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Very First Time


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My first RUSH experience was 2112 back in the Spring of 1977. I was 7 years old and visiting my aunt, uncle and cousins in Washington DC. My cousins' friend called him up and told him about it at which point we went to the store, picked up the 8-track, and back to his bedroom to listen to the tape! 2.gif 1022.gif
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I remember hearing both Tom Sawyer, TSOR, and Closer to the Heart on our FM rock station and thinking, "Whoa, this is really good". Then I asked my dad if could borrow his 2112 CD, thus beginning the obsession. I think it was the summer between 8th and 9th grade, so I had just turned 14.
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And let me add that it's quite odd to see Rush listed alongside Anne Murray and Paul Anka.  At least Gordon Lightfoot isn't on that album



No friggin' kidding eh? Let's just say the Canadian music scene was a tad smaller back then so to get enough "A" material for an album like that it had cover a broad spectrum of music.


I don't know, I can picture Anne Murray doing Freewill, no?! 1022.gif

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Tom Sawyer in 1981, I was 13 or 14...


I was lying in bed listening to Q104 as I was going to sleep. When I heard the drumming (I was a young drummer then) I soiled myself.


I went to school the next day and was talking about it, and this dude who was a couple of years older than I said it was Rush...off the new album "Moving Pictures". I went and bought the LP, and the rest is history. 1022.gif 2.gif heart.gif

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QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jun 9 2008, 11:24 AM)
1) What was the the very first song of theirs you ever heard,

Hard to remember for sure, but one of the songs of side one of Moving Pictures that they played on the radio constantly back then.

2) When was it,


3) How old were you, and


4) Where were you at the time?

At my best friend's house at the time - Robbie DeNoto - some Rush song from side one of MP came on the radio and it completely blew my mind...

That's interesting goob. You were 12 I was 21 in 1981 unsure.gif laugh.gif trink39.gif








at a party! biggrin.gif

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1) Tom Sawyer (ESL Version)... on the local rock radio station

2) @1981

3) @ 14 yrs old

4) At home


At the time I first heard it, I thought that this was a killer song and a great band... The DJ did not announce the song and / or the artist, so I didn't even know who it was at the time!

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back in '81 or so I heard tom sawyer booming out of my basement where my big brother's room was, every day after school like clockwork he'd be down there air drumming away! I was 11 or so... laugh.gif
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Most likely it was around 1977, I was about 10 years old, It was probably 2112... I don't know for sure. I was with my older brother riding in his car.. I remember this long, long, long part of the music where there was no singing, I was getting impatient to hear the singer sing so I asked "Is he ever going to sing".. (hey, I was only 10) my brother told me very sternly.. it's not always about the lyrics.. just shut up and listen.. (he was not always kind to me, but he always had the best music)..


at this point I remember a light going off in my head that it wasn't always about the lyrics, sometimes you just had to listen to the music..and this was lovely music, been a fan ever since.


I will soon be taking his three sons to their first concert ever and it will be Rush..



It may have even been an 8 track.....

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i know it was probably Limelight but i dont know exactly how old i was

ive probably been hearing it since i was really little and not known it.


But i can say for sure it was on Q107 and it was Limelight

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QUOTE (MCM @ Jun 9 2008, 04:48 PM)
Most likely it was around 1977, I was about 10 years old, It was probably 2112... I don't know for sure. I was with my older brother riding in his car.. I remember this long, long, long part of the music where there was no singing, I was getting impatient to hear the singer sing so I asked "Is he ever going to sing".. (hey, I was only 10) my brother told me very sternly.. it's not always about the lyrics.. just shut up and listen.. (he was not always kind to me, but he always had the best music)..

at this point I remember a light going off in my head that it wasn't always about the lyrics, sometimes you just had to listen to the music..and this was lovely music, been a fan ever since.

I will soon be taking his three sons to their first concert ever and it will be Rush..

It may have even been an 8 track.....

smile.gif Nice story!

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Must've been around 1981, I was 13 and on a hiking trip in Wales organised by school and in the big hut/dorm we were in one night, a bunch of Older Boys were going nuts to something playing on a tiny portable cassette player that I'd never heard before (and I'd never seen headbanging before either, so the whole scene was pretty exotic and slightly scary!). All night the power and energy of it reverberated around my head, as well as the only fragment of lyric I'd been able to make out: "We are the Priests of .....something or other" . Luckily one of the older boys was nice enough to tell me the name of the band and that was it, I was off on a great adventure!
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1) The Spirit of Radio

2) 1980

3) 16

4) At home, listening to the radio (WLS-AM, Chicago)


EDIT: Good morning, Sky.


You mentioning Tom Sawyer reminds me of when I first heard TS, also on WLS. It came on one morning (like 3 or 4 a.m.) in early '81. The song had a spooky feeling to it at that time of morning, yet because of the great clear-channel signal WLS put out, even all the way to Mississippi, the song sound so cool. I recall hearing TS one more time that day, and then I decided to buy Moving Pictures.

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I know I'd heard "Tom Sawyer" and "Limelight" through the early months of 1981. The one time I know I can say for sure that I heard what was either "Tom Sawyer" or "Limelight" was on a bus with a bunch of other Boy Scouts as we were driving through Washington, D.C. on some field trips around the time of the National Jamboree. I'm sure the station we were listening to was DC 101. I was 13 at the time.



Hey Tupelo!

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The Spirit Of Radio





20 year old.



with my English girlfriend at the time who introduced me to them on her old record player at her brother's house. 2.gif

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1. First song heard:


"Tom Sawyer"



2. When it was:


Autumn of 2004, shortly after my father saw them on the R30 tour.



3. How old I was:


I had just turned 15



4. What I was doing:


I was in the car with my dad after we went to Wal*Mart because he was all "MAN YOU GOTTA HEAR RUSH, MAN, THEY'RE FREAKIN AWESOME" and I was all "OK MAN" and we bought Rush In Rio and we listened to it in the car on the way home. That whole ride with Tom Sawyer, DEW, New World Man, and Roll the Bones did me in...I was a Rush fan for life from that moment.....

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I was 17, 20 now laugh.gif how rubbish.

It was Spirit of Radio heard on Planet Rock Radio in the UK and I kept the radio on for 4 days and most of the night until it came back and i typed the words into google. Rush, apperantly. Then The Trees was downloaded, then Tom Sawyer and I knew I was in love wub.gif

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1st song:

Dont' remember. Probably was Bastille Day. The album was definately All The World's A Stage. I recall 2112 blowing me away and was kinda spooked by the eerieness of By-Tor which I thought was neat.


When: 1985


Age: 13


What: On a Boy Scout camping trip in a tent late one night using my tent-mates walkman.

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#1 - I really can't remember my very first Rush song, but I remember hearing a lot of 'Fly by Night', 'The Trees', 'Working Man' and 'Red Barchetta'.


#2 - Around 1992


#3 - About 1 1/2 or 2 years old.


#4 - Everywhere that we went, my parents played Rush in the car. In fact, all of the memories that I have of various trips or outings involve Rush playing in the background. I can honestly say that I've listened to Rush since birth, because, even in the womb, I'm sure that my parents were trying their best to impress good music into my developing mind.



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1) What was the the very first song of theirs you ever heard,


** Probably Tom Sawyer. I don't remember exactly.


2) When was it,


** I'm guessing on the radio in '81. No later than '82 for sure.


3) How old were you, and


** 12 or 13 depending on when exactly.


4) Where were you at the time


** Probably in the car...living in Las Vegas.

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Two first songs I heard when I was a child:


Tom Sawyer and Show Don't Tell. I don't remember the age I had and I was inside the house listening to the current rock radio station.


That was my first contact.




Listening to the same radio station years later, the firt song I heard was Test For Echo, 1996.


I was 15 years old; in my bedroom, listening a rock radio station during the afternoon while doing school lessons. tongue.gif


After that I started to really like the band. 2.gif

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i'd heard songs like tom sawyer and closer to the heart on the radio all the time, but this first time rush really popped my rush cherry *ew* was probably hearing working man in 2006 in my friends truck. i loved the heaviness of the riff, and the bass fill leading into the guitar solo did it for me.

it's funny, because after getting a few of their albums, i told myself i wouldnt buy any of their mid- late '80s albums after hearing big money (and hating it). 2 years and 20 albums later, i've changed my mind.

oh yes, and i was 16.

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