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Bart: I can't let Dad see me playing hooky! Homer: I can't let the boy see me skipping work! [bart brushes his hair forward; Homer uses a comb as a mustache] Bart: [walking past] Good afternoon. Homer: [walking past] How do you do, sir? Bart & Homer: [chuckle] Sucker...
A spoor! His brand of gum, Doublemint. Trying to double your fun, eh, Bart? Well, I'll double your detention. {Heh. I wish someone was around to hear that.} And so we enter...endgame.
Burns: I'll kill you, you bloated museum of treachery!


Made me think of this:

Lawyer: Your Honor, even though I've proven my client's innocence, I'd

still like to call Freddy Quimby to the stand. So that we can

all bask in his gentle decency.

Mr. Quimby, did you assault Mr. LaCoste?

Freddy: Of course not. I love each and every thing on God's green


Lawyer: Therefore, you would never lose your temper over something as

trivial as the pronunciation of "chowder".

Freddy: That's "chowdah"! Chowdah! I'll kill you! I'll kill all of

you, especially those of you in the jury!

Lawyer: Wow, that didn't go well. The defense rests.


Principal Skinner: I know you can read my thoughts, Bart. Just remember, if I find out you cut class, your ass is mine. Yes, you heard me. I think words I would never say.

Homer: I know you can read my thoughts, Bart. Meow-Meow-Meow-Meow-Meow-Meow-Meow-Meow-Meow...



Burns: I'll kill you, you bloated museum of treachery!


Made me think of this:

Lawyer: Your Honor, even though I've proven my client's innocence, I'd

still like to call Freddy Quimby to the stand. So that we can

all bask in his gentle decency.

Mr. Quimby, did you assault Mr. LaCoste?

Freddy: Of course not. I love each and every thing on God's green


Lawyer: Therefore, you would never lose your temper over something as

trivial as the pronunciation of "chowder".

Freddy: That's "chowdah"! Chowdah! I'll kill you! I'll kill all of

you, especially those of you in the jury!

Lawyer: Wow, that didn't go well. The defense rests.

Hutz: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to prove to you not only that

Freddy Quimby is guilty, but that he is also innocent of not

being guilty. I refer you to my expert witness, Dr. Hibbert.

Hibbert: Well, only one in two million people has what we call the "evil

gene". Hitler had it, Walt Disney had it, and Freddy Quimby has it.

Hutz: Thank you, Dr. Hibbert. I rest my case.

Judge: You rest your case?

Hutz: What? Oh no, I thought that was just a figure of speech. Case


Lionel Hutz will win your lawsuit in 30 minutes or your pizza is free!


I miss Phil Hartman

Burns: I'll kill you, you bloated museum of treachery!


Made me think of this:

Lawyer: Your Honor, even though I've proven my client's innocence, I'd

still like to call Freddy Quimby to the stand. So that we can

all bask in his gentle decency.

Mr. Quimby, did you assault Mr. LaCoste?

Freddy: Of course not. I love each and every thing on God's green


Lawyer: Therefore, you would never lose your temper over something as

trivial as the pronunciation of "chowder".

Freddy: That's "chowdah"! Chowdah! I'll kill you! I'll kill all of

you, especially those of you in the jury!

Lawyer: Wow, that didn't go well. The defense rests.

Hutz: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to prove to you not only that

Freddy Quimby is guilty, but that he is also innocent of not

being guilty. I refer you to my expert witness, Dr. Hibbert.

Hibbert: Well, only one in two million people has what we call the "evil

gene". Hitler had it, Walt Disney had it, and Freddy Quimby has it.

Hutz: Thank you, Dr. Hibbert. I rest my case.

Judge: You rest your case?

Hutz: What? Oh no, I thought that was just a figure of speech. Case


Lionel Hutz will win your lawsuit in 30 minutes or your pizza is free!


I miss Phil Hartman


The Lionel Hutz you know no longer exists. Say hello to Miguel Sanchez!

  • Like 1

:hi: Miguel! :rfl:


Mr. Simpson, don't you worry. I watched Matlock in a bar last night. The sound wasn't on, but I think I got the gist of it.

  • Like 1
Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You may remember me from such self-help videos as "Smoke Yourself Thin" and "Get Confident, Stupid."
  • Like 2

There was a little Spanish flea

A record star he thought he'd be

he heard of singers like beatles and the chipmunks he'd seen on tv

....Why not a Little Spanish Flea?

  • Like 1

Moe: [answers the phone] Flaming Moe's.

Bart: Uh, yes, I'm looking for a friend of mine. Last name Jass. First name Hugh.

Moe: Uh, hold on, I'll check. [calls out] Hugh Jass! Can somebody check the men's room for a Hugh Jass?!

Man: Uh, I'm Hugh Jass.

Moe: Telephone. [hands Hugh the receiver]

Hugh: Hello, this is Hugh Jass.

Bart: [surprised] Uh, hi.

Hugh: Who's this?

Bart: Bart Simpson.

Hugh: Well, what can I do for you, Bart?

Bart: Uh, look, I'll level with you, Mister. This is a prank call that sort of backfired, and I'd like to bail out right now.

Hugh: All right. Better luck next time. [hangs up and breathes a sigh] What a nice young man.


Mmmm... Apple

Mmmm... Bad Eggs

Mmmm... Barbecue

Mmmm... Beer

Mmmm... Beer Nuts

Mmmm... Bowling Fresh

Mmmm... Burger

Mmmm... Business Deal

Mmmm... Candy

Mmmm... Caramel

Mmmm... Caramel Baloney

Mmmm... Chicken

Mmmm... Chocolate

Mmmm... Convenient

Mmmm... (visualizes cooking books and fudge numbers)

Mmmm... Crumbled-up Cookie Things

Mmmm... Cupcakes

Mmmm... Danish

Mmmm... Donuts

Mmmm... Elephant Fresh

Mmmm... Far Fetched

Mmmm... Fattening

Mmmm... Fifty Dollar Pretzel

Mmmm... Fish

Mmmm... Foot-long Chili Dog

Mmmm... Forbidden Donut

Mmmm... Free Goo

Mmmm... Garnish

Mmmm... Grapefruit

Mmmm... Gummi Beer

Mmmm... Ham

Mmmm... Hamburgers

Mmmm... Hippo

Mmmm... Hog Fat

Mmmm... Hors Do-Vers (Hors D'oeuvres)

Mmmm... Hug

Mmmm... Incapacitating

Mmmm... Invisible Cola

Mmmm... Lamb

Mmmm... The Land Of Chocolate

Mmmm... Loganberry

Mmmm... Marge

Mmmm... Marshmallows

Mmmm... McNuggetts

Mmmm... Me

Mmmm... Mediciney

Mmmm... Memo

Mmmm... Moses

Mmmm... Open Faced Club Sandwich

Mmmm... Organized Crime

Mmmm... Ovulicious

Mmmm... Pancakes

Mmmm... Pi

Mmmm... Pickle

Mmmm... Pie Pants

Mmmm... Pistol Whip

Mmmm... Pointy

Mmmm... Pork Pie

Mmmm... Potato Chips

Mmmm... Promo

Mmmm... Purple

Mmmm... Recirculated Air

Mmmm... Sacrelicious

Mmmm... Salty

Mmmm... Shrimp

Mmmm... Sixty-four Slices of American Cheese

Mmmm... Slanty

Mmmm... Snickers Pie

Mmmm... Snouts

Mmmm... Soggy Bread

Mmmm... Something

Mmmm... Soylent Green

Mmmm... Spaghetti

Mmmm... Split Pea...*gasp*...with ham!

Mmmm... Sprinkles

Mmmm... Strained Peas

Mmmm... Sugar Walls

Mmmm... Terrible

Mmmm... Trophy

Mmmm... Turbulent

Mmmm... Unexplained Bacon

Mmmm... Unprocessed Fish Sticks

Mmmm... Urinal Fresh

Mmmm... Various Eggs

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Mmmm... Apple

Mmmm... Bad Eggs

Mmmm... Barbecue

Mmmm... Beer

Mmmm... Beer Nuts

Mmmm... Bowling Fresh

Mmmm... Burger

Mmmm... Business Deal

Mmmm... Candy

Mmmm... Caramel

Mmmm... Caramel Baloney

Mmmm... Chicken

Mmmm... Chocolate

Mmmm... Convenient

Mmmm... (visualizes cooking books and fudge numbers)

Mmmm... Crumbled-up Cookie Things

Mmmm... Cupcakes

Mmmm... Danish

Mmmm... Donuts

Mmmm... Elephant Fresh

Mmmm... Far Fetched

Mmmm... Fattening

Mmmm... Fifty Dollar Pretzel

Mmmm... Fish

Mmmm... Foot-long Chili Dog

Mmmm... Forbidden Donut

Mmmm... Free Goo

Mmmm... Garnish

Mmmm... Grapefruit

Mmmm... Gummi Beer

Mmmm... Ham

Mmmm... Hamburgers

Mmmm... Hippo

Mmmm... Hog Fat

Mmmm... Hors Do-Vers (Hors D'oeuvres)

Mmmm... Hug

Mmmm... Incapacitating

Mmmm... Invisible Cola

Mmmm... Lamb

Mmmm... The Land Of Chocolate

Mmmm... Loganberry

Mmmm... Marge

Mmmm... Marshmallows

Mmmm... McNuggetts

Mmmm... Me

Mmmm... Mediciney

Mmmm... Memo

Mmmm... Moses

Mmmm... Open Faced Club Sandwich

Mmmm... Organized Crime

Mmmm... Ovulicious

Mmmm... Pancakes

Mmmm... Pi

Mmmm... Pickle

Mmmm... Pie Pants

Mmmm... Pistol Whip

Mmmm... Pointy

Mmmm... Pork Pie

Mmmm... Potato Chips

Mmmm... Promo

Mmmm... Purple

Mmmm... Recirculated Air

Mmmm... Sacrelicious

Mmmm... Salty

Mmmm... Shrimp

Mmmm... Sixty-four Slices of American Cheese

Mmmm... Slanty

Mmmm... Snickers Pie

Mmmm... Snouts

Mmmm... Soggy Bread

Mmmm... Something

Mmmm... Soylent Green

Mmmm... Spaghetti

Mmmm... Split Pea...*gasp*...with ham!

Mmmm... Sprinkles

Mmmm... Strained Peas

Mmmm... Sugar Walls

Mmmm... Terrible

Mmmm... Trophy

Mmmm... Turbulent

Mmmm... Unexplained Bacon

Mmmm... Unprocessed Fish Sticks

Mmmm... Urinal Fresh

Mmmm... Various Eggs

mmmm...long list


mmmm....edited post

Edited by CygnusGal

Brad: We can all learn a lot from this young man here, this.. this..

Bart: Rudiger.

Brad: Rudiger. And if we can all be more like little Rudiger..

Marge: His name is Bart!

  • Like 1
I'm Bart Simpson. Who the hell are you?
No TV and no beer make Homer something something...

Dough, the stuff that buys me beer

Ray, the guy who sells me beer

Me, the guy who drinks that beer

Fah, the distance to my beer

So, I think I'll have a beer

La, la, la, la, la, la beer

Tea, no thanks I'm having beer

That will bring us back to :doh:

Posted (edited)

No TV and no beer make Homer something something...


You've got the shinning!

You mean the shining.

Shh! You want to get sued!?


Urge to kill... Rising

Edited by Lost In Xanadu
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

No TV and no beer make Homer something something...


You've got the shinning!

You mean the shining.

Shh! You want to get sued!?

Don't be readin my mind between 4 and 5. That's Willy's time!!

Edited by Lost In Xanadu
  • Like 1

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