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Priest of Syrinx

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Everything posted by Priest of Syrinx

  1. QUOTE (Gedneil Alpeart @ Jun 30 2012, 04:21 PM) QUOTE (Priest of Syrinx @ Jun 30 2012, 03:43 PM) Why retire, if they like what they are doing? If I don't like it, I don't have to listen to it. My own real wish is that Rush cared about how their albums sound. I agree. Some people think Rush owes them something, should create their fantasy album that they can jerk off to. I havent liked stuff Rush has done in recent years....feel that the latter half of their career has been more inconsistent.....but if they are having a great time and making music they love, I dont question whether they should keep going or not. They dont make music per my exact tastes and I have every right to pick and choose what I want and dont want to listen to, but dont have a right to judge their existence. Thats just me. Some will disagree. And yes, I agree that Rush should be a lot more ANAL and demanding that their albums have superb sonic production, not just leave it up to others. Rush should put up their collective middle fingers at the loudness wars......wish they could do that. Considering all the pleasure I've gotten from listening to Rush the last 3+ decades, they don't owe me a damn thing. Seriously, good music and good books are the best values in entertainment.
  2. Ged forbid everyone acts with kindness, compassion and understanding - you know, the things we find in Rush songs.
  3. QUOTE (canadianice @ Jun 30 2012, 01:45 AM)Clockwork Angels is truly a masterpiece, a once in a lifetime classic... If your life expectancy is about 5 years, then, yes.
  4. Why retire, if they like what they are doing? If I don't like it, I don't have to listen to it. My own real wish is that Rush cared about how their albums sound.
  5. Is it possible to over-write as much as this guys does?
  6. QUOTE (Jmo2112 @ Jun 20 2012, 11:53 AM) This is great news! 20 albums deep and no signs of slowing down. Unprecedented. Frank Zappa disagrees.
  7. QUOTE (Xanaseb @ Jun 19 2012, 10:39 PM) Who the f*ck voted The Beatles are better? Well, they are... it just seemed like a non-pertinent option.
  8. I voted: 2112! Clockwork Angels is great too though! That was the closest to how I feel.
  9. QUOTE (The Lofty Oaks @ Jun 18 2012, 06:31 PM) I wrote an article on my blog titled "Why Rush Should Not Be Inducted Into the R&R Hall of Fame" Article Some might find it interesting. Good article, sums up my feelings pretty well.
  10. QUOTE (beherit @ Jun 18 2012, 04:19 PM) QUOTE (Priest of Syrinx @ Jun 18 2012, 03:39 PM) QUOTE (Earthshine @ Jun 17 2012, 10:47 PM) I cannot stand it that people are so RUDE to stand throughout a concert, no matter where they are sitting in the venue. Smaller people cannot see when people stand up. I have been to concerts where I am almost standing on my toes to see anything. Standing ought to be outlawed. Sit down or be thrown out! Conform or be cast out? haha i already made that joke earlier in the thread Oops, sorry, I missed it. I just can't help myself sometimes.
  11. QUOTE (Earthshine @ Jun 17 2012, 10:47 PM) I cannot stand it that people are so RUDE to stand throughout a concert, no matter where they are sitting in the venue. Smaller people cannot see when people stand up. I have been to concerts where I am almost standing on my toes to see anything. Standing ought to be outlawed. Sit down or be thrown out! Conform or be cast out?
  12. QUOTE (priest_of_syrinx @ Jun 16 2012, 01:53 PM)The sounds in the beginning remind me of "One Of These Days." My evil twin, we meet at last.
  13. QUOTE (Alchemical @ Jun 13 2012, 10:45 PM) QUOTE (DistantEarlyRushFan @ Jun 13 2012, 10:43 PM) People need extremity in order to have an opinion. You find it in politics and all over the place. It seems like having a moderate/balanced opinion is lost in today's world. Everyone is either worshiping the album or tearing it down...and with little support to back up what they say...smh
  14. QUOTE (IEATZ28 @ Jun 13 2012, 01:25 PM)Hello, ever listen to casssette tapes (I may be showing my age here) ? Talk about a crappier version than the version that was actually recorded. Yet, did we bitch about them? I didn't. We couldn't hear anything over the hiss.
  15. 36 years after its release, 2112 continues to be held up as a benchmark for the genre. The same will not happen for CA. That doesn't mean that CA isn't very good, though, because it is.
  16. QUOTE (earth2112shine @ Jun 10 2012, 01:57 PM) I don't like this album!! Having been a fan since 2112, I never thought I'd say that but there it is. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying it is crap or indeed negative, all the usual musicianship and song crafting is there, it's just that I don't like the end result. Don't flame me or anything, I'm just saying how I feel about this one record ! Anyone agree, kind of doubt it like ? Sorry guys The nice thing is that you expressed your opinion without belittling the band and the new album's fans. In other words, you were not a douchebag, so to you! I can see people not liking this album. For me, it's gone from a 5 on the first listen to a 7 currently, and maybe eventually higher. I'm currently spinning it for the 5th time.
  17. QUOTE (alphseeker @ Jun 10 2012, 03:40 PM) QUOTE (earth2112shine @ Jun 10 2012, 01:57 PM) I don't like this album!! Having been a fan since 2112, I never thought I'd say that but there it is. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying it is crap or indeed negative, all the usual musicianship and song crafting is there, it's just that I don't like the end result. Don't flame me or anything, I'm just saying how I feel about this one record ! Anyone agree, kind of doubt it like ? Sorry guys You are a lone reed. You are a lone reed standing tall--waving boldly--in the diverse sands of the Rush Forum. So many people think that way You gotta watch what you say To them and them, and others too Who don't seem to see to things the way you do We can only grow the way the wind blows on a bare and weathered shore We can only bow to the here and now In our elemental war We can only go the way the wind blows We can only bow to the here and now Or be broken down blow by blow
  18. QUOTE (NYM86 @ Jun 4 2012, 06:30 AM) Wow, this guy makes a legitimate point and gets nothing but hate. I guess the only way to be accepted around here is to make another dumb poll like "What brand of toilet paper will you be using using when Clockwork Angels comes out?" I see what you mean...so many great Rush albums have served as a commentary on the times. We all know Neil is a very worldly, well-read, etc. dude and quite political to boot, so there's still every chance Clockwork Angels WILL have 'socially relevent' lyrics...albeit in a heavily metaphorical / stylized way. The OP would have been fine, except for this comment: QUOTE Steampunk theme while so much is happening in the real world = epic fail for Neil and major facepalm for the fans. That's thoughtless at best, inflammatory at worst. Or maybe vice-versa.
  19. Won't vote yet, only on my first listen, then the NBA game, so I'll give it another listen tomorrow and then vote. So far I'm feeling kinda "eh" about it, but we'll see. We should have this poll again in 2 or 3 months.
  20. Asia is just not that good, there are so many good bands out there, so why try?
  21. QUOTE (jmdyyz @ May 7 2012, 10:12 AM) NONE This.
  22. It's Spin, ya know? They're just trollin'. I only occasionally find his playing emotive, so I actually agree with their rating for that.
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