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My 2 year old daughter just requested her first Rush song


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GUP's got 8 killer songs, dude!


I know that I'm in the vast minority in not liking Between the Wheels, but Red Lenses? Ouch.

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Used to rock my kids to sleep to Counterparts. When they could first speak they always asked for the song about the Sun and the Moon




Do you hate your kids or do you want them to hate Rush?

Counterparts is what got me hooked on Rush.


To each his own, but that album remains by far the band's worst for me. It delayed my transformation from a casual fan to a hardcore one for about 2 years. I'll never forgive it.

It's much better than the two that followed it.


Next 2? Do you actually like Counterparts (Rush's worst albums by far) and Snakes & Arrows (Rush's second worst by far)? I guess it makes sense in a "style over substance" kind of way.

I live every album they've made and these two are both better than Vapor Trails.

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Used to rock my kids to sleep to Counterparts. When they could first speak they always asked for the song about the Sun and the Moon




Do you hate your kids or do you want them to hate Rush?

Counterparts is what got me hooked on Rush.


To each his own, but that album remains by far the band's worst for me. It delayed my transformation from a casual fan to a hardcore one for about 2 years. I'll never forgive it.

It's much better than the two that followed it.


Next 2? Do you actually like Counterparts (Rush's worst albums by far) and Snakes & Arrows (Rush's second worst by far)? I guess it makes sense in a "style over substance" kind of way.

I live every album they've made and these two are both better than Vapor Trails.


OK. I love Vapor Trails. Raw energy, excellent lyrics, some very good songs. I just wish the album got Counterparts' production quality. The Remix makes a huge difference, but the sound still isn't great.

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I like a lot of Counterparts. It is a shame, though, that a thread about a 2 year old Rush fan got side tracked on this album.


Great to hear about the two year old. Way to teach 'em right!


I kinda feel bad for kids today in the musical sense. There is some real crap out there and parents should lend a guiding hand and show their kids what can be accomplished with practice, dedication and talent, not how skimpy your outfit is, how much you dance on stage or how many people write your music for you.


Do I sound old?


Edited by KennyLee
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I like a lot of Counterparts. It is a shame, though, that a thread about a 2 year old Rush fan got side tracked on this album.


Great to hear about the two year old. Way to teach 'em right!


I kinda feel bad for kids today in the musical sense. There is some real crap out there and parents should lend a guiding hand and show their kids what can be accomplished with practice, dedication and talent, not how skimpy your outfit is, how much you dance on stage or how many people write your music for you.


Do I sound old?



The sidetracking is completely my fault.


And you're right on the music. But even with my guiding hand, my kids naturally gravitate to more danceable, upbeat pop. I'm just doing my best to allow for some more substantive music to become part of their vocabulary.

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Used to rock my kids to sleep to Counterparts. When they could first speak they always asked for the song about the Sun and the Moon




Do you hate your kids or do you want them to hate Rush?

Counterparts is what got me hooked on Rush.


To each his own, but that album remains by far the band's worst for me. It delayed my transformation from a casual fan to a hardcore one for about 2 years. I'll never forgive it.

It's much better than the two that followed it.


Next 2? Do you actually like Counterparts (Rush's worst albums by far) and Snakes & Arrows (Rush's second worst by far)? I guess it makes sense in a "style over substance" kind of way.


Oh, I thought that I liked those albums. I must have been wrong. Thanks for setting that straight.

:LOL: just ignore him. He's got a vendetta against Counterparts. His member title should be Farts On Counterparts, because that's what he does anytime someone brings it up. I love that album. Even SOL lost its clunker status with me. It's all good. Love almost all of S&A as well. :haz: :cheers:


He entered into a thread to attack an argument I've never made. You're advice is spot on.


Sorry about that. I just get frustrated when people state opinions as facts.


As for the OP: Congrats! It must be a great feeling to be introducing your child to the wide world of art and music!

Edited by Dscrapre
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Used to rock my kids to sleep to Counterparts. When they could first speak they always asked for the song about the Sun and the Moon




Do you hate your kids or do you want them to hate Rush?

Counterparts is what got me hooked on Rush.


To each his own, but that album remains by far the band's worst for me. It delayed my transformation from a casual fan to a hardcore one for about 2 years. I'll never forgive it.

It's much better than the two that followed it.


Next 2? Do you actually like Counterparts (Rush's worst albums by far) and Snakes & Arrows (Rush's second worst by far)? I guess it makes sense in a "style over substance" kind of way.


Oh, I thought that I liked those albums. I must have been wrong. Thanks for setting that straight.

:LOL: just ignore him. He's got a vendetta against Counterparts. His member title should be Farts On Counterparts, because that's what he does anytime someone brings it up. I love that album. Even SOL lost its clunker status with me. It's all good. Love almost all of S&A as well. :haz: :cheers:


He entered into a thread to attack an argument I've never made. You're advice is spot on.


Sorry about that. I just get frustrated when people state opinions as facts.


As for the OP: Congrats! It must be a great feeling to be introducing your child to the wide world of art and music!


No worries. Art is inherently subjective, so when I hear people say "best" or "bad" or "great", I just read opinion into it automatically.


I am having a much harder time introducing art to the kids, as I don't really have the vocabulary for that. I've got these great museum art comparison books where they get two pieces of work that both include babies (for example) and one is an impressionist painting of a poor baby in an undeveloped area and another is a renaissance painting of a rich baby in an opulent setting, and then you talk about what's similar in the pictures and what's different. It's actually interesting for me and them.

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GUP's got 8 killer songs, dude!


I know that I'm in the vast minority in not liking Between the Wheels, but Red Lenses? Ouch.


well that's definitely the worst tune on the record but I've always liked it. but if someone was like, hey man show me a rush tune to help me get into em, I would NOT show them red lenses. or anything off GUP for that matter, even though the rest of it's awesome

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and just so I'm still on topic...when I was 2, I didn't know any rush! my parents were not fans. my dad enjoys some early rush and most of the hits but he doesn't really get into anything that's proggy or has keyboards. and I was the one who got my mom into rush. her whole life she'd always lumped them in with toto and foreigner and whatnot.
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Used to rock my kids to sleep to Counterparts. When they could first speak they always asked for the song about the Sun and the Moon




Do you hate your kids or do you want them to hate Rush?

Counterparts is what got me hooked on Rush.


To each his own, but that album remains by far the band's worst for me. It delayed my transformation from a casual fan to a hardcore one for about 2 years. I'll never forgive it.

It's much better than the two that followed it.


Next 2? Do you actually like Roll the Bones (Rush's worst albums by far) and Snakes & Arrows (Rush's second worst by far)? I guess it makes sense in a "style over substance" kind of way.



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Used to rock my kids to sleep to Counterparts. When they could first speak they always asked for the song about the Sun and the Moon




Do you hate your kids or do you want them to hate Rush?

Counterparts is what got me hooked on Rush.


To each his own, but that album remains by far the band's worst for me. It delayed my transformation from a casual fan to a hardcore one for about 2 years. I'll never forgive it.

It's much better than the two that followed it.


Next 2? Do you actually like Roll the Bones (Rush's worst albums by far) and Snakes & Arrows (Rush's second worst by far)? I guess it makes sense in a "style over substance" kind of way.




Fixed :D

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If I ever get pregnant I'm going to stick headphones on my belly and play so much Rush that my kid will know all of the songs when it comes out.
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I can SORT OF relate to this thread. My dad got me hooked on Rush when he had me listen to Lock and Key.


Pretty damn weird, since now that I look back, I really can't stand most of Hold Your Fire's sterile synthpop.


Also: Counterparts is my favorite Rush album. Yes, I'm dead serious. No, I'm not on drugs.

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For a couple years after release counterparts was my fav rush album too was a massive breath of fresh air after roll the bones, although bones was a great album it didnt represent anything new for me in the band's development and counterparts burst in full of power and juice to shake everything up again. great days indeed, i recall was like intellectual steroids i felt pumped up for months on that album.


Having said that, i dunno if listened to it to much or not at the time but i rarely if ever play it now just seems a bit dated.


Anyways, great rush album great memories, cold fire especially but wouldnt send kids to sleep on it or even use it to introduce someone to the band

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Can't really relate because I am not a father, but I do remember that as a kid album covers did mean a lot to the enjoyment of a song. I remember in particular liking Billy Joel's Glass House album, because it showed him about to throw a rock at it, and then the album starts with shattering glass. I remember nothing else of the album, but I liked that connection growing up.


Funny, as when I really young (3 or 4 years old I suppose) we got the soundtrack to 2001: A Space Odyssey with that great cover of the Pan Am shuttle blasting out of the cartwheel space station. We also had some single (I remembered it being "Immigration Man" as I got older, but I must have confused that with another song as the dates don't work), and in my young brain I believed they went together. I would listen to the song over and over (having no idea what it was about no doubt) and stare at the soundtrack cover and thinking the song was about that scene. When I realized at some point that they had nothing to do with one another, I lost all interest in the song; even more disappointing was finally listening to the real soundtrack and finding it bizarre and confusing to my young ears.


I've now got a three year-old and it's hilarious to see how HIS brain works, but it's clear that visual cues play a big part in his "appreciation" of music. I've also got a huge poster of that soundtrack cover on my wall, no mis-applied music needed.

Edited by Rutlefan
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I've been planning on how to trick my kids into loving Rush for a long time.


I got the Rush lullaby CDs and played them while they slept and I "invent" silly songs about the kids using Rush/Zep tunes, and they love it.


I also made a playlist for my kids with songs that I know they love (Lion King soundtrack, Cars soundtrack, pop songs they've heard and danced to) and sprinkled in about 20 Rush and Zep songs that I thought that they might like.


One morning this week my daughter requested "the Rabbit song" by Rush and I was so happy!


Any guesses what the Rabbit song is?



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I've been planning on how to trick my kids into loving Rush for a long time.


I got the Rush lullaby CDs and played them while they slept and I "invent" silly songs about the kids using Rush/Zep tunes, and they love it.


I also made a playlist for my kids with songs that I know they love (Lion King soundtrack, Cars soundtrack, pop songs they've heard and danced to) and sprinkled in about 20 Rush and Zep songs that I thought that they might like.


One morning this week my daughter requested "the Rabbit song" by Rush and I was so happy!


Any guesses what the Rabbit song is?





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My daughter was 3 1/2 when Snakes & Arrows came out. She loved Far Cry. When the openning rif started when we were riding in the car, she would go nuts, and do the drums on her lap. :wub:


Now that she is 10, she loves Rush. She grabs my iPod when we are in the car, and she'll put on 2112, Natural Science, or the Garden most of the time. I got her a couple Rush tee shirts which she loves to wear to school. She also saw Rush during the Clockwork tour. :haz:

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I've been planning on how to trick my kids into loving Rush for a long time.


I got the Rush lullaby CDs and played them while they slept and I "invent" silly songs about the kids using Rush/Zep tunes, and they love it.


I also made a playlist for my kids with songs that I know they love (Lion King soundtrack, Cars soundtrack, pop songs they've heard and danced to) and sprinkled in about 20 Rush and Zep songs that I thought that they might like.


One morning this week my daughter requested "the Rabbit song" by Rush and I was so happy!


Any guesses what the Rabbit song is?






Yay! :yay:

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and yes GUP is 1000 times better than CP but I still like CP more than several rush albums


GuP is by far my most listened to RUSH album to date. That was my first tour, first fight and only fight @ a RUSH show and saw that tour 3xs.


Anyway, back when my daughter was 4 she wanted to play drums but had no room then so she picked up the the guitar. Through my constant listenings to GUP she knows that album by heart and like me her FAVORITE is Red Sector A. So last Friday we had a road trip from here in the Palm Beaches, FL to MD heading to UMD TERPS. I happen to have GUP and a bunch of other various RUSH albums. She found GUP and she played it, WE sang the lyrics to the end. Now 17 she even remembered on the live show where the explosions came after the "shouting guards and smoking guns" line.


She knows her RUSH after seeing 8 of the now 49 shows I've seen. It's a welcome break from what some of the kids today like to listen to the hip hop crap. I told her listen to that when you drive we compromised and listened to the Chili Peppers greatest hits REPEATEDLY!

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