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Yet another, who missed the point


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Another critic that just or won’t take the time to understand Rush or research what he is writing about






This guy fails at failing.


He's one of the two Pop Music Critics that shit on RUSH back when they were nominated.


His writing is as relevant as his music.... wait, he's never produced anything of note. Yep. That sums up his life.


In the video that he put out back when RUSH was nominated, he talked about listening to RUSH back when he was a wee little musician, but started hating them when he found out the 3 chords of a Clash song were easier to play. Learning those three chords made him feel like a man again.


RUSHs complexity and depth hurts his fingers and his head. He's bitter his friends didn't get invited to the cool kids party.


I googled Kraftwork and the page came up blank... Then finally Kraft Cheese.


How does it feel to not be taken seriously? Let's interview this tool and find out.

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I could tear this guy's article to pieces, but I'll settle for making just two comments:


1. Rush's fanbase didn't get them into the Hall. Collectively, our "votes" counted as just ONE VOTE, among the 600+ people who also get a vote. It would've still been possible for us to lose, 600-to-1. We didn't vote Rush in, the 600+ voters, collectively, did.


2. Rush's name will only have an asterix next to it in the mind of this author. Likewise, the use of the asterix in baseball is mostly the same (the only exception being Roger Maris's home run record). The asterix in the record books only exists, if at all, in the mind of the fan. Barry Bonds, for example, may have an asterix next to his record(s), in some minds, because of perceived steroid use. The 1919 Reds, for another example, may have an asterix next to their World Series win, in some minds, because their competitor in that WS intentionally took a dive. To say that Rush's name in the RNRHOF will forever have an asterix next to it? That's a subjective observation, not an objective and empirical one. It's in the author's head, and - so far as I know - no place else.


This writer and his article are another example of how music critics are as full of shit as anyone. The thing is, they think they can affect what people listen to, through their writing. Rush is proof they can't always succeed in that endeavor, because the mainstream music press has always trashed Rush and yet Rush has been enormously successful anyway. Remember what Billy Corgan said: "At the end of the day, rock is a people's game, and the people have consistently and overwhelming voted for this band." That's why they're in the Hall of Fame, despite what dipshit critics think of them.

Edited by GeddyRulz
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just another hipster trying to be relevant, and he knows his RUSH slagging gets him a wider audience...

as thin as his arguments, nothing to see here....moo-ving on

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i wouldnt give them the satisfaction of direct contact
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I guess it is okay for the guy not to like Rush. I mean the "original" LA Times rock critic Robert HIlburn used to rip Barry Manilow so much, he got death threats.


But I am not sure I like his point in an earlier column ripping Rush that rock would be exactly where it was today if they were never around. But wouldn't that be true if Springsteen or Aerosmith never came to be as well? Springsteen was a continuation of Dylan in many ways and Aerosmith was simply an American Rolling Stones. So to me, if those two never came to be, would music be any more different? I mean, if Buddy Holly never came to be that would be one thing, but can't we dismiss others that are loved by critics as well?

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