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What game(s) are you playing through right now?


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Red Dead Redemption


I love that game. My gf likes the Texas Holdem part and seriously we've played cards in RDR for hours and hours if you totalled it all up.


i love the dice game

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Been playing Injustice : God's Among Us alot since I bought it a couple weeks ago. Also started playing through the new Tomb Raider again, since the first play through, I only discovered like...28 out of 60 secrets / achievements...so I'm working on finding more of 'em. Also finally got through Silent Hill : Downpour this weekend, as well.


All 3 games are fantastic. :yes:

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I'm still really enjoying Mass Effect 3. I've downloaded the free content and now I'm playing it through again. I like the combination of action and RPG and am debating which other games I'd enjoy - maybe Dragon's Quest which I see listed and reasonably reviewed. Maybe back to Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2.


I'm pretty old school. The last RPG game I played was using a character on a piece of 8x11 paper generated using 3d6 and guides from Mr. Gygax. Then, I put it down for a few decades. Interesting to see the evolution.

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Went back to Mass Effect 3 and Dishonored to play through the DLCs. Both games are excellent. I hope the extended cut DLC makes the last 15 minutes of Mass Effect 3 something other than absolute garbage.
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I'm still really enjoying Mass Effect 3. I've downloaded the free content and now I'm playing it through again. I like the combination of action and RPG and am debating which other games I'd enjoy - maybe Dragon's Quest which I see listed and reasonably reviewed. Maybe back to Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2.


I'm pretty old school. The last RPG game I played was using a character on a piece of 8x11 paper generated using 3d6 and guides from Mr. Gygax. Then, I put it down for a few decades. Interesting to see the evolution.


Yeah, you don't get more old school than D&D!


3d6.. I think that's the 2-handed sword's damage dice if I'm not mistaken haha. 2nd Edition rules were my favorite and now who the hell knows what it is, 3.5 or 4th edition blee blee bloo.


Dragon Quest is a great game but if you want the best of the old DQ games was part 3. If you can get your hands on a copy of the remake of DQ3 they made for the Gameboy Color I think that's the definitive title. DQ8 for the PS2 and DQ9 for the DS are also really good games that still honor the traditional gameplay from the old ones.

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Adventure - Atari 2600


I played Adventure to DEATH as a kid. Honestly it's amazing what a little randomization can do to spice a game like that up. Damn that bat to hell with his bridge-picking-up ways!

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Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones and Fire Emblem, both on the Gameboy Advanced SP.


Fire Emblem for the GB SP was my first FE game and it's still a personal favorite. Is Sacred Stones any better or at least as good in your opinion?

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Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones and Fire Emblem, both on the Gameboy Advanced SP.


Fire Emblem for the GB SP was my first FE game and it's still a personal favorite. Is Sacred Stones any better or at least as good in your opinion?

I play both all the time, but I'm partial to Sacred Stones only because the gameplay is better IMO, but it's all preference. They're good follow up games, almost comparable to Star Wars Battlefront I and II, just the way they precede each other so well.

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Mass Effect - back to the original so I can see the whole story. I picked up Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 yesterday - $10 for the pair. I'm enjoying it so far.
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Mass Effect - back to the original so I can see the whole story. I picked up Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 yesterday - $10 for the pair. I'm enjoying it so far.

Done with the original and playing 2 now. A very good game and a definite time goblin.

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Advance Wars Days of Ruin for the DS. It's amazing how much fun these types of games can be.

Virtually endless replayability for $30.

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Mass Effect - back to the original so I can see the whole story. I picked up Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 yesterday - $10 for the pair. I'm enjoying it so far.

Done with the original and playing 2 now. A very good game and a definite time goblin.


The second one has such great characters in it. I highly recommend you do all of the loyalty missions and talk to your crew after important missions as they usually have something interesting to say (especially Mordin, that guy is what really brought the game to life for me).

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A friend of mine gifted me Crusader Kings 2. The game is insanely complicated but really fun. You really do feel like the duke/emperor of wherever you decide to rule. The feeling of throwing all of Europe into anarchy by fabricating plots and overthrowing emperors while my kingdom prospers is really quite satisfying.
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Mass Effect - back to the original so I can see the whole story. I picked up Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 yesterday - $10 for the pair. I'm enjoying it so far.

Done with the original and playing 2 now. A very good game and a definite time goblin.


The second one has such great characters in it. I highly recommend you do all of the loyalty missions and talk to your crew after important missions as they usually have something interesting to say (especially Mordin, that guy is what really brought the game to life for me).

I bought the trilogy. I got Mass Effect 3 free with my SimCity debacle last year (still can't stand the new game - 40 hours played total) But I got Mass Effect 3 for the money and really enjoyed it. Then, I found copies of the original and sequel on Amazon and paid $10 for the pair. I played it through end to end, then went back and replayed it, importing my character each time. I also downloaded all of the free content that I could and I haven't played multiplayer yet.


Loved it! The Geth and AI vs. human conflict and military aspect reminded me of Galactica, so that's an immediate +10,000 points in my book. I ended up with a blue girlfriend (yes, I played as a woman) from the first game right through to the end. I enjoyed the RPG aspect more than the FPS aspect, but it was a good balance. I highly recommend the trilogy.


Now, I'm playing through Dragon Age: Origins, since it is a highly reviewed RPG. I'm not enjoying the story as much as Mass Effect (I'm a female, elf, mage in DA, I was female, infiltrator in ME) and I find the combat interface a little kludgey in DA and it has taken me some time to learn how to not have my ass handed to me rather frequently (becoming less frequent now).


That is where the majority of my free time has been spent lately.


That Crusader Kings game sounds right up my alley. Throw Europe into disarray??? Where do I sign up! I have a board game we used to play back in college (back before the interwebs :codger: ) called Diplomacy. You were the head of one of seven European powers and had to rule the continent. No dice. Only talking and deals with other players. I can remember several people getting *very, very* pissed off after having friends stab them in the back. Hey, it's a game ...

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That Crusader Kings game sounds right up my alley. Throw Europe into disarray??? Where do I sign up! I have a board game we used to play back in college (back before the interwebs :codger: ) called Diplomacy. You were the head of one of seven European powers and had to rule the continent. No dice. Only talking and deals with other players. I can remember several people getting *very, very* pissed off after having friends stab them in the back. Hey, it's a game ...


I'm going to warn you about crusader kings 2. The interface will overwhelm you at first and it will take some time to understand how everything works as there is a very well developed political system. Spies, diplomatic relations, religious relations, assassinations, imprisonments, executions, elections, monarchies, changing local laws, changing succession laws, declaring war to expand your kingdom, raising levies to help fight the war, hiring mercenaries, dealing with local factions in a city, dealing with revolts, making sure your vassals/people are happy, plotting with nobles to kill someone, watching the plot unfold....there is so much you have control over you really feel like the king of whatever county you decide to control.


However, at its core the game is about furthering your dynasty. It is a game of eugenics where you breed the best heir you can, raise him or send him off to be raised so he can get more good traits desirable in a leader and then make sure he takes the throne so your game can continue. If you have no heir and you die it's game over. Also, keep in mind that you may be the most love king/queen of the country, but your heir might be the most hated. Sometimes you just need to tough it out.


What I usually end up doing is setting it to an elective monarchy so I can choose the best heir. However one of my first games I played I accidentally made it so the youngest son takes the throne. I had a genius kid with amazing stats but he was the oldest. It took 20 years to kill off the 8 other children and wife discreetly to make sure nobody was pissed from the tyranny and that I wasn't labelled as a kinslayer. One vassal found out so I executed him for accusing me. I then married a a danish princess in her 60s so I could make sure there would not be any more children and to have an alliance to help with the war I was waging on another county....I then proceeded to take Germany about a decade after that war finished.


I'm a horrible person.


Anyway, I picked it up for $20 and it came with all the DLC except one during the paradox steam sale a while back (there was the base game for 10). I would imagine with the summer sale it will be at that price. I highly recommend it to anyone willing to invest an hour to learn the ropes of the game. I'd be more than willing to help you out if you decide to pick it up.


EDIT: If you're looking for specific examples of what you can do in this game, this what convinced me to buy it. Read the parent comments.

Edited by USB Connector
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That Crusader Kings game sounds right up my alley. Throw Europe into disarray??? Where do I sign up! I have a board game we used to play back in college (back before the interwebs :codger: ) called Diplomacy. You were the head of one of seven European powers and had to rule the continent. No dice. Only talking and deals with other players. I can remember several people getting *very, very* pissed off after having friends stab them in the back. Hey, it's a game ...


I'm going to warn you about crusader kings 2. The interface will overwhelm you at first and it will take some time to understand how everything works as there is a very well developed political system. Spies, diplomatic relations, religious relations, assassinations, imprisonments, executions, elections, monarchies, changing local laws, changing succession laws, declaring war to expand your kingdom, raising levies to help fight the war, hiring mercenaries, dealing with local factions in a city, dealing with revolts, making sure your vassals/people are happy, plotting with nobles to kill someone, watching the plot unfold....there is so much you have control over you really feel like the king of whatever county you decide to control.


However, at its core the game is about furthering your dynasty. It is a game of eugenics where you breed the best heir you can, raise him or send him off to be raised so he can get more good traits desirable in a leader and then make sure he takes the throne so your game can continue. If you have no heir and you die it's game over. Also, keep in mind that you may be the most love king/queen of the country, but your heir might be the most hated. Sometimes you just need to tough it out.


What I usually end up doing is setting it to an elective monarchy so I can choose the best heir. However one of my first games I played I accidentally made it so the youngest son takes the throne. I had a genius kid with amazing stats but he was the oldest. It took 20 years to kill off the 8 other children and wife discreetly to make sure nobody was pissed from the tyranny and that I wasn't labelled as a kinslayer. One vassal found out so I executed him for accusing me. I then married a a danish princess in her 60s so I could make sure there would not be any more children and to have an alliance to help with the war I was waging on another county....I then proceeded to take Germany about a decade after that war finished.


I'm a horrible person.


Anyway, I picked it up for $20 and it came with all the DLC except one during the paradox steam sale a while back (there was the base game for 10). I would imagine with the summer sale it will be at that price. I highly recommend it to anyone willing to invest an hour to learn the ropes of the game. I'd be more than willing to help you out if you decide to pick it up.


EDIT: If you're looking for specific examples of what you can do in this game, this what convinced me to buy it. Read the parent comments.

And it's complex! :D Ooooo... The exact opposite of a warning to my crazy, part-Cylon brain. http://www.thescifiworld.net/img/smilies/galactica/cylon/cylon_newanime001.gif


It is on sale on Steam for 50% off through July 22. I bought the base and 21 DLCs and installed it last night.




Wow! Now that is comprehensive, detailed and very complex! It is going to take me some time to wrap my brain around this one.


I think it may displace DA as my game of the moment. I enjoy the premise and am a strategy gamer at heart.


It will be difficult to find another Mass Effect though. Yes, Mordin was a great character and really added to the game for me too. I also really liked Legion and Tali (although the Quarians could be rather myopic). I nuked Ashley since I found her xenophobia insufferable. Add to that the voices of Tricia Helfer (Caprica 6) and Michael Hogan (Saul Tigh) from BSG and Martin Sheen as The Illusive Man, and the game plays like a movie. One of my all time favourite games/trilogies.


Thanks for the recommendation, USB. I think I'm really going to like CKII



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There really is nothing else like mass effect. There are some great scifi games out there but none compare to the accessibility, writing and extensive universe that it has.


As for Crusader Kings, here's a beginner's guide: http://crusaderkings-two.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Beginner's_Guide


The best way to get started off is to either pick somewhere in ireland so you can manage a smaller kingdom more safely on a small scale OR play as the holy roman empire where you'll be so overpowered you can afford to mess up BUT you'll need to manage a LOT more things.

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There really is nothing else like mass effect. There are some great scifi games out there but none compare to the accessibility, writing and extensive universe that it has.


As for Crusader Kings, here's a beginner's guide: http://crusaderkings...ner's_Guide


The best way to get started off is to either pick somewhere in ireland so you can manage a smaller kingdom more safely on a small scale OR play as the holy roman empire where you'll be so overpowered you can afford to mess up BUT you'll need to manage a LOT more things.

That's for sure.


Of course, I couldn't start small (I can't stop thinking big ... ), so I chose William the Bastard. England was mine by January 1070 as I crushed Harald's army. I'm sowing discontent and false claims for some of the smaller areas, England seems to be stable (although I'm not very happy with York and can see a huge war coming in a couple of hundred years (hmmm ... The War of The Roses, I get it now) but now I'm trying to figure out how to crack France. I'm also in the process of assasinating any one who has a claim (after my invasion, I don't want anyone else with a strong claim), all faction rivals (kill the leaders) and setting up my heirs. It will be interesting to see how it diverges from actual history. The game is truly astounding. I'm trying to figure out now whether I should assasinate my heir, since I like my number 2 a little more. I'm pretty new at it, so I guess time will tell just how horrible a person I can be. Apparently, I'm pretty horrible by all initial indications.


Great recommendation, USB!



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No problem. Just remember that out right imprisonment and executions without cause (the game usually tells you if you have a good reason) are acts of tyranny, which people don't like. You need the people happy for the vassals to give you more support/troops and to avoid revolts and new factions from popping up.
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