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New Digital Man

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Everything posted by New Digital Man

  1. Sad news indeed but what concerns me now is who is gonna replace all these musical giants we're losing at what seems an incredible rate? At least their music will live on!
  2. This rare drum clinic is worth watching, he plays three or four songs and you can hear a lot of those subtle little things he's doing, lots of interesting things said and he's in a really friendly mood, paints him in a different picture but this is obviously before his tragedies! The sound improves a couple of minutes in;
  3. Often Geddy is praised for his ability to play difficult bass lines and sing in perfect pitch at the same time but take a look at this McCartney clip;
  4. Eddie Van Halen would drink Brian May under the table!!
  5. With respect I just don't see anything worthy of comparison here, they're poles apart, music isn't a competition, both are great but in vastly different ways! Obviously if you said EVH or Guthrie Govan then it's different and GG blows him away in every aspect, or almost anyone else really!
  6. um because he has better options now....and lots of them? It's a bit late for better options, not that they are, he can't change the past and why would he want to, all these basses in his collection that have nothing to do with the bands body of work!
  7. I realise that not everybody was a fan of the Wal bass years, or Steinberger come to that, but they made some classic albums during that time which is a massive part of the bands legacy as well as some of Geddys finest bass work so I find it odd and quite sad that he has written those instruments out of the bands history, they haven't been seen or mentioned for over twenty years and are not seen hanging on the wall with all those others! Maybe they're in storage or in the bassment or he may have sold them, wonder why he hates them so much when at the time he had so much praise? Shame as the Wals are such great, unique and beautifully hand crafted instruments, would like to hear his views on them now!
  8. Ha Ha!! Everyone knows where the band live don't they, call yourself a fan!!! You said Bridle Path, so that was my starting point, simples!
  9. Truth is, they're both probably less than a 45 minute drive from you so you should track them down and ask them! ;) I was running the other day towards Bridle Path here in Toronto, and a friend from the same running group said "hey, that´s Drake´s house". I said "who???", much to her disbelief. I honestly didn´t know who he was, and had to google him afterwards. But hey, I was thinking Alex and Geddy probably live in the same area if they spend time in Toronto...should I stalk them? Sure why not! Google maps says you're 1 hour 52 mins walk from Geddys place or 20 mins in a car, let us know what he says when you arrive!!
  10. I really doubt that. Neil probably doesn't care what the guys at his former job are doing or want to do. Alex and Geddy would just do it, putting a nice and polite Canadian explanation out that would allow Neil to save face. And Neil would be earning money all the time for doing nothing! How would Neil earn money from an unrelated band that performs its original material? Yes obviously if it was unrelated material and had nothing to do with Rush then he wouldn't earn anything however in the unlikely event that Geddy and Alex went out on the road with another drummer I can't imagine that they wouldn't throw a couple of Rush tunes in the set, in which case Neil would be entitled to his share of royalties as he is on the bands back catalogue!
  11. I really doubt that. Neil probably doesn't care what the guys at his former job are doing or want to do. Alex and Geddy would just do it, putting a nice and polite Canadian explanation out that would allow Neil to save face. And Neil would be earning money all the time for doing nothing!
  12. It was riding his motorcycle from show to show that really did him in. He wouldn't be anywhere near as exhausted if he could of just relaxed and read books on a bus or a plane during the tours. I keep hoping one day Neil will want to show Oliva the USA, Europe and Asia. Show her the business of music and touring. in the book Ghost Rider he was talking like the money he had then was going to run out if he did not start working again. Hopefully, in a year or so, he will start feeling the same way. We never know, he might want to build that nest egg back up. I think most millionaires have a different concept to the idea of the money running out to the rest of us lol!
  13. Multi-tracking, why? Did Geddy, one of the best bass players in rock music really need to put down 3 mediocre bass tracks for each tune then I read that Alex had used 50(really??) guitars or something? Wtf?
  14. I think it's a little selfish of him not to make an official statement about his retirement unless he's keeping all his options open, selfish either way really, don't think announcing it through his 8 year old daughter is particularly professional!
  15. In Chapter 10 of Neils book Ghost Rider he says that Liam contacted him after having a meeting with Geddy and Alex regarding cutting their expenses as they had no income coming in and what to do with a Warehouse full of band equipment? Surely that same issue is relevant this time and the same question would have to be asked, the answer from Neil would surely wrap things up?
  16. Don't think I ever recall Geddy having issues with his bass or bass rig, I could be wrong?
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15eu7ar5EKM
  18. Neurotica is a sequenced bass part!
  19. Marco Minneman, especially as he has a connection with Alex now!
  20. Alex is obviously the best guitarist for Rush and EVH the best for Van Halen, that's what the best means to me in this kind of comparison, just like saying who's the best bass player Paul McCartney or John Entwistle? Obviously Entwistle by a mile but they were both crucial to the respective bands they were in and most would agree that music history would be re-written if they had swapped places!
  21. So Carrie was scouting everything and then when the coast was clear Neil would show up? He's not exactly a household name is he, don't think many people would know who he is or who Rush are, sounds like he's either on a real ego trip or he has a serious social anxiety problem that he needs to get help with! pretty sad either way!
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