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Sun & Moon

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Everything posted by Sun & Moon

  1. Happy belated to you two! :rose: :heart: :heart: :rose: 27 years is a long time, but spending it with a best friend may have made the time fly. :)
  2. :hug2: So happy to hear from you, Lorraine. :heart: There are prayers, hugs, and a lot of good thoughts coming your way! :)
  3. :heart: :hug2: :heart: :hug2: :heart: :hug2:
  4. Happy New Year 2022 to all the TRFers! :heart: :hug2: :rush: :cheerleader:
  5. Any news on Lorraine? :heart: The last time she was logged in was the 22nd of December. :(
  6. He was one of those composers that stood in the big shadow of Sibelius in the early 1900's. Here's an article from the archives of FMQ magazine, it illustrates a bit of his work: https://fmq.fi/articles/erkki-melartin-a-symphonic-composer-of-international-stature This interval task will be a fun one! Let's see what I will find out. I'm eager to read about the choices of other TRF members as well.
  7. I may take the challenge and play the intervals with my bass and figure out some tunes that I can replace the not-familiar ones presented on the video with. For the 4th Here Comes the Bride is a good choice. For the 5th I was immediately thinking about a famous and maybe the most often used Finnish wedding march from a fairy-tale play Prinsessa Ruusunen (Sleeping Beauty). This Festival March was composed by one of the greats, Erkki Melartin, around 1904 and is a real tear-dropper as the first notes start echoing in the church. I remember watching an old movie adaptation of this fairy-tale play, and this wedding theme hit me years before the Star Wars theme.
  8. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  9. :goodone: :goodone: :goodone: :hug2: :rush: :heart: I totally agree. I've only been a member less than a year. The folks here are definitely the best. I'm so proud of being part of this great community. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  10. First non animated movie I saw in a theater at age 4 and 2nd overall...and first that isn't completely embarrassing. *cough* Care Bears *cough* :heart: Care Bears :heart: :hug2:
  11. Happy Holidays you all on TRF! I'm celebrating Christmas with my parents and their cat in where we're from. It was wonderful to travel home. We have snow and some -17 °C outside.
  12. A joyful Christmas to all the lovely people of TRF!
  13. I'm sending you a lot of love, prayers and Christmas joy, dear Lorraine. Me and my parents went to the pretty country church in the small town we're from. Sitting on the familiar bench I used to sit on every Christmas Eve as a kid I sent my heartfelt prayers for you today.
  14. I lighted a candle for you in the mass today. You are surrounded in prayers. :hug2: While sitting in that medieval cathedral that I nowadays call my home church, I was looking at the beautiful ceiling and the 800 year old walls, and it occured to me that maybe all the prayers that have been said there during the centuries still float there in the air, and we are kissed by them while we move around in the sanctuary. :heart: :heart: Maybe the prayers don't lose their powers even though they are answered by God one way or another. Who am I to know?
  15. A nice old thread. Thank you for reviving it. I love Bunker Hill (David Walker) screaming in Red Riding Hood and the Wolf (1962). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1WMQarPl-4&ab_channel=markowee
  16. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :hug2: :hug2: :hug2: :hug2: :hug2: :hug2:
  17. And right after Malle's film I decided to give David Byrne's American Utopia (Spike Lee 2020) a chance. I had a cheerful time listening to and watching the group of fine musicians. And I finally got to know the name of the song that always intrigued me as a small kid (and still does). I was very much into the frantic, preaching vocal parts of Once in a Lifetime. I was not yet at school learning English language so I had no idea of what the song was about, but it really got my attention. I didn't hear the tune many times growing up, and when I did I always missed the announcement on radio. There were no Shazams back then. Ahh, memories! :codger:
  18. It's 2.15 AM and I'm sending prayers for you. :heart:
  19. My Dinner with André (1981) by Louis Malle. One of the best films I've seen in ages. It was such a pleasure to watch Wallace Shawn throughout the entire film, and see that quick, boyish smile on André Gregory's face. A funny and touching film.
  20. I take my daily dose of tempos from the metronome app with a kick and hat click. For obvious reasons, it's not yet an upbeat tempo.
  21. All the best for the times to come! Now enjoy your freedom! :) :banana:
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