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10th Year Anniversaries - TRF Force Ten Alumni


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Day 4 of TRF, and these wonderful people joined in the fun:



GeneticBlend (10)

Rushshirts (10)

terrible_I (10)

Alsgalpal (10)

Riv (10)

Sweetmiracle (10)

Snowdog (10)


On behalf of the entire membership of The Rush Forum: Welcome to the TRF Force Ten Alumni. :cheers:





Happy 10th Alsgapal. A true beauty... :cheers: As still a relative newbie she is the only one I know from todays list... :)
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Today, August 22, 2014, marks the 10th anniversary of The Rush Forum. This thread is meant to congratulate the members of TRF who joined within the first year of the board’s conception. But, more importantly, it’s meant to celebrate a milestone for a place that continues to bring together thousands of Rush fans to a place where they can find like-minded people to talk about everything and anything: Rush and music in general, politics, personal triumphs and tragedies, to laugh and to support each other, and in many cases make life-long relationships online and in person. The idea of The Rush Forum came from Rush Revisited, who was joined by Ghost Girl and 1-0-0-1-0-0-1 to create a friendly and open forum for Rush fans. And, today, it has grown to a membership of thousands who have made, literally, millions of posts. What the Administrators of TRF began on August 22nd of 2004 has impacted so many people in so many ways. It’s my hope that you three understand what TRF means to those of us who call this place “home.” There are not words to express our gratitude. :notworthy:


And, and very special message to RR: You, my friend, started a unique, wonderful and lasting place of camaraderie that has no match. Thank you so much. :)


It’s my immense and humble honor to induct those who joined TRF in its first year into the Force Ten Alumni. And, with that, I present the first three inductees, the TRUE original TRF members:


Rush Revisited


Ghost Girl


On behalf of the entire membership of The Rush Forum: Welcome to the TRF Force Ten Alumni.


You may now take your bows, clink your glasses and make your speeches. :cheers:


Um.......*tap tap*....is this thing on? Um......Yeah, I like Rush. They do that "Diane Sawyer" song, right? :unsure:


Thanks to sullysue for getting this thread off to a great start. :hug2:


Just have to reiterate what most of you already know -- that we wouldn't be here today without RushRevisited. It was his idea to start this, and he put in a LOT of time, effort and expense to get this place going, and to keep it going. it was his expertise in webhosting and server building and knowing how to get us noticed on the internet that allowed us to last this long and to grow the way we did. Cheers, Mike. :cheers:


Cheers to Mike and 1001, my brothers from other mothers. You both brought me into the Rush fold, made me feel like I fit in, and added so much to my life. I wouldn't be the same if not for you guys and this place. Even though the years have passed and made it harder for me to be here, I will always, ALWAYS love you both.




And thanks to my sweetheart of a friend, Sullysue, for starting this thread. Most appropos, lady!


You guys are all Awesome!!!


I'm pretty sure I took that picture, you all are standing in my front yard at my old house in Martinez. That is still one of my top ten weekends of my life.

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Word got out quickly that The Rush Forum was the place to be! ALL of these people joined TRF on its fifth day:


signals (10)

Test4VitalSigns (10)

Drumnut (10)

Hero of Nobody (10)

barney_rebel (10)

-Q- (10)

The Gangster of Boats (10)

Agent Rush (10)

Brutal Truth (10)

yetz (10)

madra sneachta (10)

Afterglow (10)

DrivinRain~ (10)

BB&B (10)

daneck (10)


TheTrinity (10)

BY-TORonto (10)

Sassafras (10)

PuppetKing2112 (10)

D-13 (10)

weezy2112 (10)

open secret (10)


On behalf of the entire membership of The Rush Forum: Welcome to the TRF Force Ten Alumni. :cheers:





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Word got out quickly that The Rush Forum was the place to be! ALL of these people joined TRF on its fifth day:


signals (10)

Test4VitalSigns (10)

Drumnut (10)

Hero of Nobody (10)

barney_rebel (10)

-Q- (10)

The Gangster of Boats (10)

Agent Rush (10)

Brutal Truth (10)

yetz (10)

madra sneachta (10)

Afterglow (10)

DrivinRain~ (10)

BB&B (10)

daneck (10)


TheTrinity (10)

BY-TORonto (10)

Sassafras (10)

PuppetKing2112 (10)

D-13 (10)

weezy2112 (10)

open secret (10)


On behalf of the entire membership of The Rush Forum: Welcome to the TRF Force Ten Alumni. :cheers:





I know barney rebel from this one :cheers: Where did you go btw?...
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TRF - The beginning - the creation that would forever change my life, for the better. In too many ways to list, but most notably, for introducing me to Digital Man :heart:


Especially for introducing Sunny and I. Although I have made some other real life friends from this place, who are always so much fun to hang out wit, she is the best thing to have happen to me in my life (along with my two daughters). There is some kind of Cosmic Trio of Rush Karma entwined in our two lives.


The Three Boys gave us a band to love and the Three Esteemed Admins gave us a place to hang out and meet. I will be forever grateful to our Admins for this site.

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Congratulations on ten TRF years,


syrinxkat (10)

Indica (10)

bardan (10)

Tide Pools (10)

duke19 (10)

ladirushfan80 (10)


Here's to Indica, probably jamming out with the angels. :hail:


On behalf of the entire membership of The Rush Forum: Welcome to the TRF Force Ten Alumni. :cheers:





I recognize ladyrushfan80 from this list. Happy 10th!! :cheers:
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The only reason I'm looking forward to January is my new banner. Otherwise Winter can KMA.

Must get cold in Lyra... :) Edited by Narpski
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The only reason I'm looking forward to January is my new banner. Otherwise Winter can KMA.




We've seen a lot of good times on this board, huh Sunny? One of my fav memories is baklava and Cosmos in Vegas with you, Digi and the rest of the Vegas Baby crew. :hug2:

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