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John V

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Everything posted by John V

  1. God you people are crazed Rush nuts. LOL! FWIW. My wife likes Roll the Bones. She likes Rush. I am lucky and happy!
  2. John V


    Thanks. I needed a pick me up this afternoon and I got it!
  3. Totally agree. I love Rush. But since I came here, I found out my passion for Rush is nothing compared to others who seem to actually live this stuff. I wanted to start a thread titled "who would you blow out of the three" A poll actually. Like the one about who would you like to have in a fight.
  4. I listen to Rush radio. I am not to fond of Pandora.
  5. Not one f***ing word about any of this in RS. I would never again buy this publication. It was waste of $21. (I only got it because my granddaughter had a magazine sale at school) They are desperate for sales and have sent me at least 5 copies that I never paid for. They come a little late, but they are still coming. They have that ***t on the cover. Miley or something. Makes me want to puke.
  6. Wow it sounds more like a wine tasting in here. Its very good, but so was the original.
  7. They said DVD was gone and Blue ray would take over the land. And some were dumb enough to believe it.
  8. I think they are just as good now as they were 40 years ago. BTW? What the f**k is spooning? I know its silly, but I am asking anyway.
  9. Personally as I have gotten a bit older, I find pizza not as appetizing anymore. Its okay, but I rather have grilled scallops.
  10. Same here. My friend respects them as musicians, she appreciates and recognizes their talent, but the only songs she really knows are Limelight and Driven. She listens to music from old Broadway plays, so Rush just really isn't her style. My friend fancy's himself as a rock and roll authority. Knows every name in every band and can recall dates like a historian. Every now and then we go out and get a little tipsy and that ends up at my house with a joint and some music. Good thing its my house. The whole time we/I are listening, he always has something to say. Like "You don't have a Grateful Dead DVD's or CD's? Or Stones live concerts? Nope. I have lots of music and we do have a few things in common. Like beer and pot. But we are miles apart on music. I am afraid if I were to play anything Yes ever did, he might ask to hear Bad Company instead. It really is a shame as he could be a very good Rush fan. I think he was turned off by Rush because of Geddy's voice. He did make a comment that once he thought Geddy was a "female". My wife laughed at him. Haters gonna hate.
  11. I could use some help choosing my vanity license plate. I have seven (7) characters allowed. Blank spaces count. I just cannot decide!
  12. I have a friend who say's he likes Rush, but really does not like Rush. He is just trying to be safe. There is nothing to change his mind. To him, the Stones are god and the Dead is jesus.
  13. I have been a Rush fan from the beginning. But not as much a fan as some of you. One birthday, my daughters got me the Presto CD and I shortly thereafter bought Roll the Bones CD. I listened to them so much my wife almost threw them away. So I was absent again for some years. Still liking and still listening, but not like a real fan would. Then a couple years ago, I saw Rush was on DirectV. It was the S&A tour recorded in Rotterdam Holland. Not the complete show, but enough to send me out to buy the DVD. Well, I fell in love all over again. This time my wife did too. S&A will always be a special album to me. It reinvigorated my music life and my thinking. It also showed me how many people take Rush for granted and how some just do not like Rush. I have found those that do not like Rush in many cases are not people I want to like either. Thanks Rush, for S&A. I now have everything recorded, (no boots though) accept for Grace Under Pressure. I will remedy that very soon as I love "Between the Wheels".
  14. I am an electrician by trade. Rush seems to have a fascination with electricity or at least uses some of the terminology in their songs. We even have a sub forum called "Reverse Polarity" which is a very common phrase in my business. Is it because it sounds cool, or does Rush have some knowledge of electricity and how it functions? I enjoy the references to my chosen profession and have always wondered why they too seem to have some interest in it themselves.
  15. John V

    Is this real?

    I just made some nasty remarks to them on their page. I should have read the rest of the thread first. I might become an internet hobby for those POS's!
  16. I mean sing without Geddy? Or hear him seperately like they do in a studio? I have been thinking about this for a long time. Its almost as if Alex's vocals are man made?
  17. AGHHHHH I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO SEE THAT ONE LIVE. >.< hahaha niiiiice pick!! Cheap trick? ALWAYS a good choice ;) Their latest concert is playing on DirectV now and again. I recorded it. I can send a copy or if you have DirectV, search their web site for the next showing. My recording is not the complete show. They never show all of it on TV.
  18. Today is also my birthday. I turned 57 years young.
  19. "Overture" for the wedding march. (The live version from R-30) LOL! Great way to start out!!!!! I love Entre Nous. Its wonderful. But how could anyone dance to that song? Its a listening song like most every other Rush song. I f***ing love Rush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Cheap trick. "Gonna Raise Hell" is their best song! IMO.
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