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Everything posted by Analog_Bro

  1. QUOTE (Smegger68 @ Sep 8 2012, 01:11 PM) So much of what you said is simply bollocks that I don't really think I'll bother trying to address your points. The album is badly MASTERED, not badly PRODUCED. Nothing to do with Nick R, all to do with Brian G. This x10000
  2. I like how if you just look at the forum you will see overwhelmingly negative reactions... ...but if you look at the stats in this poll the vast majority of people like the setlist So that means that the small minority of people spread their negativity everywhere, why they do so I don't know. There is a difference between voicing an opinion and just being annoying
  3. I voted 9. Love the album, not a bad song on it. None of the songs have lost their novelty to me and I have literally played the album nearly every day since it came out
  4. QUOTE (bluefox4000 @ Jul 3 2012, 08:04 PM) QUOTE (GeminiRising79 @ Jul 3 2012, 07:54 PM) QUOTE (LeaveMyThingAlone @ Jul 3 2012, 04:37 PM) Rush has ALWAYS been a "been there, done that" kind of band Not anymore. They've "been there" for the last three albums. Pretty much this. At this point there's no creativity left in the tank.....no matter how much we want to believe it's there. Mick I completely disagree about there being no creativity left - I feel the opposite
  5. I love the song. I feel Geddy sounds fantastic, I love the funky bass parts and grinding guitar riffs.
  6. So far I have learned Caravan, BU2B, Headlong Flight, and the opening of the Anarchist on guitar.
  7. Alex is fantastic on CA. The only thing is that he totally could have done more than the "ambient noise" solos like he did on Seven Cities of Gold, BU2B, and Carnies. But at least we have got more Alex solos then on past albums. Caravan, CA, The Anarchist, Headlong Flight, Wish Them Well, and The Garden all have great solos
  8. QUOTE (Terrapin @ Jun 23 2012, 08:33 PM) Apologies to everybody out there who are pretending to like this thing, but the songwriting, vocal melodies, song structures, arrangements are an example of a band that are completely devoid of any ideas as regards a musical future... The mastering is so bad that the individual instruments and vocals are difficult to hear. Quite obviously, to anybody with a pair of ears this album has been cut and pasted beyond belief and not particularly well No, it doesn't "Kick Ass" and no, it's not their best since... ? To be honest, I would prefer to read the novel than to have to listen to Pearts backing band trying to come up with some dodgy music in an effort to support his narrative. "In the fullness of time" this album will go down as sucking as much as the rest of the Rush catalogue since "Signals" I remember reading on this forum how great "Snakes and Arrows" was, only to be slagged of a few moths later, once the childish euphoria wore off.. CA is truly awful... you'll all agree with me in a few years - or through the "fullness" of time... What you state to be fact is just personal opinion and what you claim about the album as fact is well... wrong. Sorry
  9. QUOTE (CantStopThinkingBig @ Jun 22 2012, 10:44 PM) QUOTE (beherit @ Jun 22 2012, 09:45 PM) But yeah, seriously, never let your own political views get in the way of music, or anything really. If you look at a chair or a turkey sandwich and think IS THIS LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE, you probably have a problem... And to the people saying I DIDN'T KNOW THERE WERE RIGHT-WING NUTJOBS HERE: What did you expect on a forum for a band that's mostly enjoyed by people older than 30? On a forum with lots of 50 year-olds, of course you're gonna get a lot of people who are against gay marriage, think the Bible is 100% literal fact, etc. That's their opinion, oh well. good point... with age comes wisdom Then your post prior to this one must be the exception
  10. Clockwork Angels Seven Cities of Gold The Anarchist The Garden
  11. The Occupy movement lacked direction and certainly had some beggars and hangers on that detracted from the goals of the movement... But the whole 99 percent thing has some truth to it. I feel that it is an issue, when you have rich people paying less and less taxes and are still bitching about it while there seems to be a regressive tax system in the US even though there shouldn't be, there is something wrong with the system - especially in a bad economy. But this is a matter of ideology, I simply have a more liberal mindset in that aspect. As for Clockwork Angels, you can interpret it any way you want to, but Neil did not write it about the Occupy Movements
  12. I really, really hope they add Xanadu back into the set!!! Oh and 2112 in full would be badass!
  13. Has anyone ever played the "Myst" computer games that came out in the 90's and mid-200's? Really cool concepts and I get a steampunk type of vibe from the games http://mrillustrated.com/main/exriven.gif http://www.oocities.org/emsrelto/gfx/screenshots/myst/stoneship.jpg
  14. I searched and was able to find the interview on youtube, if whoever posted it is on this site thank you!
  15. QUOTE (GeminiRising79 @ Jun 14 2012, 09:47 AM) Troll labeller = one who can't accept an opposing view and counter it with an intelligent response There is a difference between different opinions and constantly bashing people over the head with their own negative opinions so much that they become an annoyance on the forum
  16. I have listened to it many times with my Sony MDR-7506 studio headphones, it sounds a lot better than S&A and VT. Sure it is compressed and it could be better but it really is not THAT bad. I am able to put that aside and enjoy the music
  17. Just a heads up to all the people interested! "Neil has just arrived at SiriusXM to do the Jim Jadd show on Deep Tracks channel 27, so tune in now. A bit late, next time we'll charter a helicopter. #latraffic"
  18. QUOTE (Mr. Henry Gale @ Jun 12 2012, 08:19 PM) QUOTE (GUP1771 @ Jun 12 2012, 05:12 PM) QUOTE (Mr. Henry Gale @ Jun 12 2012, 08:08 PM) QUOTE (RushIslander @ Jun 12 2012, 05:04 PM) Is this a joke thread? It seems like a joke that people are actually defending the album as sounding great. Definitely. I actually enjoy this album, and am not even bothered by the mastering. But how anyone can say the album sounds "great" is beyond me. Seems peoples standards for good sounding albums has really gone down. I never said it sounds amazing, but I don't get why people are screaming bloody murder and calling for the guy who mastered it to be hung. Saying that it sounds "dreadful" is just crazy and blowing something out of proportion. EDIT: If you argue it's a joke that people are arguing people who think it's "great", shouldn't the same be said for those who say vice versa? Isn't it a joke how people are blowing it out of proportion using words "dreadful"? We are on the same page then. Sorry if my posts came out sounding super defensive. I actually don't have an issue with CA's mastering (the way I have an issue with VT). I can listen to this album and enjoy it. I just kind of get irritated that people say it's "great' mastering. And as much as some of you get annoyed by people complaining about this stuff - I actually wish more people WOULD complain, so that they would stop mixing and mastering shit so loud. But alas, that won't ever happen. It's always going to be the minority that complains, and the rest not caring. But I think that's really unfortunate. Because people don't realize that they aren't getting the best sounding version of the album that they could have. I can't think of any other art medium, where the art is purposely degraded on a mass level (as a common practice) - and where no one does anything about it. It's absolutely insane to me. Mostly because it's audio (sound) - something a lot easier to tweak without people getting upset. But imagine if movies had a practice where it made the film look worse (no one say 3D i'll smack you lol) - you better believe more people would notice and complain (as visual is obviously more upfront than audio). I agree. While I wish the mastering was better, it doesn't detract from my listening of the album to the point where it degrades the songs But at the same time I could only image what it would sound like if Steven Wilson was behind the desk, that dude knows how to make a great sounding record!
  19. I feel like it is a legitimate complaint, but man are people being overly dramatic about this
  20. QUOTE (Terrapin @ Jun 12 2012, 07:12 PM) I'm sorry, but the mastering is appalling. I'm a massive Fanboy or "Fanboi" whatever... but this thing sounds like a carefully executed fart trying to escape from a well weaved, 3-ply piece of perfumed toilet paper... Songs are great, performances are great as well. Such a shame, it could have been immense! If this is appaling what the hell do you call Vapor Trails?
  21. Sure the mastering could be better but its far from unlistenable. Hell its at least an improvement over Snakes and Arrows and especially Vapor Trails!
  22. Yeah I noticed that, great incorporation of the man behind the inspiration for the lyrics to that song. I though it was very touching
  23. I know I am regretting not getting the fan pack! Hopefully I see one at my Barnes and Noble
  24. QUOTE (Snaked @ Jun 12 2012, 12:54 AM) QUOTE (Analog_Bro @ Jun 12 2012, 01:48 AM) At approximately what time is this "glitch fill" on We Hold On? I never paid that much attention to that song myself about 1:20 into We Hold On Thanks, I think I now hear what you guys are talking about I don't know if I would jump to conclusions, but it certainly is possible that it is a copy/paste error. The natural reverb of the drum sort of cuts off right before the start of the next bar
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