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The Analog Grownup

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Everything posted by The Analog Grownup

  1. And to make it all much worse, being on the pill can actually prove fatal. In Denmark there have been a few cases of women having blood clots. My big brother lost a good friend because of that. The doctors didn't to think to look since she was only 21 years old. That clot traveled from her leg to the heart. And that is nearly 10 years ago now. So ladies, I really respect what you're doing.
  2. This is definitely something! A picture disc in the shape of a space shuttle. Of course I'm talking about the Countdown single :) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rush-Countdown-Picture-Disc-Rare-Vinyl-UK-1st-press-OOP-Ex-/251318402940?pt=UK_Records&hash=item3a83be7f7c
  3. I'm still doing this because I missed out on Snakes & Arrows when I could have had it for a reasonable price. Now I can barely find it on eBay (it has to be in European Union because of postage fees), and when I do it usually costs way too much for me.
  4. Remember the polka intro of La Villa Strangiato on Time Machine Tour? Could that be a hint?
  5. October 1st and September 29 international
  6. Or buy Replay 3X if you don't have A Show of Hands, Exit ... Stage Left and Grace Under Pressure concert dvds. The Grace Under Pressure Tour Live cd comes as a bonus :ebert:
  7. I always though Countdown was that Whenever Rush HAS tried to inject humor into songs, it usually doesn't work, like as in ITIGB or the RTB rap. I do love Red Lenses, however. I always thought Countdown was kind of a joke since I couldn't take it serious. I can see it gets its fair share of appraisals on this board, so I guess it's me that doesn't get it :). I don't mind the RTB rap actually :P I can't figure out at the moment what ITIGB means?
  8. "Christ what have you done?" And the ending of The Pass. Such a powerful way to end a song, and letting the words resonate in your mind. "But I must help my mother stand up STRAAAIGHT" Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. And in Snakes & Arrows Live during Spindrift where Geddy plays it through the roof on his bass :geddy:
  9. Here's one from the rehearsal space jammin' man :smoke: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8524/8647024335_95c2cfbef6_z.jpg
  10. Try stretching before and drinking water and magnesium supplements... that used to happen to me a lot when I'd swim... and I swim a lot. so I found that helped me. Thanks for the advice, I'll give it a go next time I go swimming :)
  11. OMG, cannot unsee this now you pointed it out! Oh good, then it's not just me :P
  12. I can't swim front crawl without getting cramps in my feet.
  13. Am I the only one that sees some kind of skull inside? Excellent cover. Love the colors :)
  14. this would be a dream for me! I went down to Toronto for their 2010 shows and visited Massey hall, awesome little historical building! plus I was born in Toronto and if this happened I would just die!!! (full circle for me too LOL) Oh please no! That would, with almost 100% certainty, diminish my chances of seeing them to a mere zero :tsk: ;)
  15. You may be right, but I still hope for an R-something tour that focuses on rarely or never played songs. Yes, rarely played and never played songs would be a kind of a new thing :).
  16. I can't foresee another R-something tour and especially not one where they only play their biggest hits they already have played like a billion times. To me they seem to strive for something new all the time, pushing the envelope setting the bar higher. :)
  17. Good riddance I'd say! I know it can be hard to trust people again, but let me offer some perspective on that if I may? I bear great resentment towards my ex for breaking up with me, and that is about a year ago now. Talk about feeling stabbed in the heart, and I got bitter towards every woman in the world being cynical and all that. I thankfully got into therapy (and still is) to get rid of my unhealthy views of the world. It's not fair that I would put my image of her on every individual, questioning their motifs and thinking they all had a agenda - which was to f*ck me over, and not in a good way. That bitterness would alienate me from meeting the one who would actually love me for who I am. I will probably always feel shy, and be afraid of being hurt again, but as my therapist asked me: "What if you get hurt again?". I guess I'll live, I replied. :) I hope I make sense but to put it into one sentence: Take a chance on people, the reward will be bigger than not to :)
  18. I'm really sorry about your son! I don't know how it feels to have been through that. For five years straight I smoked pot just about every day and soaked alcoholic beverages like sand in the deserts soak up water. I haven't smoked my last joint yet. I once took LSA and had both a terrifying and amazing trip at the same time. I now know what it's like to lose any sense of identity, and thus learned so much about myself. I don't regret any of it. Why shouldn't you be good enough for Heaven? :). If God created us in His own image why wouldn't we be good enough? I may be reading too much into your post, but don't be too hard on your self :) I like your reply :) I don't regret "dabbling in various substances" growing up. I had my reasons. I'm not justifying drugs- but I had my reasons. I took shrooms once, and if I'm being perfectly honest, I do plan on doing them again. It was stunningly beautiful. Neon grass underneath the moonlight, purple leaves on the trees, and cartoons were absolutely hilarious! lol :P Also, yes- I used to be too hard on myself. What for? You are definitely good enough. Just the fact that it worries you tells me you're good enough. And I like yours ;) As one might already have guessed, I'm not entirely against drugs. Well, I don't like hard drugs but I think pot should be legalized. My view on it is very much the same as late Bill Hicks' - I'm not promoting it but I'm not denying it. This topic could very quickly escalate to something political, so I'll leave this subject at that :) A random fact about me: I share an apartment with two other men and I like my room. There's not much but I enjoy everything I got in life, and I feel free :)
  19. Test For Echo reminds me of Tool also. Or I should say, Tool reminds me of Test For Echo ;)
  20. By the way, if I eat chocolate or anything with cocoa before I sleep I usually get nightmares or sleep really bad
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