is ever out of the bands setlist. When played live it gets just as good of a reaction as one of their "signature songs". It may not have been a mainstream hit for them but it's a fantastic song with phenomenal guitar work that has most certainly become one of their most liked songs. In fact a Megadeth set without Tornado Of Souls in it, feels like an incomplete show. For the most part, yeah. More mainstream would be my choice. These guys aren't prepping for a Megadeth show. They're getting introduced to music of major rock/metal acts. Songs are selected as singles for a reason. Well, nobody else seems to think it was a bad idea to listen to the song and they really liked it anyways so it all turned out just fine. I prefer them to hear a song that showcases a bands talent over just listening to something because it was a hit. Not a bad idea. Just a preference. The reviews are fun either way. A hit can easily be a musical showcase too. (and a doorway to hearing deeper tracks)
  15. You are obviously a Megadeth fan...these guys aren't. I'm guessing Peace Sells was played also. One song feels more digestible to a newer listener on one take than the other. Watching the TOS reaction video was my first time hearing the song also...just like these guys. For a true assessment, one listen probably isn't fair. Hell, they did Metropolis pt.1...talk about musical overload.
  16. If you've never heard the song before then how do you think there are better song choices? I think requests people make for these reviews should be for more "signature songs" from bands. Maybe Tornado of Souls is...I never heard the title or song itself mentioned in casual Megadeth talk. I think Peace Sells, or Symphony of Destruction, etc would be a better choice for virgin ears. (well, somewhat since they already did Holy Wars). JMO. So, you think they should just stick to the greatest hits because that's what you are familiar with? Tornado is a huge favorite of both the fans and the band. The song rarely is ever out of the bands setlist. When played live it gets just as good of a reaction as one of their "signature songs". It may not have been a mainstream hit for them but it's a fantastic song with phenomenal guitar work that has most certainly become one of their most liked songs. In fact a Megadeth set without Tornado Of Souls in it, feels like an incomplete show. For the most part, yeah. More mainstream would be my choice. These guys aren't prepping for a Megadeth show. They're getting introduced to music of major rock/metal acts. Songs are selected as singles for a reason.
  17. If you've never heard the song before then how do you think there are better song choices? I think requests people make for these reviews should be for more "signature songs" from bands. Maybe Tornado of Souls is...I never heard the title or song itself mentioned in casual Megadeth talk. I think Peace Sells, or Symphony of Destruction, etc would be a better choice for virgin ears. (well, somewhat since they already did Holy Wars). JMO.
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