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Everything posted by Fridge

  1. ^^^ Lives in hope that said "dump" will float past HER face
  2. ^^^ Thinks its top entertainment to shoot squirrels with his pellet gun round the back of his trailer
  3. ^^^ Unable to explain why he carries a gimp mask, a feather duster and a pound of liver round in the boot (trunk lol) of his car...
  4. ^^^ Suggestively strokes his pinna whilst twitching and drooling uncontrolably
  5. ^^^ Prefers her bike without the seat...if you know what I mean
  6. ^^^ Obviously has trouble thinking up decent flames
  7. ^^^ Has a secret porno photo of the toaster which he carries in his wallet and takes out when alone for private "use"...
  8. ^^^ has fantasies about anything that walks,swims,flys or crawls
  9. ^^^ Really needs to put a bit more thought into his flames
  10. ^^^ Throws the bread away so he can enjoy the shit in the middle
  11. ^^^ Wouldn't know what to do with cats, dead hookers and hand cream if his life depended on it.
  12. Fridge

    jawk jaw !

    QUOTE (tick @ Jun 30 2006, 04:11 PM)QUOTE (Alsgalpal @ Jun 30 2006, 11:04 AM) I had freakin dreams about jawk jaw last night!! a.g.p. , your gonna have to explain just what the hell that means. Maybe she means dreams that make her go like this: http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i27/Fridge-1967/freaky.jpg Or this: http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i27/Fridge-1967/untitled.jpg Who can tell?
  13. I have a luxuriant mane of hair all over my body.. My zookeeper grooms me once a day.
  14. QUOTE (Necromancer @ Jun 29 2006, 09:18 PM) First time I ever did the all one length thing though. It's driving me crazy. The front is down to my chin and now that it's getting hot and muggy... UGGGH!!! But by the fall, it should be really long and more manageable. Once I get it straightened out and lose all these boloney curls, I won't mind it so much. Are you sure you're a bloke? Only kidding
  15. ^^^ Should be accompanied by a caesar salad and some thousand island sauce
  16. ^^^ Secretly videos this for later "use"
  17. ^^^ Uses a stick to frottage himself to sleep at night
  18. Fridge

    jawk jaw !

    QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jun 26 2006, 08:58 PM) Yeah, Fridge rocks. And Elvis rolls...in his box However Goober, no amount of toadying on your part shall save you from the wrath of my vegatable shock troops...Look and tremble! http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i27/Fridge-1967/return_of_the_killer_tomatoes.jpg
  19. Fridge

    jawk jaw !

    QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jun 26 2006, 04:24 PM) QUOTE (Fridge @ Jun 26 2006, 07:10 AM)QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jun 26 2006, 03:59 PM) People like to think of flowers as pretty, decorative and harmless, but the truth is far more savage. They are vicious, killer beasts, and I for one support the worldwide eradication of all flowers before more innocent people have to die. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y268/rushgoober/rushgoober3/evil-flower-t.jpg Interesting and valid points. However, I believe in a different approach. As many know, I have a very large garden which is full of flowers, however, what is not common knowledge is that it is a cover for a secret breeding programme of "genetically modified" flowers where the natural killing urge prevelant within them is subverted and altered to become an overwhelming compulsion to destroy all my enemies. it goes without saying that an "obedience" gene is being spliced into their plant DNA and they will be subjected to my every command. I also thought it prudent to increase their biological weaponry and boost it into the neutronic death ray realm. Imagine, my friends, a vegetative army of hunter/killer drone-like warriors with a truly terrifying offensive capability entirely under my command.. I WILL have my vengeance. Oh yes. See, now this kind of shit scares the living crap out of me. My question is, how can you be sure the flowers will do what you command them to do and that all the genetic engineering "takes" the way you want and expect it to? Flowers, besides being killing machines, are notoriously independent, and will rebel against any and all attempts to stop or control them. People are worried about terrorism and stuff like that, but really they should be worried about violets and daisies and f*cking daffodils! Every time I see one of these killer plants, I crush it beneath my steel-toed boot, and I don't even have a pair of steel-toed boots! I'm sorry, man, but what you're describing sounds alarming, dangerous and very destructive. Hasn't the world suffered enough? http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y268/rushgoober/rushgoober3/stepflower.jpg My friend, I would have thought that you of all people would be receptive to this wonderful plan. Of course I am sure that the plants will obey me! How could they not? Little does anyone know that beneath this mild exterior beats the heart of a true visionary, one that the world will acclaim and beg to lead them into a new millenium of prosperity True, one has to break a few eggs to make an omlette, but I am certain that given the correct "inducement" people will see it my way. Once i have exacted vengeance on the Nazis, then it would be a crime not to use this formidable vegetable arsenal in the furtherance of my objectives. However, Goober. it was most unwise of you to admit to the wanton destruction of flowers, as I am sure my new army will take a very dim view of anyone who assaults their brethren so... Of course, they are subject to my commands, but i may not be able to give the order in time to ensure your safety....if you know what I mean. So my friend...are you with me or against me? Choose your answer wisely, as there can be no middle ground. You have been warned
  20. Fridge

    jawk jaw !

    QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jun 26 2006, 03:59 PM) People like to think of flowers as pretty, decorative and harmless, but the truth is far more savage. They are vicious, killer beasts, and I for one support the worldwide eradication of all flowers before more innocent people have to die. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y268/rushgoober/rushgoober3/evil-flower-t.jpg Interesting and valid points. However, I believe in a different approach. As many know, I have a very large garden which is full of flowers, however, what is not common knowledge is that it is a cover for a secret breeding programme of "genetically modified" flowers where the natural killing urge prevelant within them is subverted and altered to become an overwhelming compulsion to destroy all my enemies. it goes without saying that an "obedience" gene is being spliced into their plant DNA and they will be subjected to my every command. I also thought it prudent to increase their biological weaponry and boost it into the neutronic death ray realm. Imagine, my friends, a vegetative army of hunter/killer drone-like warriors with a truly terrifying offensive capability entirely under my command.. I WILL have my vengeance. Oh yes.
  21. ^^^ Makes what she thinks are intersesting sculptures out of said poo
  22. Fridge

    jawk jaw !

    QUOTE (rushgoober @ Jun 26 2006, 03:07 PM) You joke, but my grandfather was killed by a sunflower. Not funny. No it most certainly isn't. it's a little known fact that they were the real force behind Nazi Germany. They bombed our chippies, and I will never forgive them....
  23. ^^^ Collects said pooped in diapers and rolls in them before going to sleep
  24. ^^^ Bottles his own urine and puts it in the fridge to drink on hot days
  25. ^^^ has obviously not been attending his "special needs" grammar classes
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