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That One Guy

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Everything posted by That One Guy

  1. It was funny. Except for that bitch making a "Ryan Dunn is dead" joke to Steve-o, almost reducing him to tears. Whatabitch
  2. I saw "AFTK" up there. Uh, perfect? No? My limited nominations are Dirt by Alice In Chains Rush mention goes to Moving Pictures or Power Windows Master Of Puppets, I agree Some Zeppelin album
  3. Synchronicity II - The Police. Great non-run anthem of the 80's Plus you've got your Def Leppards, your Bon Jovi's. Plenty of 80's to go around.
  4. That will be a great day to watch VH1 Classic. There's several songs off the Time Machine Tour that you just can't get live anywhere else.
  5. How about tonight, 7pm MT? That's 9pm to you east coast peoples
  6. btw i consider the studio version of Resist to be an immense sack of shit. Live acoustic saves it.
  7. I'd rather be a tortoise from Galapagos...
  8. A positive note for the 2 new songs - They sound great with a good stereo system, and high volume. They're not subject to the Vapor Trails curse of crackling/spitting. Hoping the whole album comes out sounding that nice.
  9. Every time I check the chat, nobody's on. :C If it remains inactive maybe ill set up a designated chat time. Shame really, cause this forum is full of fun people, but we're stuck talking in threads
  10. I don't know much about them... It's like Flash Players.... Just a plug-in that some sites require to do things, that you download
  11. If you get a blank screen, you might need a java plug in.
  12. People should totally get on the chat! Woo! Yeah! Go chat!
  13. Halloween is fun. Fantastic time to hop in a jeep and waterballoon candy searching peoples. Holiday got much more fun when i stopped staying home to give out candy.
  14. Plagiarism, now with 20% more science
  15. Moving Pictures, Permanent Waves, Hemispheres and Signals are really quite boring for me. . nooot.
  16. Some songs I definitely wanna hear, starting with numero uno: Show Don't Tell Farewell To Kings Territories Test For Echo The Analog Kid Countdown Natural Science Different Strings Dog Years .. Forget that last one
  17. Lol, I was wondering why the links weren't working, i was interested in the story. 3 year old story.
  18. QUOTE (Pars123 @ Jul 29 2011, 05:01 PM) QUOTE (Life is Just the Candle @ Jul 29 2011, 12:54 AM) Why in God's name would they play Superconductor???? Lol......... Because its a good song
  19. He either: 1. Died 2. Got bored with this 3. Probably died 4. Forgot his password and couldn't log in 5. Gave up 6. Died It's one of those. If you'd like a good list, Good Bad and Rush made a good list. It's finished, too.
  20. It was a great show. I don't mean to be the bearer of negative comments, but compared to last years' show in SLC, I heard more than a couple slip ups this time. Things that come to mind were Alex's missed notes in Spirit Of Radio, and something being out of tune in Witch Hunt. Had an excellent time, and my mom won $1500 at the MGM's slots! Only negative experience was some complete asshole in the merch line who thought I was cutting in front of him. Had a great conversation with that guy...
  21. First off, I couldn't really find a place for this, so if it isn't supposed to be here, feel free to delete or move it. Last month I purchased 3 tickets to the 24th of June show in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand. I was planning on going with two friends that would pay me for the tickets. Sounds great right? Well, one friend has just so conveniently completely bailed on me in a most shameful way. I got no contact from him about it, no money, nothing. So I have an extra ticket on my hands. I don't really know how it would work, but if anyone needs a ticket this would be a way. It's in section 108. I paid $85 plus $10 ticketmaster convenience fee. I have no interest to make money on this. If it comes to it, ill eat the convenience fee and sell for the $85. If you want to go the Vegas show this would help me out in a huge way. Thank you for your time.
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