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WOW! Houston show Rocked!


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Just got back from the Houston show. It was Awesome. I also went to Dallas on the 11th and that too was an awesome show but they kicked it up a notch in Houston. Neil broke his snare drum towards the end of Secret Touch and they had to wait a few for Neil to get it replaced. I think I heard Alexs guitar mess up during BTW.other than that they were near perfect. When they started playing Spirit of Radio, 2 really hot blondes started dancing on a podium on the left side of the stage for Alex. They had to have been there dancing for him for at least 3 minutes. It was an awesome show and I hope I get to see them again.
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QUOTE (rushnmike @ Aug 15 2007, 12:11 AM)
Just got back from the Houston show. It was Awesome. I also went to Dallas on the 11th and that too was an awesome show but they kicked it up a notch in Houston. Neil broke his snare drum towards the end of Secret Touch and they had to wait a few for Neil to get it replaced. I think I heard Alexs guitar mess up during BTW.other than that they were near perfect. When they started playing Spirit of Radio, 2 really hot blondes started dancing on a podium on the left side of the stage for Alex. They had to have been there dancing for him for at least 3 minutes. It was an awesome show and I hope I get to see them again.

You are right on the money and I was also there. I could have done without the excessive crowd singing during some songs near the end since I had trouble hearing Geddy's singing and Alex's guitar but it was all in good fun. Perhaps they could have amplified the band's sound as the audience participation level increased. I could have used some "mist in the streets of Westminster" sprayed on me the entire show.


This was my sixth show and the heat and humidity almost knocked me on my arse and I live in this Hellhole. Is it possible to suffer a heat stroke at night? I did not have any alcohol either. When I got home about 12:30am it was still 84 degrees F with 78% humidity. I apologize if I offended anyone but I have lived here for 46 years so I feel that I can bash my own town. I wouldn't insult any other places for which I am ignorant. Also, I will not insult anyone who thinks that this weather is delightful. I am just spouting my opinion.


I am jealous of you folks that have great summer weather in venues that I personally visited this tour such as Hollywood Bowl, SLC, and Denver. I had a wonderful road trip exploring other great places in this country and enjoying Rush shows.


I apologize for my incessant rambling.


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Agreed, the show totally kicked butt 1022.gif


It was special for me as well because I took my youngest daughter with me. She had been talking about wanting to go ever since I got tickets.


I told her she could dress up for the concert. We got some green hair color and streaked her hair, and put glitter in. Then I painted a Rush, star on her cheek, in red with a black outline. She rocked! 1022.gif


She was a real trooper and hung on for the duration, but was on empty by the last 5 songs. I was proud seeing her with her fist in the air screaming.


I also got to meet forum member "Saint Nick". He just happened to be sitting in the seats in front of us. "Nick" it was a pleasure to meet you, and share the show experience.


The temp!! Holy frigging Hades Batman!!! It was a very hot evening.


We walked back in the door at the house at about midnight. The Wife and 14yr old said. Ya'll look like you have just come off a rollercoaster.

I'll admit we were shell shocked. Between the heat, and the show. It was sensory overload. Lets do it again. smile.gif

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QUOTE (rushnmike @ Aug 15 2007, 12:11 AM)
Just got back from the Houston show. It was Awesome. I also went to Dallas on the 11th and that too was an awesome show but they kicked it up a notch in Houston. Neil broke his snare drum towards the end of  Secret Touch and they had to wait a few for Neil to get it replaced. I think I heard Alexs guitar mess up during BTW.other than that they were near perfect. When they started playing Spirit of Radio,  2 really hot blondes started dancing on a podium on the left side of the stage for Alex. They had to have been there dancing for him for at least 3 minutes. It was an awesome show and I hope I get to see them again.

:Potential spoiler: (I don't know the spoiler rules anymore)



It was freaking hot!!! Houston summers do SUCK!



At the start of the show Alex seemed to jump the gun, OR Geddy was a little slow.



Alex looked over for Geddy, and he was walking on stage like an old man. Hilarious!



The SouthPark skit was awesome!! Does anyone have a link for that!!





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At the start of the show Alex seemed to jump the gun, OR Geddy was a little slow.


They've done that intentionally at every show as a joke. I was sitting in the lawn and we were trying to make out who was dancing during TSOR. Did anyone take any pictures of the girls on stage?

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Hi Friends!

Just got home from Houston; my friends, what a show!

Jazzbass, thank you bud; it was an absolute pleasure sharing this concert experience with you & your daughter.

Boy, was it hot last night; and here at home today in New Orleans we're baking.

Having seen six other Rush shows..every tour since Presto, I would rank last night as one of the best, if not the best. Not so much from setlist-wise, but from performance. Geddy, Alex & Neil were of toppest notches at this show. And fortunately, it looks as though we may be in for tours to come. The effort that these three gentlemen put forth into their musical craftsmanship cannot be matched by any other; as I've said before, nobody does it better...nobody ever will.

My friends, I was so happy to see this concert, I had tears in my eyes; go ahead and laugh, but Rush is so special.

I gotta get some rest; talk to y'all later.

Take care.

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QUOTE (rushnmike @ Aug 15 2007, 12:11 AM)
Just got back from the Houston show. It was Awesome. I also went to Dallas on the 11th and that too was an awesome show but they kicked it up a notch in Houston. Neil broke his snare drum towards the end of Secret Touch and they had to wait a few for Neil to get it replaced. I think I heard Alexs guitar mess up during BTW.other than that they were near perfect. When they started playing Spirit of Radio, 2 really hot blondes started dancing on a podium on the left side of the stage for Alex. They had to have been there dancing for him for at least 3 minutes. It was an awesome show and I hope I get to see them again.


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This was my first time to see Rush. I was so excited I didn't know what to do with myself. When Alex came out to open the show I thought I was going to pass the F out I was screaming so loud. I thought it was so cool to see Neil on the big screen wave at Geddy to wait because he busted his snare. That's ROCK baby!!! smile.gif


So much to say about the show. I don't have time but it was GREAT!! AWESOME!!! Experience of a life time for me..


For those of you who are wondering about if this is the last Rush tour. At the end of the night Geddy said into the mic.."Thank you Houston Texas!! we hope to see you down the road again!!" I know that doesn't mean alot but these guys are still at the top of there game. I can't imagine them calling it quits. Alex was acting goofy, Geddy was jumping around on the stage, Neil was smiling.. It was great..


Now I feel i'm rambling..


My only complaint was the sound. It wasn't near loud enough for me and Alex's Guitar was way too low.. All of the synth stuff was too loud.. Geddy's Key's and Neil's electronic drums...all very loud compared to everything else.. but it wasn't horrible.. just could have been a touch better..I am in NO WAY complaining..


OH!! one more thing.. Rush fans are INCREDIBLE!! everyone was very nice. People would leave stuff in chairs and go to the rest room and no one bothered there stuff. I couldn't see that happening at a Van Halen concert smile.gif


We had one guy behind us that was annoying. Geddy said they were going to do something from the new album and this guy starts booing and screaming NO! NO! keep to the old stuff!!!.. I politely told him to go buy Exit Stage Left if he only wanted to hear the old stuff. Thank God he moved..


I know None of the Guys will ever read this but I have to say THANK YOU!! so much to Geddy, Neil and Al for a great evening..





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Ageed on the sound.


Except on my side. Far right at the back edge of the covered seats. I found the keys and vocals to be way louder. The bass could have been more upfront, but the overall tone was good.


This pavillion has very good sound but you have to stand in the right spot to get a god mix.

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WHEW!!!!!!! A hot night, a hot band and hot dancing girls too! The Texas trifecta was completed last night and man was it fun. I thought the security was a bit much, but I still managed to get a wee dram of The Macallan in. wink.gif Overall I like the CWP as a venue, and of course 2.gif could make the old Dallas Sportatorium sound good. They were on top of their game last night, but I still think Sat. night in Dallas was the most dead solid perfect performance I've heard yet. And now to deal with the melancholy that accompanies having seen my last 2.gif performance for a long while. The memories will be great, but I'm already jonesing for the next tour.
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I have to agree with weekly criminal, Dallas show was tight. It was the best show I have ever,ever seen. The sound was perfect. THIS was my 40th plus show, and I never sat down. Pretty darn good for a 43yr old heat exhausted man. Thanks guys...ABC.
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QUOTE (StanGetz @ Aug 15 2007, 04:56 AM)
This was my sixth show and the heat and humidity almost knocked me on my arse and I live in this Hellhole. Is it possible to suffer a heat stroke at night? I did not have any alcohol either. When I got home about 12:30am it was still 84 degrees F with 78% humidity. I apologize if I offended anyone but I have lived here for 46 years so I feel that I can bash my own town. I wouldn't insult any other places for which I am ignorant. Also, I will not insult anyone who thinks that this weather is delightful. I am just spouting my opinion.

No worries, Stan...I can't imagine anyone thinking that's "delightful" weather. I've lived in the MS heat 33 years and I still hate it. I'm hoping it'll be a little cooler in St. Louis in a couple of weeks, but I'm not counting on it.

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First post/ new member/26 year Rush! fan


Just saw the Houston show- really good but...


Did anyone else notice the look on Neil's face when the girls came on stage and then a REALLY strange face when that guy in pink came on? ...that is what I was thinking. This band is so tight and good - I just thought it wasn't needed.


I must admit that I thought this was unnecessary... only ... after the guy joined them. Do ya'll think that they were friends of the band?


please note that these were just the ramblings of a middle aged man.


Have fun,


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I thought I saw him laughing. What did that guys shirt say, anyway? It looked to me like it said something along the lines of "I am with the band."


The sound quality has more to do with the Pavillion then with Rush. In all the concerts I have been to there the bass seems to just wash everything out.


Also, you would imagine that with the amount of money they are pulling in they could update those dinky two-blade fans.


It was a fun show though. My brother-in-law hadn't seen them since the late 70's, so he was really thrilled. Its interesting to note that there were a lot of teens there. These guys appeal to everyone. The age demographics of my own party (14, 29, 43, and 61) is direct evidence that Rush fans are only born, they never leave.

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Yes, they played DEW..


The entire band was laughing at the dancing girls. Geddy kinda chuckled in the mic. I just took it as a joke smile.gif

I thought it was funny


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QUOTE (csmackus @ Aug 15 2007, 07:55 PM)
First post/ new member/26 year Rush! fan

Just saw the Houston show- really good but...

Did anyone else notice the look on Neil's face when the girls came on stage and then a REALLY strange face when that guy in pink came on?  ...that is what I was thinking.  This band is so tight and good - I just thought it wasn't needed.

I must admit that I thought this was unnecessary... only ... after the guy joined them.  Do ya'll think that they were friends of the band?

please note that these were just the ramblings of a middle aged man.

Have fun,





The show and overall concert was awesome. ohmy.gif I greatly enjoyed the setlist, but would have perhaps dropped Dreamline in favor of Color Of Right or Middletown Dreams. Also perhaps would have dropped Distant Early Warning in favor of Chain Lightning and perhaps Between The Wheels in favor of Prime Mover or We Hold On. Just me rambling...



I did not notice Neil's face when the girls and the guy were on stage. I was shocked by it to say the least. I wonder if that was for this show only or have they done this "skit" the whole tour. Maybe this was part of "Big Al's whatever it was called" on the box at the beginning of the show? I love Rush, but found this completely unnecessary. Their music and visuals are more than enough. Dancing girls with a guy between them on stage with Rush? I never thought I would see such a thing. ohmy.gif I must be getting old! rofl3.gif



Other than that, great show! 2.gif

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