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Everything posted by MusicHead

  1. Subdivisions Limelight The Analog Kid
  2. A bit better today. Sleep helps!
  3. Mandatory income redistribution in my life. Grr!
  4. I've slimmed down enough to fit into my old clothes. Huzzah!
  5. George tore it up recently with Michael Sweet, delivering the goods on some shredding tunes!
  6. Been battling some depression the last couple of days. My counselor has helped immensely though.
  7. I picked up the Very Best of Dokken recently. Nice to reconnect with stuff from my youth.
  8. Picked up a pair of Zildjian drumsticks yesterday. And Seinheiser headphones rule. Your turn.
  9. Next up, I want to pick up a p/g and a Signals tee.
  10. Dirk, Lerxst, and Pratt in Beyond the Lighted Stage.
  11. I binge-watched the entire first season. Wow! IMNSHO, best TV superhero show to date. Followed closely by The Flash and Arrow.
  12. Wilson Fisk AKA The Kingpin Frank Booth from David Lynch's Blue Velvet The Joker from The Dark Knight
  13. My thoughts exactly. I very seldom add anyone to my G Circles for precisely this reason.
  14. Now this lady named Anna Graham (anagram, for Mongo?) is promoting a Rush pre-concert get-together for 4/20 in Lebanon Ohio. She works in tandem with this "Anna Kryist" (The "Anarchist"?) to coordinate this effort. Hmm...
  15. As a big fan of Livgren's AD/solo stuff and Kansas, IMO the split worked out in the long run and doubled the output of awesome art. The MooN DVD's bonus disc is the shibby too.
  16. Then add, "Your mother is a hamster and you reek of elderberries!"
  17. Sorry you have to go through this. Praying for you!
  18. Had a doctor's appointment this morning. My blood pressure's doing really well and I lost another four pounds. Huzzah!
  19. Hi, MusicHead here. I recently got back into the Rush fold, and find myself perplexed concerning this New Jersey enterprise that purports to represent Rush. Their phone number is 201-474-7874. To the knowledge of the average Rush member/admins/moderators/other powers-that-be, is this enterprise legitimate, or an absolute scam? I apologize if this topic has been started elsewhere on the site, but this curiosity is killing me. Regards, MH
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