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Everything posted by GeddysMullet

  1. I'm amused by the absence of The Garden from this list. After Geddy was so proud that Rush finally made a proper power ballad!
  2. So much love and empathy to you, Lorraine :hug2: How I wish the world was a kinder and more just place.
  3. Rush x3. There aren’t very many bands that I actually loathe, but I loathe Foreigner.
  4. :hug2: I just got back from picking out my funeral cards. This is really getting bizarre. I often wonder who the person is that's doing all this stuff while holding normal conversations with people without being a basket case. I think you are incredibly brave. Huge respect. :hug2: I'm not brave. I'm taking the coward's way out. Brave is having the courage to suffer the ravages of chemo. I strongly disagree with this, but I'm not looking to challenge your definitions of courage :) Just to offer my support and let you know that I will always remember you with affection and great regard :hug2:
  5. :hug2: I just got back from picking out my funeral cards. This is really getting bizarre. I often wonder who the person is that's doing all this stuff while holding normal conversations with people without being a basket case. I think you are incredibly brave. Huge respect. :hug2:
  6. I understand your perspective on this, Lorraine. Sending love :hug2:
  7. I remember Firefall from Casey's Top 40. "You Are The Woman". Very 70s AM radio, a very strange match-up with the Yardbirds.
  8. He probably goes to thrift stores and buy whatever he finds in the Rock vinyl bins ...and at the bottom of those bins is a clue, which leads him to building out of town, and to another bin, which contains the key to the bin which holds all the secret records discarded by record companies, and in that bin, he finds "Firefall - Luna Sea". Nah, we know what RPG means. I know RPG stands for Random Poll Generator, but I was wondering from what data pool the generator is pulling the choices.
  9. I love the whoa-oh-ohs at the end of Grand Designs, the rest of the song not so much. Also: I've never much liked Tom Sawyer, but the drum break in it is mighty. And as long as I'm tipping sacred cows, the bridge of The Trees is chock-full of glorious Rushy goodness, but I've got no use for the rest of the song.
  10. I'm not even a Yes fan and I can tell you that's not Yes. It's Uh-huh, maybe, or possibly Aye, or even Yeah if I'm being generous but it sure as heck isn't Yes.
  11. I had it last year and had the same experience a few times of thinking I was getting better and starting to resume a little bit of activity but then relapsing. You've got to continue to rest as much as possible even if you think you're starting to recover.
  12. Let me take this opportunity to give John at Cygnus-X1.net some recognition, not only for his archiving of Neil's articles, but for his entire site, an invaluable resource to the Rush community. John was handing out postcards advertising Cygnus-X.net at the first Rush gig I ever went to, the gig at which I became a fan, and I have been visiting it regularly ever since. Many thanks and much appreciation to John for all his hard work over the years!
  13. Any possibility for a share of that?
  14. I have a questionable relationship with the guitar solo from The Camera Eye :lol:
  15. Would it be sacrilege to say that I much preferred the short solos scattered through the show that Neil did on the last few tours to the one long one he always did before that?
  16. GeddysMullet

    It's in my Top 5.
  17. I'd like that a lot more if the three musicians actually looked like the guys from Rush rather than just guys with similar hairstyles and clothing.
  18. The scene in Toy Story 2 where Jess the cowgirl sings about having been outgrown by the girl she used to belong to destroys me, especially when they show her lying abandoned under the bed.
  19. It wasn't The Camera Eye at the start of the Time Machine Tour, but it was at the end!
  20. I don't think Neil wrote lyrics for J R Flood. Geddy and Alex have said that they asked Neil if he'd ever written lyrics and he said No, but that he'd like to try. You can hear that in this interview at about 7 minutes in (if you have Amazon Prime): https://www.amazon.com/Manic-Street-Preachers-Meet-RUSH/dp/B08DKGCCQC
  21. Updated link to Rush Forum Chat Room Refugees on Discord! https://discord.gg/97BtSzSCkN
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