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Everything posted by Natch

  1. QUOTE (GhostGirl @ Nov 17 2010, 01:36 PM)Ughhh...I'm feeling SO BAD that Miss Coco is in her crate all alone...for 5 hours now. I feel awful. I tried crating my German Shepherd when he was a puppy, but he cried and cried and cried for so long, I just gave up on it. What a friggin baby he was! He still is! I couldn't sleep at all with the relentless crying. Anyway, we finally wound up letting him stay in our room at night. He didn't cry at all during the night, and with the house training we did during the day to get him to use the yard for his business, it only took a couple of weeks before he figured it out. We put down plenty of paper in our room so that cleanup wasn't too bad. Yeah, it's work and you'll be sleep deprived for a few days if you go that route. As for during the day, we put up gates (the ones you use to keep babies from entering certain rooms) to keep him in a room with hardwood floors. That way, he wouldn't mess up the carpeting. If you have any relatives or close friends nearby, maybe they'd be willing to let him out once in a while. So much fun, eh? But, I'll tell you. I absolutely love my dog. He sits by me when I'm hanging out in the yard, he sleeps next to me when I'm watching TV. I play hide and seek with him all the time. He's like one of my children. I wouldn't trade him for anything.
  2. QUOTE (RUSHHEAD666 @ Apr 30 2010, 06:06 PM) Uh Oh Foum Family my gay gene is coming out again! I absolutely loved Meryl in "MAMMA MIA!" Then again I like to get naked and crank ABBA all night long. Dude...you are hilarious. I want some of what you're smoking
  3. QUOTE (GhostGirl @ Nov 17 2010, 10:34 AM) We got a puppy, completely out of the blue, yesterday. Right now I'm in that "we are crazy for doing this" stage, but Kerry is on top of the world. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1141.snc4/148360_457127659471_652604471_5511870_2506986_n.jpg Kerry and Coco We haven't had a pet in over 10 years, so...fingers crossed that we can make this work. Sooo cute! I love animals. Dogs are great. What kind of dog is it? I have a German Shepherd who sheds like crazy. He's also a big bag o' wind and regularly stinks up the house, but we still love him. He's a bit of an expense but just like having another kid, you find a way to make it work. The kids love pets, and Kerry will have a blast. Good luck!
  4. Mine are...and not necessarily in this order... Airplane! - "shiiiiiit [golly]" Caddyshack - "Hey everybody, we're all gonna get laid!" Monty Python and the Holy Grail - "It's just a flesh wound!" Animal House - "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?" Smokey and the Bandit - Sherriff Buford T. Justice: [to his son] There's no way, NO way that you came from MY loins. Soon as I get home, first thing I'm gonna do is punch yo mamma in da mouth! Jackie Gleason was hilarious as Sherriff Buford T. Justice in Smokey and the Bandit
  5. I thought you were weird before your admission to liking ABBA j/k
  6. QUOTE (GhostGirl @ Nov 10 2010, 10:09 AM) I've really been feeling things changing at my house. My oldest will be 13 in 3 months, and he is (appropriately) becoming more independent and relating to me differently. I won't lie. It's hard. I posted on FB this morning that I'm struggling to adjust...going from a little boy's mama to a teenager's mom. 2004/2010 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v297/RushBabe/Kerry/Kerry_6-26-04-1.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v297/RushBabe/Kerry/Kman.jpg <sigh> Wow...it's amazing how quickly they grow up, eh? He is a handsome young man. I know the feeling. My kids are 14 and 16. My older one got his driver's permit over the summer, and wants to drive everywhere now. I'm sure it's different for a mom though.
  7. This is a great show. I'm not exactly a history buff, but I love to hear the stories and the analysis from the experts that they bring in. I always learn something just about every show. Chumlee is hilarious. He should get his own show someday!
  8. I just ordered "Recordings" yesterday. Any thoughts? Did I make a wise purchase? I also ordered the RCMH / RAH poster. I wanted to buy it at the RCMH show, but didn't want to carry a big tube around. I'm glad they made it available for purchase online.
  9. QUOTE (PolarizeMe @ Oct 27 2010, 07:31 PM) Finished watching the documentary but like you said, I'm not going to spoil it! Speaking of tour merchandises on Burning Shed, just for curiosity, was the light grey Recordings shirt sold at the Radio City show or the dark grey one? Cause based on my memory, it looked like it was the light grey one, but I'm still uncertain. Regardless, I personally like the light grey one better than the dark one, but that's just me. I recall seeing the light gray one.
  10. QUOTE (GhostGirl @ Oct 19 2010, 01:12 PM) My oldest boy...finished a great season of football, made first chair percussion in band, and made all A's on his first 7th grade report card. Awesome! Way to go Kerry!
  11. After a pretty rough week, Friday couldn't have gotten here soon enough... I need one of these Ok...maybe more than one
  12. QUOTE (GhostGirl @ Oct 14 2010, 09:50 AM)Mara and Natch, Thanks for what you posted. I realize that I can sometimes come across as kind of short-tempered when it comes to stuff like this, but I've experienced it so many times I just can't be silent. Yes, a screaming child grates on everyone's nerves. But at least, for the bystanders, eventually they'll go home and it'll be over. In a sense, it's never over for the parents. This screaming child, in invisi's case, may not have had any "issues," but yeah...I guess a little perspective and some Zen-like "this too shall pass" would help those annoyed by stuff like this. You? Short tempered? Naaah Seriously though, I don't think anyone who knows you can say one word about how you react to things. As they say, before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes.... ...that way, when he gets angry, he'll be a mile away...and barefoot.
  13. QUOTE (GhostGirl @ Oct 14 2010, 08:42 AM) QUOTE (invisibleairwaves @ Oct 13 2010, 09:16 PM) 45 minutes of a packed bus ride home with a screaming child the entire way. Seriously, parents...I understand you can't stop the screaming, but you CAN stop it from driving the rest of us completely insane. Get off the damn bus. And what, walk home? Take a taxi that maybe they can't afford? I have to say that as a bus / train commuter for 20+ years, I have a new perspective on screaming children thanks to GG. Sometimes there is more to the story than meets the eye...
  14. QUOTE (Joshua @ Oct 13 2010, 08:26 AM) QUOTE (tjtull @ Oct 13 2010, 07:52 AM)QUOTE (Natch @ Oct 12 2010, 10:39 PM) QUOTE (sullysue @ Oct 12 2010, 04:21 PM) QUOTE (Gompers @ Oct 12 2010, 03:06 PM) So I was listening to the Anesthetize DVD audio tracks today on my MP3 player today. All in all a great show. I have to say though, the lead for the title track, done by Mr. Lifeson in the studio, was weak in the live performance. Is the lead that tough to play? I wonder. I haven't heard the version on Anesthetize yet. But, on Ilosaarirock, that solo is shaky to the point of distraction. I guess Alex didn't leave them the tab. Yeah...it sounds a bit off to me too Hmmmm, I never noticed any problems with the live versions...both recorded and in person. I may need to have another listen to those tracks. How about the Atlanta show? Is that one "off" as well? I think on Atlanta and Anesthetize, Wesley does a fine job. He makes the solo his own and doesn't bother trying to play like Alex. Like Alex however, he's a very instinctive player and seems to feel his way through a solo. I will also agree that on Ilosaarirock, it was a little shaky for whatever reason. It just sounded to me like he hadn't had much practice with it, and was trying to make it sound like Alex's solo. He's probably better off just winging it, and not trying to reproduce the studio version. It still sounded good though. I'm not complaining...
  15. QUOTE (sullysue @ Oct 12 2010, 04:21 PM) QUOTE (Gompers @ Oct 12 2010, 03:06 PM) So I was listening to the Anesthetize DVD audio tracks today on my MP3 player today. All in all a great show. I have to say though, the lead for the title track, done by Mr. Lifeson in the studio, was weak in the live performance. Is the lead that tough to play? I wonder. I haven't heard the version on Anesthetize yet. But, on Ilosaarirock, that solo is shaky to the point of distraction. I guess Alex didn't leave them the tab. Yeah...it sounds a bit off to me too
  16. The key is having an idea of what career path you want to follow. If you plan on getting into an industry such as education, finance, healthcare, etc., a degree would be very useful. However, if you are good with your hands and prefer a career as an auto mechanic, a carpenter, an electrician, etc., then a trade school would be more useful. I know it's hard at a younger age to make up your mind and decide what you want to do in life. Not many of us knew what we wanted to do in life when we were college aged. Taking classes for the sake of taking classes isn't the best idea. But, not going to school at all isn't a good idea either. The competition for jobs these days is just too tough, and you're better off having as much education and experience as possible in the field you want to work in. Is college a ripoff? It depends on the school and what you want to get out of it. Yes, there are schools that are overpriced. I think the question really should be, is college for me? Think about what skills you have, what you're good at, and see how they can work for you in a particular field. Are you a people person? Are you good with your hands? Are you good at math or science? Figure out what interests you the most. Once you have an idea, start heading in the direction it takes you. You're young, and you can always change your mind later. The mistake would be to do nothing at all, and wind up stuck in a dead-end job. If you think you have room to grow at your current job, and there is an opportunity for making decent money, find out what classes you can take to further your career at your current job. Become an expert at what you do. Ahhh...to be young again. Good luck.
  17. Can't wait to see it. I have tickets to the November 11th show in Philly. I knew this show would be awesome to see!
  18. My suggestion is to stay in school for as long as you can, or at least until you have your mind set on what you want to do with your career. The reason I say this, is because good paying jobs aren't as easy to come by in this day and age. You want to have the competitive edge over others who are trying to get the same job. Unfortunately, employers can only judge potential recruits based on what's on their resume. For example: I interviewed two candidates for a position I have open. Both were really solid interviews and had the skills I was looking for. However, one had a degree and the other didn't. I went with the one who had the degree. The reason is because it shows that the individual made the effort to further his or her career. Now, is it fair? Maybe not. But when I'm limited to a couple of interviews and am mostly basing my decision on stats, I have no choice. I have to go with the person who has shown they could handle the workload that a college degree requires. The ability to handle that workload translates into the ability to handle the workload required by the job. By the way, I do not have a college degree, and I'm a VP at a major banking institution. This may seem contradictory to my advice. But, only because hindsight is 20/20. If I'd stayed in school and got my degree, I might be further up the chain right now. Regardless of what you decide, my advice is to work really hard at whatever you do. Above all else, I value hard work. Expertise isn't worth much if the expert is a slacker. Good luck...
  19. My neighbor and good close friend passed away last Tuesday. Yesterday was the funeral. It was not a good day at all. Oh, and my wife is filing for divorce...
  20. QUOTE (sullysue @ Oct 1 2010, 09:51 PM) Pictures from RCMH: http://www.studiomlive.com/artists/porcupinetree_radiocity/ Wow! Awesome Sue! I feel like I'm back at the show...
  21. Here are a couple of pics I took at the show, and one of the shirt they were selling last night. Apologies for the lack of pics. I didn't bring a camera, and really couldn't get anything worth posting from my iphone... http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee47/kevinmcarney/PorcupineTree-RadioCity9-24-2010-1.jpg View from my seats... http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee47/kevinmcarney/RMCHstage-2.jpg Shirt... http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee47/kevinmcarney/PTShirtRCMH-1-1.jpg
  22. I am still on a high from the show last night! No...not that kind of high Hey, Locator, I'm sorry I missed you last night. I drove into the city and got stuck in major traffic. My mistake was trying to park close to the venue. I got there at around 6:30, and decided to grab a slice of pizza with my son before heading into the show. The sound system was just incredible...very full rich sound. Probably the best sound I've ever heard at a show. My bones were rattling from the bass. They had special tour shirts made up for the show. I got one for me and one for my son. They look sharp. If I can remember, I'll post a pic here later. I have a couple of other pics to post. Unfortunately, I only had my iPhone camera. Being relatively new to the PT fan base, I have to admit that there were a couple of songs that I didn't hear before...Small Fish and Futile. But, I am happy to report that I did know all the other songs The crowd wasn't the most intense crowd I've ever seen, but they were very into it. We stood for most of the show. The crowd seemed to like the heavier songs, such as Anesthetize. The place rocked out to that song. I was completely surprised that they played songs such as The Sky Moves Sideways Phase I and Tinto Brass. It was kinda funny because Steve Wilson asked on a few occasions, "Are you guys sure you know these songs?" It was a great night. I'm so glad I was turned on to this band. Thanks to those of you who post here for all the suggestions and recommendations!
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