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  1. Well, just done some reading and there will be two awesome releases on the same day! September 30th 2013!!! Alter Bridge will release a new album, Fortress. Their fourth album, which will feature one song with Tremonti on lead vocals. There are a lot of great titles on the album's track listing, and I can't wait to see how they sound. On the same day, as any regular on this site would know, is the release of Rush's new box set, which contains everything post-HYF, including the new remixed version of Vapour Trails. Now, to the untrained fan, this could seem like sheer luck they're on the same day. To me, it's the greatest thing ever. One day in the local CD Shop, two awesome releases in the car.
  2. We all must have experienced this once or twice in the past....a musical conversation comes up with a friend/coworker/acquaintance and you want to share with them how or why you think Rush is so great....but the other person is kinda just doesn't get it? It's like..no matter how hard you try to convey what Rush and their songs mean to you, you just can't get it across or get the other person to feel it on that same level? For example, I have a friend who is a sci fi fanatic and absolutely loves most things like Star Trek, Star Wars, Comics, etc. and he absolutely hates Rush. I told him that 2112 and the concept would be right up his alley but...nothing.
  3. Just gotta give my two cents to what was perhaps one of the greatest Rush Concerts ever put on. As everyone predicted the small arena made the Sound Quality spectacular beyond compare. Every note was crystal clear and not muffled in any way (not counting when it's supposed to sound muffled) and Geddy's voice was almost perfect, especially on subdivisions which sounded so close to the album it was mind blowing. Though the concert had a minor flub or two, and I had a personal bad experience with a drunk guy just getting into my car that would not leave and got grabby when I shouted for help (thanks mystery rush fans that helped), the concert could only compare to me hearing the set for the first time in Winnipeg under complete surprise. Other highlights include the fact that though the set was A, Limelight was played (Body Electric is not a personal favorite), and the other 3 songs (all of which I prefer their B variants by a tiny bit) were played magnificently (particularly the solo at the end of Bravado), the hall was more compact, so it had more hard-core Rush Fans (I swear I heard singing for their big hits), I had a seat which gave a full view of the lighting rig (it was really colorful for this show I realised) Alex's singing was audible a couple of times and it actually sounded pretty good, the unique Red Deer Shirt for sale was great, and finally, Geddy seemed to be having the time of his life at this show. I know he probably smiles the most of the three, but he just seemed so happy to do this show. Oh one last thing, Alex conducted the orchestra during YYZ and it was glorious. Apologies to everyone who could not make this amazing concert, and thanks to Rush for donating their time and efforts to everyone in Calgary. What did everyone else think of the show?
  4. Hey Everyone. I am constantly plagued with the question on whether or not it is odd my choice of favorite bands/artists. Obviously Rush is my favorite band, but before I heard Rush for the first time, I was a huge Green Day fan, and I made the leap without much hesitation, all my colleagues at my music school found it odd that I could jump so quickly from the simple styles of punk rock to the diverse and hard to digest genre of Prog rock, and they are all musicians who are supposed to be open to all genres. Later on I discovered Oingo Boingo, a somewhat hard to classify band (closest to 80's alternative dance rock) that was fronted by film composer Danny Elfman. Though others could at least tell I could relate rush to them because of their non-conformist writing and composition, people found their sound different still to accept how I could so easily jump to this band. Then I made probably the most odd jump of all. I became a major fan of Owl City. For those who don't know, he is an indie Synth-pop/rock act that has two hits with Fireflies and Good Time. In other words, I jumped into popular music. He still had a great quality of writing that I loved, and I could relate to his basement synth compositions and common themes of insomnia and introversion, but people were still shocked, even my other musician buddy who up until then understood my changes had a hard time digesting this (I got him to turn around eventually though). And now I have finally I have gotten into They might be Giants, which though is a more understandable group after seeing how eclectic my music choices are, still seem far away from everything else with their more homespun indie sound. Or to Sum up, I like... Rush (Prog), Oingo Boingo (80's Alternative Dance Rock), Owl City (Indie Synth pop), They Might be giants (Alternative), and Green Day (pop-punk). What does everyone think? Thanks for reading my ramblings. RushBoingo
  5. Anyone looking to get out of the deal they got for their Hamilton VIP floor ticket? I don't even want all the swag, you can keep that, just the ticket. Will pay you face value ($300) for it or whatever it is. Any takers? I think this can be done if we work with Ticketmaster to do the transfer over to me. By the way, did anyone else think that Alex's part of the acceptance speech was somewhat retarded? I did find myself laughing quite a bit, but I sorta thought he was thumbing his nose at the whole thing, which it sorta deserves. I mean, I was really hoping he would just stop the BS at some point and start saying something a little more intelligent or whatever. Still, it was a fairly ballsy thing to do. Neil's speech was great - I loved the Bob Dylan reference. And Geddy was cool too, humble yet appreciative as always. But hey the whole thing IS actually kind of a hollow honor at this point, especially when you have RAP groups getting inducted on the very same evening (Flavor Flav in the same class as these guys? Kinda sad actually. Rolling Stone is a garbage magazine). Saw Yes play recently in Toronto, and it was great because we got sick of our shitty, super uncomfortable balcony seats and snuck down to the floor area during the intermission and got unclaimed 3rd row floor seats right near Steve Howe. Yes should certainly be next up as shoo ins to the hall of fame. Enough with the retardedness of putting these fools like Public Enemy and Madonna who have NOTHING to do with Rock and Roll into said hall of fame! It's like putting Elvis into the Hip Hop hall of fame - doesn't make sense. You gotta really respect the Sex Pistols for boycotting the induction ceremony and calling the whole thing a "piss stain" in a scrawled written letter and yet still having them induct you! Brilliant. To me, that's sorta what Alex was indirectly saying, which is cool. Is his bald spot gone now? LOL!
  6. Hello everyone! Some of you may know me, but I'm not that popular here on TRF. I need a favor from all of you. I am in this contest to meet rush, get front row seats, and a bass guitar. As of right now, I am in 6th place, and I need to be in the top 3 in order to qualify to win. That's why I need ALL your guys's help! I am just as big of a fan as those people who have been to 50+ rush shows- and trust me, if i were older, I would totally be there. I've been a fan since 2009. But its not about being a fan from the beginning, its about being there until the end. Rush has truly changed my life for the better. They are much, much more than just a band to me- they are my idols and heroes. They have taught me life lessons I will never forget. They have inspired me to play guitar and viola and make music of my own. They truly are three extraordinary men that have saved me from many things. I will never be able to thank them enough for what they have done for me. When I say they mean the world to me I truly do mean it. Their music is just so unbelievable- I have spent countless hours listening to them, watching them, and playing their music on guitar. I have spent hundreds of my own dollars on them, and I am only 15! My dad has been a fan for 25+ years and has seen them every tour since Grace Under Pressure. He is also a spectacular drummer who wishes to play like Neil. without him, I would not be the person I am today. We go to Rush concerts- that's our absolute favorite thing to do together. We also absolutely LOVE to play music together- me on guitar and him on drums. When I see his smile when we are playing Rush songs it is one of my favorite things to see ♥ Winning this contest is literally one of my biggest dreams! People always say to chase your dreams, so I am chasing this one. (that is what i would put if we weren't limited to 140 characters!) Here is some of the Rush-related artwork I have done: http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z365/musicalabby2112/SnakesandArrows_zpsfbdd945f.jpg http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z365/musicalabby2112/GraceUnderPressureTTT_zpsba195667.jpg I drew this one with sharpie markers: http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z365/musicalabby2112/391177_400512320008474_1563216773_n-1_zpse867cda1.jpg http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z365/musicalabby2112/rsfhhhsa_zps57561cb7.jpg I did this portrait with graphite and charcoal pencil: http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z365/musicalabby2112/IMG_2245_zpse09bbaf7.jpg That's not even all of it! I just wanted to share some of my favorites! here's a link if you want to hear me play some rush on guitar: https://soundcloud.com/musicalabby2112/rush-guitar-riff-medley That is why every single one of your votes counts in this contest. Every. single. one. it only takes two seconds to vote. so if you could please vote me the “ultimate Rush fan”, I will never be able to thank you guys enough. you will make my biggest dream finally come true. Plus my dad will get THE BEST fathers day gift EVER!!!! :D Thank you! VOTE HERE: http://www.q1043.com/c/?28 :rush:
  7. Hello everyone! This is my first post in The Rush Forum. I've just finished a Rush-related project that I've been working at school for the past nine weeks and wanted to share it with fellow Rush fans here. It is a stop-motion video set to Tom Sawyer with lyrics, printmaking, and a Mark Twain guitar solo. I put a lot of work into this and I'd love for you to check it out. Also, let me know what you think and share it with others if you dig it. Thanks so much! Modern Day Warrior: http://youtu.be/gapX8lunWk0
  8. http://www.musicradar.com/news/drums/in-conversation-chad-smith-with-alex-lifeson-575006 Awesome interview. Enjoy! :D
  9. I just started another one! :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:
  10. Possible spoilers about what they'll play at the induction ceremony. http://www.thespec.c...aciously-bitter Rush was just starting to hit its stride on the world scene when the critics turned on progressive rock. The year was 1977 and Rush, a band that started out playing blues-rock in bars around southern Ontario, had been increasingly influenced by British prog rockers like King Crimson, Yes, Genesis and Emerson, Lake & Palmer. You can hear it in the band’s 1976 breakthrough album, 2112 and, even more in the followups: A Farewell To Kings (1977), Hemispheres (1978), Permanent Waves (1980) and Moving Pictures (1981). But, in 1977, the critics, especially those from influential Rolling Stone magazine, turned their attention elsewhere. Suddenly, The Sex Pistols, Ramones and The Clash were the bands that mattered. Punk was good. Prog was bad. Rush, personified by Geddy Lee’s high-pitched shriek, Alex Lifeson’s multilayered guitars and Neil Peart’s sci-fi lyrics, was an easy target. Rush fans — millions of them — were stigmatized as pretentious mullet-heads who would eventually grow out of their adolescent love for Rush and discover the true meaning of rock ’n’ roll. Interestingly enough, the fans stuck by the Canadian trio. Those fans grew up into business executives, lawyers and surgeons who still cherish their Rush records. During the past few years, critical opinions have changed. Lifeson and Lee are hailed as virtuosos. Peart is revered as rock’s greatest living drummer. Their influence on modern prog-metal bands like Tool and System Of A Down has been enormous. The Rock ’n’ Roll Hall of Fame induction committee, led by longtime Rolling Stone publisher Jan Wenner, was slow to react to this changing tide. It took 15 years of Rush eligibility and more than 40,000 signatures on an online petition before they finally came to their senses and put the band on the nomination list. On Thursday, long-suffering Rush fans will receive their pound of flesh when the Canadian rock trio is inducted into the Hall of Fame during a gala concert/ceremony at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles (broadcast on HBO on Saturday, May 18 at 9 p.m.). The band members say they will accept the honour “graciously.” Still, some bitterness lingers. “We were eligible for 15 years and it really didn’t matter to us,” Lifeson told The Spectator in a phone interview from his Toronto home. “We joked about it. In fact we kind of wore it as a badge of honour that there was a core inside the committee that did not want us in there. Some said, ‘Over my dead body,’ literally, ‘before Rush gets in here.’ Which is fine, they can do whatever they want. It’s their museum. “So at the end of the day, it didn’t really matter to us at all. It was kind of nice to have that controversy go away, to a point. But our fans were very insulted by it and burned by it. Now they feel vindicated by it. Certainly not all of them do. There’s certainly a lot of Rush fans who think we should ignore it. “But the proper, courteous thing to do is to go and accept it graciously, try to make everybody happy, move on and never have to deal with it again.” Lifeson is well aware of the history and believes there are many other bands still suffering from that ’70s prog-rock backlash. “There seems to be a sense of unfairness, not just about us, but the whole genre of progressive rock music,” Lifeson, 59, says. “You can argue that a lot of bands should be in there even before us. Deep Purple has had an incredible impact on rock music and so many bands, as has Yes and King Crimson. There’s a long list. The Moody Blues should have been in there. They were incredibly inspiring to a lot of young musicians.” Still, there’s little doubt that Rush has benefitted from the controversy. It’s been a rallying point for diehard fans and forced outsiders to have a second look. Rush seem to be more popular now than ever before. Tours are guaranteed sellouts — there are still some tickets available for Rush’s July 6 date at Copps Coliseum — and the Rush fans can now wear their T-shirts with pride. “It’s really changed,” Lifeson says. “When you go back to the ’70s, we had lots of very negative press. It was water off the back after a while. “Now it seems we can’t get bad press. I miss it,” he laughs. “It’s just so odd that here we are, 40 years later, and now we’re respectable. Everyone wants a piece of us. It’s very fascinating, interesting.” One of the things that are making the Hall of Fame ceremony more palatable is the fact that Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins will be at the podium introducing Lifeson, Lee and Peart. The two Foo Fighters were selected by the Hall of Fame to do the induction with the approval of Rush. “They are keen Rush fans and they understand where we come from,” Lifeson says. “In a lot of ways the Foo Fighters are similar. They stick to their guns and do things in their own way. Certainly Dave (Grohl) has come up for the last 25 years with that same sense of integrity and work ethic. They are terrific guys, the perfect choice.” Rush has been asked to perform some of the better known songs at the induction ceremony. “Tom Sawyer, Spirit of Radio and maybe YYZ,” Lifeson says. “They’ve asked us to do classic, kind of iconic songs and those three are the ones.” Will Grohl and Hawkins join Rush? Perhaps drumming with Peart? “There’s always a chance,” Lifeson says cryptically. “We’re working on some things.”
  11. They greeted Toronto, kicked in YYZ, stopped at the intro and the singer said "Sorry, that's all we know. Shout out to Geddy Lee!" Great show, highly recommend seeing this band live if you haven't.
  12. http://www.cleveland...es_bass_20.html ^^^^^^ VIDEO ^^^^^^^ Sneak peek of the display of the 2013 inductees gear... Ms Borger was a little funnier, more human on the local news tonight not so much of a pole up her butt as she is here. She mentioned how her email was always chock full of "why isn't RUSH in the rrhof?" Even said she feels so lonely now, hardly any email texts or tweets at all Come on, what's a girl gotta do to get some love...Match.com? emode? ChristianMingle? eHarmony? A few of us should ask this poor girl on at least ONE date as a way to say thanks...come on....
  13. http://www.cbc.ca/manitoba/scene/homepage-promo/2013/03/14/banger-films-brings-metal-to-the-masses/ :D Can't wait to see what new project Sam and Scott are working on now. :haz:
  14. There has been another Halifax show added for July 14th and tickets go on sale to the general public on Saturday March 16th. Pre-sale tickets are supposed to go on sale Tuesday-Wednesday at noon. I am wondering if these pre-sale are just for VIP or if there are going to be normal tickets too. I do not want to purchase a $300 VIP ticket for pre-sale. I hope someone can give me further answers.
  15. Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles As was reported via Press Release Phoenix Down is going to be working with Producer/Extraordinaire Steve Thompson(who's resume is a literal who's who list of some of the BIGGEST bands of all time Guns N' Roses, Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Slash, Mick Jagger, Paul Simon, The Rolling Stones and so many more..It's a 9 page resume(Seriously) ha,ha As you can imagine having someone like that show even a little interest in the band is a HUGE thing one that we hope we are worthy of...more news on this to follow...might be going to Toronto to record...depends on how things play out over the next months. Our relationship with Sam Taylor(King's X/ZZ Top/Galactic Cowboys) is still intact and the two of them will be working side by side to create the best career path for the band. And the most artisticly viable new CD...Presently the new CD is entitled The Dawn Of Oblivion and will be a concept album with two parts tying into The Cycle Of Strife Saga. On February 5, 2013 Phoenix Down re-released digitally The Cycle of Strife available for download at Phoenix Down. The band is also in talks with an award winning animator about doing an animation style video for The Cycle Of Strife epic and hope to have details tied down on that in the next few weeks. For right now the band did release a lyric video via their Youtube channel at Phoenix Down it's for the song Truth. http://youtu.be/6hyLyr3JpYk If you actually went to youtube to check out the lyric video for Truth you saw the video for our Kickstarter program which will be live in the next few days you can see the which you can see a preview for HERE. The band is in hopes that as many people can help them achieve their dream through this program...there are a ton more REALLY cool items to announce that I will be announcing in the next several weeks...if we reach our goal in Kickstarter there will be another REALLY BADASS incentive. I will have more details on that as we get closer to that!! The band will also have a new official website launching in the upcoming weeks!!! Thank you for your help Phoenix Down Follow the band at: www.facebook.com/phoenixdown2112 www.reverbnation.com/phoenixdown2112 www.twitter.com/pberger2112
  16. I have a couple of sets of passwords at work - some corporate-given, one that is of my own choosing. Way back when I made it, I just one of my usual passwords. Well, a few days ago, the system told me I had to update the password to something new. I decided to go with something Rush-related, thinking it would bring a little smile to my face at work. Boy, was I right! I'm still getting used to the new password (old habits die hard!), but everytime I punch it in I get a little happy feeling inside. Why did I never think of this before? Anyone else do something like this, add a little Rush to their day?
  17. A Long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...ok so it’s not THAT saga…but 11 years and the many miles, both figuratively and literally we all have travelled seems like galaxies and anyone who has been to Las Vegas knows it’s a million light years from the winter snow of Pennsylvania. Let’s back step a little to explain to anyone (and probably a lot at this point in time) that don’t know who we are…The band’s name is Phoenix Down(yes there have been tons of others through the years…actually a bass player I worked with for a short period of time on another project was in a band called Phoenix Down as well before we met…) I don’t claim that we were first but we chose this name in 1996 and used it non-stop till 2006…although we did receive a few letters from Kane Roberts(Alice Cooper’s former guitar player who had a release affiliated with the Phoenix Down name at some point) releasing 2 cd’s. The first one was totally self financed released in 2001…the second we were lucky enough to have worked a “developmental” type deal with Inside/Out Records we released this CD in 2004…during the time we were working on these cd’s we were extremely fortunate to get to tour with some amazing bands…King’s X, Godsmack, Symphony X, Collective Soul, Goo Goo Dolls, Zakk Wylde(Book of Shadows tour), Bang Tango, Pat Travers, we even played NEARfest four(4) separate times!! Unfortunately in 2006 due to some issues in the band(part of which was my need to sober up after being on the road non-stop) we needed to step away and take an indefinite hiatus. In 2009 as I had been working on a project(that would later become Silvercloud) We began working with Sam Taylor(Manager/Producer for King’s X, ZZ Top, and Galactic Cowboys) As this band began making touring in support of our Sam Taylor/Wilde Silas produced EP, Sam approached me about the possibility of revisiting Phoenix Down…I hadn’t spoken to the other guys in almost 4 years…but this was my baby I formed this band while I was still in college (2 days before my 21st birthday to be exact) and was willing to see what would happen if we did something with it…fast forward to May of 2012 after a 4 hour drive to meet up with Milo Phillips(Stewart Copeland’s engineer at his home studio) and Sam at a small studio in Burbank, CA it was time to meet up with the rest of Phoenix Down and see how it was going to go…nerve racking…YES…strange…HELL YEAH…Exciting…more than I could ever tell you…after a few awkward moments of not quite knowing what to say or how to act…we settled back into our old relationships and that spark and magic was back…playing through a few of our songs and a few covers it was like no time had passed…granted we sounded like a sloppy version of what we normally do…but it was on it’s way back…we spent two weeks working in Burbank writing new material and discussing the plans for the future… Fast forward to October of 2012 and we are in the studio here in Vegas doing pre-production and starting to buckle down on arrangements and even laying down tracks for the new CD, which will be called The Dawn of Oblivion(We plan on releasing this on or around May 21, 2013) and will continue The Cycle Of Strife Saga, we decided we were going to re-release the original The Cycle Of Strife CD remastered plus some bonus tracks. The remastered version of The Cycle of Strife we are planning to have available in all markets as of February 5, 2013. There will also be a special bonus version of this CD that will include an entire CD’s worth of Demo’s from the first 2 Phoenix Down CD’s as well as a whole CD of Cover songs(I am so excited to bring these covers to you with a bunch of Special Guests who I will announce as soon as I possibly can;-) Check us out on: Facebook: www.facebook.com/phoenixdown2112 Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/phoenix-down-1 There will be more added to this as time goes on…most are still very much a work in progress!! You can hear some samples here: The Cycle Of Strife: https://soundcloud.c....-strife-sample Nightfall: https://soundcloud.c...ightfall-sample Truth: https://soundcloud.c...-1/truth-sample Client: https://soundcloud.c...1/client-sample For You: https://soundcloud.c.../for-you-sample This Is Me: https://soundcloud.c...is-is-me-sample As we get closer to the official release we will stream a few of the songs...the first is the first section of The Cycle of Strife Thank you all for your time hope you enjoy what you hear!! Drop me a line!!! Talk soon!! Sorry about the sloppiness of the previous post!!
  18. I think its time for RUSH to have a second encore. I mean really. There's no group I know that works harder or is more deserving of it.. Yeah I know that they usually plan the one encore but wouldn't it be great of we can actually have them play a second encore without them planning it? A true encore at that! I mean after they've finish their first encore and Geddy Waves and says " Good night, hope to see ya again sometime!" and the outro video finishes, for us to just stay there and start chanting "One More!" "One more!" the lights come on and we don't budge, We just stay there screaming " One more!","One More!", five minutes go by, Alex is spraying more Rogain on his scalp, Geddy is swallowing a spoonful of Honey with Lemon juice, Neil has hopped on his bike and we are still there yelling "One More!"," One More!" Then the light come back down, the crowd erupts into a frenzy of cheers and Neil, Alex and Geddy come back out and jump into Closer to the Heart and just jam the hell of it just for us!. Wouldn't that be awesome. Basically, we the fans demand and Encore and actual true to life encore. Not this prepared tacet we've become used too. :clap: :ebert: :codger: :ebert: :clap:
  19. Clockwork Angels Concert Review-Pittsburgh 2012 Yea, I know...It’s been a long time comin'...We here at Dragon Line Central had some Technical Difficulties...We are sorry for the delay...but...It is Finally Here and ready for your viewing pleasure...We would like to say that we appreciate your patience over the last few months and We Thank You all for sharing in This Experience with us...God Bless You all...Click on the Lynk below to read the Review and check out the Fan Pages... Enjoy... PEACE... http://thedragonline.wordpress.com/2013/01/16/the-dragon-line-clockwork-angels-pittsburgh-review/
  20. I was thinking that perhaps the boys will change things up the 2nd Tour and replace all the Power Window songs with Signals songs like Below: The Big Money with New World Man Grand Design with Digital Man Territories with The Weapon Middletown Dreams with Kid Gloves Manhattan Project with Losing It :rush: :haz: :rush: What post Moving Picture album songs would you like the above Power Window songs switched for?
  21. iBytor

    Lakeside Park

    EDIT: So my mom surprised me and my dad with tickets to go to Canada, and see Rush play in Toronto! We went exploring all around to some of the cool places Rush sings about! Lakeside Park was definitely one of my favorites! So here's some pictures to go along with the great song! We also met fellow Rush fans there! It was really neat! LAKESIDE PARK http://i.imgur.com/T0SCd.jpg Midway hawkers calling "Try your luck with me." Merry-go-round wheezing same old melody. A thousand ten-cent wonders, who could ask for more. A pocketful of silver, the key to heaven's door. http://i.imgur.com/wMUFZ.jpg Lakeside Park, willows in the breeze. Lakeside Park, so many memories. Laughing rides, midway lights, Shining stars on summer nights. http://i.imgur.com/XR2aa.jpg Days of barefoot freedom, racing with the waves http://i.imgur.com/I4crJ.jpg Nights of starlit secrets, crackling driftwood flames http://i.imgur.com/cjB56.jpg Drinking by the lighthouse, smoking on the pier http://i.imgur.com/QrEMl.jpg Still, we saw the magic was fading every year http://i.imgur.com/XuUhs.jpg Everyone would gather on the twenty fourth of May, Sitting in the sand to watch the fireworks display. Dancing fires on the beach, singing songs together, Though it's just a memory, some memories last forever.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYOkEcWzceY I was there!!! Its a week long intense orchestra camp that plays lots of rock & roll! This was the final concert, and that's my mom with the blue viper violin with the yellow dress! I'm so jealous she got to play Rush with her group and I didn't! :( BUT it was amazing to watch!! Everyone go take a look!
  23. :yay: :D :yay: :D :yay: Happy 5th Anniversary, nettiesaur! :yay: :D :yay: :D :yay:
  24. Gompers

    I had hoped

    Alas, Clockwork Angels has not grown on me like I hoped. Even though it is a ambitious project, it just does not bring home the bacon with me. I cannot pinpoint what it is but I am not left wanting to go back to it as an entire listen. There are some standout songs, but some of the dogs are almost horrid.
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