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The Simpsons Thread

Lost In Xanadu

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I like the Monty Python thread, I just don't know it like the regulars in there do... one thing I do know - The Simpsons!


So let the quoting begin!




When you participate in sporting events, it's not whether you win or lose... it's how drunk you get.

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I like the Monty Python thread, I just don't know it like the regulars in there do... one thing I do know - The Simpsons!


So let the quoting begin!




When you participate in sporting events, it's not whether you win or lose... it's how drunk you get.

Excellent (and you better have heard that in Mr. Burns' voice - for that is how I always say it) Like you I don't know Monty Python like the regulars. Simpsons? I can (and will) go for years.


Alcohol. The cause of and solution to all of life's problems.


Thanks for the perfectly cromulent thread, LIX :hug2:

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Hey Homie... I can see your doodle


Shut up, Flanders.


Stupid Flanders.

Edited by CygnusGal
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If it's about laying off the insanity peppers, I'm way ahead of you.
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