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  1. This is hard, because I like them both. I went with Cygnus.
  2. I went with Staley but it is generally a toss-up for me between him and Weiland. I will add this: No other band of those referenced in the poll were going to do a song like And So I Know as well as STP.
  3. In the book, no. There is a reference to Geddy's stage banter on the second night in La Crosse that quotes him. Assuming this is exact, either someone did a great job of documentation and preservation of that comment or a recording exists somewhere. This is why I have suggested on here that they have at least this.
  4. The question I have is if that is a new recording or just a rip of the audio from the video that surfaced in 2009. If it's a rip, I'm not sure I want the set.
  5. Not if I have anything to say (or eat) about it!
  6. Given Geddy's voice at that time, we may perceive that song different. Put it on Counterparts and I think it would be rockin'! I think with TCE, if it were recorded the way it was played on the Signals tour, it would be much more enjoyable.
  7. I forget: are you native to a college town?
  8. https://thelostbass.com/the-lost-bass-found
  9. I was bummed we didn't get the whole Edmonton show.
  10. Compared to the studio recordings, no. The fast and loose they would play though was generally consistent. The known recordings from Signals were all that energetic (I suspect this was done to get all the material played that they wanted to in 2 hours or less). If one wanted to look for clues to how coke was affecting their performances, I would start listening to the vocals first. Coke can wreak havoc on the pipes.
  11. I think he learned at least some of it. This is also my birthday and would have been a SWEET concert to see. I am not a big Tool fan, but your assessment of Jambi is correct. Seeing Alex play this song would have been a great concert moment.
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