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Everything posted by New_World_Man

  1. I know I'm probably not the only night owl here but did anyone else catch Eric McCormick on Seth Meyers last night where he talked about being a big Rush fan and was sad that Neil passed away? He said he was sitting in his car getting emotional while listening to Rush when someone saw him and said "it's ok you'll get another tv show" or something like that. Lol. Edit: Here I found it. Skip to 1:35. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8_t69_tEWo
  2. Call the police. Call them every night if necessary. They can issue citations for disturbing the peace, which is exactly what the jerks are doing. I don't need bullets in my car or knifed tires though. People around here probably believe in retaliation.
  3. What's pissing me off? Noisy neighbors since I live in an apartment complex. Weird because it's not even anyone in my actual buidling(next to me but the walls are quite thin apparently). About two to three times a week and sometimes more but especially on weekends it seems I hear this banging as if they are moving stuff around. Last night however, they did that plus were apparently watching tv for a couple of hours or so until a little after 3:00 am. The noise(banging)usually starts around 11:30 pm and sometimes goes past 1:00 and even later. I have told the office but they don't want to kick anyone out for fear of not having rent money I guess. Today I complained again and they told me to put it in writing. I could bang back but they won't get it and will probably just get angry. I turned on my clock radio to see if they would get the hint but that didn't work. Crazy. I can't wait to get out of this place.
  4. I think there was a rumor that Steve Perry(from Journey) had throat cancer too and that turned out to be false as well.
  5. I don't remember the Neil cancer thing being specifically about brain cancer(although I don't doubt it and 'll take your word for it)but I do remember it being cancer and around 86 maybe 87. My brother's best friend at the time was very big into Rush(and a big influence on me getting big into them)and he was the one who mentioned it. I have no idea where he heard it. Interesting considering this was before the internet so rumors obviously spread differently back then. I did see Rush for the first time with this guy(87 on HYF)and Neil played just fine so I think the rumor was gone by then. Still, it's weird to think someone was spreading this rumor only to have it come true 33 years later or so.
  6. Not really. I remember there was a rumor back in the 80's that he had some kind of cancer. I believed it for a while but eventually learned it was false. I never thought it would turn out to be some sort of weird prophecy.
  7. I haven't listened to it that much in the past several years since I don't have access to it. My mom has or had it in her car so I have heard bits and pieces here and there. Based on that though I do think it is pretty deep for the most part. I rarely hear anything on there that I have heard more than maybe once or twice on regular radio(in other words what you hear on regular rotation on classic radio I haven't heard on deep tracks). Maybe my experience is different than yours or maybe you know something I don't know. I just know they seem to go way deeper than the hits.
  8. Where do we draw the line between a lesser known track and a non lesser known track though? To us hardcore fans a lesser known track would be different than what most casual fans would consider lesser known. For example I doubt most big Rush fans would consider passage to bangkok lesser known or chemistry or by tor and the snowdog or red sector a obscure but most casual fans probably don't know those. Anything you don't hear on the radio could be considered lesser known to the casual fan but to us rush fans you would have to dig deeper than just not hear it on the radio I would imagine.
  9. I remember late in the summer of 2018 I heard them play 2112 in it's entirety on the deep tracks channel.
  10. Rush marathon going on now on delicious agony.
  11. And I could listen to the first side of Hemispheres all day long!! Me too. I even like the last section with the acoustic guitar.
  12. My answer is tricky. Imo, MP is technically the better album but I prefer Hemispheres. I think maybe it's because I have just heard too many of the tracks on MP too many times on the radio.
  13. Unfortunately only four. I did see the last one though in 2015. Big gap between shows and I don't have a good reason for it. I saw them for the first time in 87 then not again until 2007 then the next year in 08 then in 15 for the last time. I plan on getting all the dvds at some point though. "Though it's just a memory some memories last forever."
  14. I only have ghost rider. I read about half of it several years ago but never finished it so would like to try it again(starting over from scratch of course).
  15. Not sure I consider him my personal favorite drummer(top two though but maybe tied with Bruford). Best lyricist though.
  16. Did anyone else notice that the Rolling Stone statement got some information wrong (ie his wife died just five months after his daughter)? It was 10 months not five. At least get your facts straight before writing a piece on someone who just passed away.
  17. I just saw this on facebook. Just horrible, horrible news. I really can't believe it. I was hoping it was a hoax or something and for a second thought maybe it was April first already. Oh well. Neil you will be missed. Your words have influenced me as a human which is more than I can say for 99 percent of the artists out there. RIP Neil.
  18. I forgot to mention Limelight. To me anyway that's pretty inspirational.
  19. Hemispheres title track even though I like it. It's still rather repetitive. Animate also maybe.
  20. ^ I don't believe there is a Rush song called "hold your fire" unless you are referring to the whole album.
  21. Yeah, I knew there had to be others from HYF. Maybe something else from Power Windows too.
  22. What Rush songs do you consider to be inspirational? For me I would say: Something for nothing Freewill Distant Early Warning Marathon Force Ten Roll the bones I know I'm probably missing some so what else?
  23. Other than that one my favorites are the first two and red and starless and bible black. I'm also kind of fond of the 80's era but haven't heard much of later ones.
  24. Sad news. The Cars were a great band and Ric was a great front man.
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