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Everything posted by Bahamas

  1. My focus group (me, myself and I) wish to present the following options for a title: Are You...Are You In The Mood? Swearing Thru The Headaches Of Almost 50 years. It's In There Somewhere - Like A Digital Copy That's Wrong. The Way Out Is The Way In. Beneath, Between and Behind: My Life Being Voluntold As The Front Man For RUSH. Hundreds Of Days Touring Every Year - Hundreds Of Things I Never Shared. Anybody else care to suggest titles?
  2. I have to agree with Entre_Perpetuo on this. I see the topic again and start thinking, yup front and centre - or perhaps a little higher to see more action. Then I remember being with my brother at the Friday night R40 in Toronto. Where we grew up. When we loved RUSH together - or apart (brothers, duh). I agree. "The best seat is the one next to the person you most want to see RUSH with". That should be in a music history book some day. Brilliant!
  3. I won't compare his memoir to anybody else. It will be so nice to read about his perspectives and stories of a long, wonderful journey.
  4. Time lines always change, no hurry for me. It's going to be great to read and I love that he wants to do this. Let the editing go as it may, it will be a great thing to have. (Ahem...Mr. Alex? And what have you considered writing about? Hmmm?)
  5. And after all his park visits and detours, yes, he should have his own stamp.
  6. I have watched this topic but had nothing to add, as I was unable to travel for any of the previously announced (proposed) dates. But now it has happened. And it's done. I wish I was there - absolutely. I wonder why it was under-attended - of course. Syrinx - "I thought the opening 2112 segment with the violins and electric cello was unreal" - that must have sounded amazing!? Rod in Toronto - "I saw two faces that were part of Rush's visual identity: the guy who posed for Hugh Syme when he did the "Starman" logo, and one of the movers who was on the Moving Pictures cover. Both were having the time of their lives with so much attention!" I am trying to think of this in a positive way If some moments and seeing people were helpful in celebrating our hero - isn't that what so many RUSH stories were about! The whole process was challenging, of course because of the pandemic and all things "protocol" or "re-scheduled". But as the dedication of a public space for a musical hero continued, it felt awkward. Why? I don't know. It just did. So many delays. I guess I need to say: No matter the end result of a dedication ceremony for what thousands, and thousands of fans wanted to see? There is now a place to visit. And I will be there some day and feel that it is so very cool that the guy in my ear, all my life, can be appreciated by going there. When I, or you, have time to get there. Always. And isn't that what we wanted, all along?
  7. I looked and did not see them, in these forums (by checking the option at the top bar for replying). As to their existence, period, it is likely they only exist in a friendly way from the folks who produce RUSH movies and album art. Of course there is the Google option of looking for images, but I personally don't see the need to get into copyrights and artist royalties. Maybe Mr. Kind Hearted Super Nice Guy Allan Weinrib, could offer connections for a additions to these forum emojis? Or an HTML type coder, or such, in our lovely forum crowd could make one and then we check to see if it's OK to use? Edit: Removing an extra "a" in front of additions.
  8. Who would like to see new emojis - such as a fire hydrant and/or a fire hydrant with a Dalmatian? Perhaps each anniversary of a record could introduce a new emoji to honour them?
  9. Clams. Funny to me. My spouse loves an old linguine-with-clam-sauce recipe, also some onions and mushrooms, a dash of white wine and a tonne of Romano cheese. I hate it. Mussels, oysters, most shell fish - all great with me. A can of rank clams (sorry) in anything is not going into m' belly! So, often when I am away from home I get the familiar tell: Made the linguine and clams.
  10. Sometimes I get lazy and use a jar of sauce from the store. It's a flavour we love. But it's when I have some fresh scallops and mushrooms to slice into it all, and top off with some grated parmesan. Yum!
  11. You, sir, have been to a hugely massively large number of concerts! I only attended two, but have always, always been amazed at the folks who attended so many, many more. You were a big part of keeping our favourite band alive for so many decades
  12. Share! Don't have to use names and you can make up a totally different company, if needed. What was the unexpected event?
  13. Looks really "girly"? I could google, but what do you like about it? School me, please.
  14. I try not to get caught up in the "micro-sonics" of recordings. Yes there are differences of every recording, for sure. But yes, my goodness, the fortieth versions of just about everything will keep going, now. A really great reminder of their stamina and pure push that kept them touring and recording! I guess, keep in mind "they" are not in control of the releases and what/which/when stuff is released. I wish they did? Feel they should? Looks like we can have some clothing from Backstage to celebrate, but nothing yet pressed on vinyl or CD or please Blu-ray!!
  15. Thank you laughedatbytime for following up! But I am stepping away. Much better to sit and share a warm coffee or a cold beer and discuss the matter than to try and argue a point, among so many worthy points, among other contextual points? I was never judging an opinion, I was suggesting that politics are better served elsewhere and having to choose a position didn't feel fair to me. I was expecting..."look what so and so did!" Facepalm!! Not a debate. Perhaps I don't check in to this topic often enough and jumped on your post, unfairly. My bad. I am sorry if I hit a nerve, it's not my purpose to preach, I suppose I was being "keep it nice" but it's not my place.
  16. Have you tried some Canadian sources? The topics are worldwide and diverse - I only hear about them on some regular day time radio programs, but they are quite popular - apparently some are award winning. cbc.ca/listen/cbc-podcasts. And if you find any RUSH podcasts please advertise them here :)
  17. Oh, Lady Be Good - Ella Fitzgerald (lol!)
  18. And that's my second-guessing with these types of polls - "because there are far too many other good singers out there"... But, is he our favourite? He's mine. Because I guess I am self-realising that just about everything about RUSH is my favourite. I just have trouble dissecting what is best, who is best, are any of them the best in rock? But every time, I have decided yes they are my favourite. I suppose I should jump to an Alex poll and repeat. But I have a suspicion he isn't staying up at night wondering about my opinion
  19. And I was just told (after showing this wanton forum business) that J.K. has an actual "story arc" and a "whole" plan for the Strike series, so that's pretty cool. Like plotting a mini series. 5 of 7 or something like that? Again, not my choice of topics but they are very good. We wants us some Robin-Strike love action?!!!!!!!
  20. Brilliant! Somebody posts a topic or replies to somebody else and the response includes the dalmatian-beside-a-fire-hydrant emoji. Then, maybe, there could be the "is it peeing on the hydrant" emoji or, is it "snooping around" undecided? Nice idea, a dalmatian emoji. Actually amazing there isn't one. I hope you checked? I am now...
  21. I know it's a Signals discussion, yes GUP was very sync'd and cohesive but it deviated so far from the deeper RUSH sounds that I owned but didn't often play it. Tinny, upper range of sound, challenging to get a feel for RUSH. The lyrics, yes. The bass, guitar, drums as instruments all fantastic. But the sound was hard to include in a "mixed tape". The "highest" range of any other album, for me.
  22. You are right, I am not using a critical eye and dissecting the irrationality of it. Because I look at this topic for reasons that are not political, but personal. Maybe I am wrong and I will stop looking at who had a facepalm yesterday - but I thought it would be for personal wonderment at why a person had a facepalm and not a comment on headline politics that lately tend to creep into everything...all matters. It's not awareness or intelligence, is it? A development over time isn't really "What made you do a facepalm today". Tell me I am wrong and I will step away from the topic. Again, I respect your opinion but don't see why it is being expressed here.
  23. Reminds me of a movie (Four Christmases?) with Jon Favreau stringing up a satellite system Reminds us to check everything once a year.
  24. You don't give us much choice? Your opinion is steadfast. And that made you do a facepalm, now? There have always been differing opinions between the parties. How about we stick to every day facepalms like "oh-ma-gerd" type stuff and not bring more, not heaping politics into it? (Please don't see disrespect)
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