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  1. Past hour
  2. Watched my favorite team OKC Thunder play Dallas Mavericks last night and it was an edge of your seat game at times. Really wanted Thunder to win, however, they had a great season! And I'm looking forward to next season!
  3. Today
  4. Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you enjoyed some bundt cake with curry frosting!
  5. "The NFL stands firmly behind its core value of valuing work over family and the raising of children."
  6. Yesterday
  7. Canada's win over Switzerland was satisfying. Didn't know Fiala can be such an ass, and a stupid one at that. Must be that evil mustache.
  8. Player Behavior Code #537: Please let the League know before you publicly say something that might be considered controversial. We need to prepare our "The NFL does not share his views...." press release in advance.
  9. That article was from 2005 - IF he relayed accurate information, they have taken their sweet ass time revealing this material. Same like the Fogo Labs stuff. We ain't getting any younger folks
  10. DiVicenzo getting the Knicks back into it. 8pt Pacer lead...
  11. If the state allowed it, I could put a custom plate of GAY GHEY GAAAY or similar on a 500e seriously leasing a 500e could be a good play if they’ll deal, considering all the incentives. Gf could charge it for free at work the three days a week she goes in
  12. A catholic sharing his opinion as an invited guest at a catholic school. How does the NFL allow this?!?
  13. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34999859/ Urban areas are continuing to pull away from rural areas in terms of life expectancy
  14. My buddy's wife and daughter do amazing things with sushi, and last night I got to enjoy wave after wave of tuna, salmon, eel prepared beautifully. Kirin and unfiltered sake to wash it down.
  15. ...and he does with a good putt on #9 for birdie. Lead is two
  16. DeChambeau and Hovland just 1 back at -17. Xander needs to get the flatstick going...
  17. Pacers up 17 with less than a minute left in Q2. I'm watching golf, but will watch Q4 if the game is close.
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