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Everything posted by Celine

  1. Tsotsi (because I saw it, loved it, want to see it again, and would love to hear others' opinions on it....BUT...I won't be offended if you guys don't want to do a foreign flick...I'll just pick something else...maybe a CHICK FLICK ) Cel
  2. 495...and 5 on reserve list...don't ask.
  3. 1982 Harrison Ford version? Have to admit I'm not familiar with this movie (I was busy in the '80's...lol), but that's the fun of something like this. Being exposed to things you wouldn't normally have watched. If I'm wrong on the version...clue me in somebody? Thanks. Cel
  4. I'm not here much...but I'd be game. I'm on Netflix too, so would need a little bit of a head's up. Sounds like fun. Thanks Jack.
  5. These guys are brilliant. I've posted this before, but here are some of my favorite of their clips on Youtube. Always sure to make me laugh. Enjoy. Cel (Most Beautiful Girl) (Business Time) (Jenny) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5tmnBeNv18 (Think About It - The Issues) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbbxA8a_M_s (Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGoi1MSGu64 (The Humans Are Dead)
  6. Celine

    IRON MAN !

    Okay...I give. What happened at end of credits? Wanted to sit all the way through them, but my son had to pee!! And it was a long movie. Was very good...and this is not usually my kind of genre. I give it 4/5 stars....lost a star because it felt a little bit long. But worth all the hype.
  7. QUOTE (PhilCastro @ Apr 25 2008, 03:42 PM)How did Sawyer not get shot when he was running to save Claire? There were bullets flying all around him... Because he's way, way, way too hot for bullets?
  8. Yup, this one was great. One of those movies that haunts you for a bit. Think I've enjoyed the Eddie Vedder soundtrack as much as the movie itself though. Good stuff.
  9. Rented the first season of this and watched with my boys recently. They got quite the laugh out of it, and it brought back a lot of fun Saturday morning memories for me. I couldn't talk them into the second season. Sooo....does anyone know if they ever get rescued? This show is bad...really bad....and I loved every minute of it!! I'm sure they'll love the Will Ferrell version of it....and I'll probably hate it...lol. Not sure even Will can cheese this up enough to compete with the original version.
  10. QUOTE (owlswing @ Mar 27 2008, 02:17 PM)QUOTE (Celine @ Mar 27 2008, 02:07 PM) Agreed. This performance was incredible. I'll have to find Cornell's version, as I think he's great too. I was real iffy on David Cook until he did Lionel Riche's "Hello" a few weeks ago. He was spot on on that one too. I hope the teeny boopers don't win out and that Cook IS the one to "win the whole lot"!! In an odd way you hope he doesn't win so he doesn't get stuck playing the tiny bopper music until no one buys any more records and he is washed up and fast as he came in to the picture. Point well taken...Owl.
  11. Agreed. This performance was incredible. I'll have to find Cornell's version, as I think he's great too. I was real iffy on David Cook until he did Lionel Riche's "Hello" a few weeks ago. He was spot on on that one too. I hope the teeny boopers don't win out and that Cook IS the one to "win the whole lot"!!
  12. I am dating myself here, but my then boyfriend and I walked out on "A Boy and His Dog" in the early '80's. Funny how that stands out in my mind, but it's the first and only time I've ever walked out of a movie. I've found this movie recently on Netflix and am considering giving it a second chance, now that I'm a bit more open minded. Have any of you ever seen or heard of this movie? It stars a young Don Johnson and the reviews of it are interesting. Cel
  13. Celine


    Saw this one today. And you guys are all correct. It's great. Not one that you HAVE to see in the theater...no huge soundtrack or anything that you might miss out on by catching it at home....but well worth the price of the ticket. I'd catch it now...and then catch it again on DVD. And I agree about the Jason Bateman character. Without giving too much of the storyline away, I empathized with his character...and I respected the strength he finally showed at movie's end. And I think meeting Juno just reminded him of what it was he missed in life. I could go on down that path but hate to give away any of this great story to those of you who are yet to see it. 5 outta 5 stars from me. And an extra half star for the hilarious music lyrics. I'd buy the soundtrack (if there's one available) just to hear all the words to the songs again. Perfect for this movie.
  14. I got it through Netflix...in Ocotber, so it's definitely out on DVD. Now, whether your local video store would have it is another question. By the way, any of you guys use Netflix? I think it's awesome...and is where I discover a LOT of movies I probably would've never heard of. (Not to mention the fact that I NEVER have to worry about late fees anymore). A great feature they have is a recommendation feature, where, if you give a particular movie a high rating, they will give you suggetions of other movies you might enjoy. I've stumbled across some real gems this way...this movie being one of them. A few others I really liked were Tsotsi, Tape, and The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio. Tsotsi was foreign (a language from the African continent is the closest I'm going to guess....but incredibly haunting movie). The other two are American made (for those of you with subtitle-phobias), and very charming in their own right. Also just got the first seasons of both Lost in Space and Land of the Lost to watch with my kids. I was appalled recently when they didn't get my Sleestack reference....nor the "danger, danger" reference from Lost in Space. They loved them, and we all got a laugh out of just how cheesy they were. How cool that I was able to just get online and order them and share a piece of my childhood with them. But I digress.....you are very welcome, Geddy. Glad I could help. And keep on smiling. Cel
  15. Okay...but hope she's not too squeamish. Date night? Lucky wife you have!!
  16. Saw this one this weekend and enjoyed it. It's certainly not realisitc and definitely to be taken with a grain of salt, but it was an entertaining way to pass a couple hours. I'm not a big fan of Nicholson (I think he plays the same character (a disgusting pig) in 90% of his movies), but I think Morgan Freeman did a fine job. And I think my favorite character in the movie was the one played by Sean Hayes. I won't give away the ending, but I think it was a great way to show his devotion to the Nicholson character. I can certainly understand Roger Ebert's disapproval of the way this movie handled dealing with cancer (considering his own personal experiences), but I think the movie focuses more on dealing with our own mortality....not just cancer. A line that made me think was uttered by Nicholson, as he was barfing after his latest round of chemo. He said: Somewhere some lucky SOB is having a massive heart attack right now. It does make one think about our own mortality. When it's our time, would we rather have a year to prepare for it...or would we prefer to just kick the ole bucket? I give it 3 outta 5 stars. Cel
  17. Saw this one recently with my daughter, a fellow Johnny Depp fan. He does not disappoint!! Once you get past the "ick" factor....and there was quite an "ick" factor...the movie was great. It's a musical...and who knew Depp could sing...but he pulls it off quite well. Anybody else see this one? A must for any Depp fan. Cel
  18. Gave them a listen. First song sounded like the Chipmunks version of Rush....deleted it immediately. Second song was an acoustic version of Faint of Heart. This one got two listens....and is a keeper. Nice harmonies (very distinctive voices, for sure), and guitar work was great. Thanks for passing them along. Always fun checking out new music.
  19. Yup, it was a stinker. Catch "Dan in Real Life" if you want a really funny Carrel movie. This one cracked me up.
  20. I *got*....nothing....lol. But I gave some pretty good ones that I'll still get to enjoy. Lost,Third Season. The Simpsons, First Season Shrek The Third A Christmas Story (which I will force anyone I know who hasn't seen this movie to watch). Jeff Buckley - Live in Chicago And, although not in the movie category, Santa brought Guitar Hero III, which I finally broke down and attempted for the first time yesterday. Absolutely destroyed "Smoke on the Water," but I could very well be hooked. Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. Cel
  21. These guys are great...hope you enjoy. May you all have a very Merry Christmas. Cel
  22. I liked Garden State. Just saw one called "If Only" with Jennifer Love Hewitt. It wasn't too bad. Even if you guys don't like chick flicks, I'm guessing Hewitt more than makes up for it.
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