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Rush Word Scramble


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QUOTE (madra sneachta @ May 9 2005, 03:21 AM)
QUOTE (Rolinda Bonz @ May 7 2005, 11:42 AM)
Just for that, I'm not going to give you a third clue.

Oh dear, how does one respond to a riposte like that. I know after my little quip your anger antenna is bound to vibrate a bit, so I would suggest you sit back, listen to Feedback, and let the love and respect I have for you resonate across the cyber-ether.

laugh.gif Great idea!!! 653.gif Good job, Sneacht! trink39.gif and 50 points, too common001.gif Your turn smile.gif

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Most of us on this forum ae familiar with the genius that is MiTa, who's oddities always worth checking out.


Well, it appears that while investigating claims of a burp on The Camera Eye, he made an even more earthshattering (literally) discovery.


Not only did he find an unsavoury sound, but he discovered it was out of tune. When it came to reveal his discovery to the world, he stepped up to his cyber podium and proclaimed -



Out Of The Hat, Flat Fart On Entre Nous

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QUOTE (madra sneachta @ May 9 2005, 12:21 PM)
Most of us on this forum ae familiar with the genius that is MiTa, who's oddities always worth checking out.

Well, it appears that while investigating claims of a burp on The Camera Eye, he made an even more earthshattering (literally) discovery.

Not only did he find an unsavoury sound, but he discovered it was out of tune. When it came to reveal his discovery to the world, he stepped up to his cyber podium and proclaimed -

Out Of The Hat, Flat Fart On Entre Nous

On a fortune hunt that's far too fleet



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QUOTE (Rolinda Bonz @ May 12 2005, 05:26 AM)
QUOTE (madra sneachta @ May 9 2005, 12:21 PM)
Most of us on this forum ae familiar with the genius that is MiTa, who's oddities always worth checking out.

Well, it appears that while investigating claims of a burp on The Camera Eye, he made an even more earthshattering (literally) discovery.

Not only did he find an unsavoury sound, but he discovered it was out of tune. When it came to reveal his discovery to the world, he stepped up to his cyber podium and proclaimed -

Out Of The Hat, Flat Fart On Entre Nous

On a fortune hunt that's far too fleet



The Anagram Queen strikes again - Schro will kneel and let Rolinda rise!!!!!


yes.gif yes.gif yes.gif

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QUOTE (madra sneachta @ May 12 2005, 01:25 AM)
QUOTE (Rolinda Bonz @ May 12 2005, 05:26 AM)
QUOTE (madra sneachta @ May 9 2005, 12:21 PM)
Most of us on this forum ae familiar with the genius that is MiTa, who's oddities always worth checking out.

Well, it appears that while investigating claims of a burp on The Camera Eye, he made an even more earthshattering (literally) discovery.

Not only did he find an unsavoury sound, but he discovered it was out of tune. When it came to reveal his discovery to the world, he stepped up to his cyber podium and proclaimed -

Out Of The Hat, Flat Fart On Entre Nous

On a fortune hunt that's far too fleet



The Anagram Queen strikes again - Schro will kneel and let Rolinda rise!!!!!


yes.gif yes.gif yes.gif


I am the Lizard Queen

I can do anything




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Back at the local deli, Rolinda exclaimed "this doesn't taste anywhere NEAR TONIC!" <---easier anagram for beginners wink.gif


So the crowd quickly lost interest and tried their luck across the street at The Lioness where they easily convinced the owner, Julie, to help them play the same gin-in-the-water trick on Madra. Of course, it worked like a charm and soon the bartender patted on the bar and said "now

U ROTATE FOR JULIE'S SASSEY CAT" <---harder anagram for Anagramigos cool.gif



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QUOTE (Rolinda Bonz @ May 13 2005, 04:29 AM)
U ROTATE FOR JULIE'S SASSEY CAT" <---harder anagram for Anagramigos cool.gif

Oh, I love sequels!!!!!!!.


This is interesting. I was convinced I was on to something when I found a whole album title, but could do nothing with what was left. Best I can come up with is a court case to determine whether or not Rush's second album is their best.The decision would appear to be imminent -


A "Caress Of Steel" Jury? - It's Out!!

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QUOTE (Rolinda Bonz @ May 12 2005, 08:29 PM)
Back at the local deli, Rolinda exclaimed "this doesn't taste anywhere NEAR TONIC!"  <---easier anagram for beginners  wink.gif

So the crowd quickly lost interest and tried their luck across the street at The Lioness where they easily convinced the owner, Julie, to help them play the same gin-in-the-water trick on Madra.  Of course, it worked like a charm and soon the bartender patted on the bar and said "now
U ROTATE FOR JULIE'S SASSEY CAT"  <---harder anagram for Anagramigos  cool.gif

The smaller anagram is somewhat of a clue to the larger anagram. wink.gif

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It's funny - I stared at this for 30 minutes last night and could see nothing. Totally brain dead.


I've just finished lunch, had five minutes before going back to work, and saw it within 30 seconds. It makes my previous post seem a bit daft, frankly. Welcome to my mixed up head. doh.gif


I Set A Course Just East Of Lyra

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QUOTE (madra sneachta @ May 16 2005, 06:24 AM)
It's funny - I stared at this for 30 minutes last night and could see nothing. Totally brain dead.

I've just finished lunch, had five minutes before going back to work, and saw it within 30 seconds. It makes my previous post seem a bit daft, frankly. Welcome to my mixed up head. doh.gif

I Set A Course Just East Of Lyra

yes.gif trink39.gif new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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For the record Near Tonic = Rocinante


Some of our US/Canadian friends may not be aware that in the UK Chancellor Gordon Brown expects Tony Blair to resign soon and give him the top job. To speed up this process, it appears Gordon Brown has secretly infiltrated the BBC, and attached subliminal messages to every copy of the Tony Christie classic "Amarillo", but far the biggest hit in these islands so far this year.


The messages prompt people to call for Tony to vacate the office at No 10 and hand over the reins to Gordon.


Eventually, after the plot has succeeded, it will be uncovered, and next day, the headlines might read -




The Edgy Song Rots Blair

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QUOTE (Bastille Night @ May 19 2005, 08:37 AM)
After much hair pulling, I've finally got it:


......although I'm not sure about the connection between Rush and Ms. Bonz gambling at the horse races???!?


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QUOTE (Alsgalpal @ May 20 2005, 06:32 PM)

ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif OMG - More controversey.


This is the top secret document which has just been uncovered showing the fear that the admins here felt when Exit Sanity Left was formed.


ESL Is Born, AGP Says Hi. TRF Didn't

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