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Everything posted by Gemari77

  1. No love for the "Show Don't Tell" solo? That's my favorite Geddy Bass spotlight moment.
  2. Personally, I'm wondering where all this Power Windows love is coming from all of a sudden from the guys in Rush... If I remember correctly, they seemed to speak highly of this record in Contents Under Pressure...but still...it seems an odd choice for them to revisit in this capacity. Not exactly a fan favorite either---it was one of those controversial records. When I became a Rush fan in the early 90's, it still wasn't cool to like Power Windows...but, I understand that that has changed a little over time. No complaints from me though... I'm an absolute synth era Rush fanatic, and P/G and Power Windows are my favorite two Rush records.
  3. Man... My ultimate, all time favorite Rush song is Middletown Dreams and I didn't think they would ever bring it back. So, I will say B.... But, I hate that it's at the expense of The Body Electric.... LOVE that song too! My kids and I roam around the house saying "100100" at random times. Don't know why we do that. To be honest, if they added MD to set A without removing anything else, I would be all over it. If I had to lose something, it would be Bravado as it's been played off and on over the past few tours.
  4. Oh, I think it's AMAZING.... The middle section especially..... WOW!! Sometimes I have to rewind and listen to that over and over. The music, lyrics, melody and the string section... powerful stuff! I wouldn't say any of the songs, outside of Carvan were "immediate" for me. I had to listen 20 times for the newer songs to click. When The Wreckers finally clicked...it really clicked.
  5. From my point of view... One of my atttractions to Rush was that they were always on the cutting edge of everything in regards to music technology and production. They were VERY high tech in the 80's and 90's, and if I recall correctly, they were one of the first Rock bands to embrace digital technology and recording. There was a time, that when Rush put out a record...even though you might not like the musical direction, you knew you were going to get something that was at least of the highest sound quality available. Very, very high standards and I loved that about them. Could be that they are still that way... but what's modern and cutting edge is how this CD is mixed and mastered. I wouldn't know, because i don't buy or listen to enough new Rock/Metal to know what the current trends are production wise. I do know that the last few Hard Rock/Metal records I purchased (Dream Theater, Arch/Matheos, Anthrax) were more pleasing to my ears sonically than Clockwork Angels.
  6. QUOTE (EmotionDetector @ Jun 13 2012, 11:19 AM) I said "yes, and I'm good with it". I'm not really ever 'good with it'...but in comparison to VT, I'm fine with CA more than VT. The sound issues are not at VT levels, and the songwriting is most certainly superior to VT as well. But yes, there definitely are some sound issues. People may dislike S&A, but the mix was far superior. If CA had the S&A mix, then man...this album would be explosive. Sums it up for me. Everything you said.... Thing that bugs me the most are the heavy effects over just about everything, but especially the vocal.... Partially because, in preparing for C.A. I'd been listening to LOTS of 1977 through 1981 Rush. That's something I don't normally do, as I'm a bigger "synth era" and 90's Rush nut. But, with Clockwork Angels, I definately find myself wishing for a "cleaner", less noisy sound where I can hear everything----the separation in the instruments, the clean upfront bass and vocals that aren't drowning in effects... My ears are slowly adapting to the CA mix....but, I know what type of mix I prefer personally.
  7. I absolutely LOVE the chorus and all the instrumental sections in general. Still not sold on that distorted/buried vocal part before the chorus..or ANY of that vocal effect that appears throughout on CA. Aside from that, this song definatley ranks high for me!! It's the one that I keep going back to the most.
  8. My favorite post-Power Windows Rush record and the only one that I still listen to consistently out of anything they've done since the mid-80's... not that I dislike the others...but T4E is indeed my fav. That's just my 2 cents without reading through the thread...I've read it all before, just like the Vapor Trails bashing (most of which I agree with). If I can tolerate songs about Starships and fighting forest trees (and other assorted goofiness that Rush fans selectively overlook), then I can certainly tolerate any other lyrics... Neil isn't the intellectual poet to me that he is to other people... He's a dude who plays and writes in a Rock band...and if I dig the music and the way the lyrics flow with the music and melody---THAT'S a song to me!
  9. Well hey... I started hanging out on internet "bulletin boards" in the late 80's (Compuserve and Prodigy) and that's how I discovered Rush and other music at the time. The general consensus indeed was that "old Rush" was the best and many people didn't like Rush's current direction. "Classics" like Signals, GUP and Power Windows were still new enough to be bashed on a regular basis.... while there were certainly folks in the minority who enjoyed those records and would constantly defend them (similar to Vapor Trails). I actually never thought I'd see the day when more and more people would start to appreciate these records. One interesting thing I remember is that EVERY Rush record starting with Presto was "the best thing they did since Moving Pictures".... then, after some time, people wouldn't really like those records all that much anymore. A bummer... cause I love 90's Rush. I think that still happens today.
  10. I get mostly stares from middle aged guys... almost as if they want to say something, but are reluctant. For many reasons, I don't look like the average Rush fan... so, maybe they think it's a fluke that I have the shirt on.... My wife got a comment in Charlotte in 2004 around the time of the R30 tour. It was from a guy who wasn't even going to the concert... We were in an elevator and she was wearing a GUP shirt. He made a comment about seeing Rush on that tour and we chatted a bit. That was fun.
  11. QUOTE (FOH Lights @ Mar 1 2011, 03:20 PM) QUOTE (GeddyRulz @ Mar 1 2011, 12:18 PM)QUOTE (Gemari77 @ Mar 1 2011, 09:10 AM) Unfortunately, from what I've seen and heard, the meet & greets are composed largely of people who have "friends" and inside sources...not contest winners. Trust me, the bulk of those meeting Geddy and Alex are contest winners. GeddyRulz is correct. Meet & Greets are very rarely for "connected" people. Geddy & Alex really do love their fans and M&G's are their opportunity to show their appreciation. Wanna meet Geddy & Alex? Find a radio station contest and rapid-fire-dial until you get through! QUOTE they added an extra row on chairs in the front just to accommodate all the "so called' "not connected" "not in the know" fans. Nah... it just doesn't happen like that. Trust me, truly "connected" people don't get M&G passes. That's nice to know... It's just that most of the meet and greet stories I've read on these forums since 2002 have always started "a friend of mine who works on the crew.." or "a friend of a friend had extra M&G passes...". And as much as Anthem stressed how the band doesn't like repeats... I keep seeing photos of the same folks at multiple meet & greets each tour.... But again, I'm never mad at other people's good fortune/luck.... I'll keep trying the local Greenville contests.
  12. Funny you should ask... I'd been trying to find tips on meeting Rush too, ever since I got my tickets for Greenville.... I even reached out to Anthem, and they sent me a response back basically stating that the band wants to meet as many different fans as possible instead of repeats and in order to keep it fair for all fans, the only way to get Meet & Greet tickets are through contests (either radio or through Rush's own contests). They said that they don't want the meet & greets to consists of people "in the know" or with "inside sources". So, they strictly enforce that the meet & greet attendees be fans who have won contests.... Unfortunately, from what I've seen and heard, the meet & greets are composed largely of people who have "friends" and inside sources...not contests winners. I'm not mad about it, though... It is what it is.
  13. QUOTE (That One Guy @ Feb 19 2011, 06:25 PM) The Rush songs that are frequently in rotation here are: Tom Sawyer Limelight Freewill Spirit Of Radio Subdivisions Closer To The Heart Other songs get played less frequently This is exactly what gets played here in South Carolina. Also, we have a station called Frank FM... it's a "we play everything" type of station. One night they played Time Stand Still, right in between Donna Summer and Kenny Loggins... it was a trip hearing it on the radio for the first time. So, unexpected.
  14. QUOTE (Boots @ Jun 28 2010, 07:43 PM) Makes no difference to me. Rush doesn't give a sh*t about my city. Iron Maiden does though. They come here all the time. WHINE WHINE WHINE LOL HA! You must not live in the South. I'm making a 5 hour drive from South Carolina to Virginia to see Maiden and Dream Theater in 3 weeks. In their defense, Rod Smallwood says that they don't do well in the South at all.... I missed out on the REALLY good tickets for the Time Machine Tour and refuse to drive 5 hours for nose bleed seats since Rush (like Maiden) have skipped over the Carolinas altogether... So, when I saw the potential setlist, I felt better about not getting tickets. 2 of my favorite albums aren't represented at all, and the wrong choices (for me) of the albums that are represented.... (same could be said for Maiden though, but I have GREAT tickets). If they add a second leg and come to Charlotte, I'll most likely be there though.
  15. I'm not sure if it is the Bass alone as much as it is a combination of the Bass, Geddy's rig and the tone he is going for. On Counterparts and Test For Echo, I think the Jazz bass does sound brilliant. However, I don't think it works with everything. The brilliant tone and playing of Geddy during the Wal years doesn't seem to translate well to his "modern" Jazz bass tone... The solo in Show Don't Tell, for example, has always sounded like mud when played on the Jazz...to me. The same with other songs where a clean, punchy, mid-rangey tone is a trademark. Those tones are in the Jazz Bass, as evidenced by Jaco, Marcus Miller...etc But, Geddy seems to be going for something else.
  16. QUOTE (TheCaskOf43 @ Jun 19 2006, 10:52 PM) Just had to say it. Its not musically the most technical, not lyrically the deepest, not technically the most elaborate, not Geddy's best Rick tone... But damn it if its not one of the best songs of all time. Its sooooo moody, dark, rich, thick, and warm...its recorded PERFECTLY. Perfect drum sound. Excellent use of dynamics. Unbelievable singing. Pure emotion. Great imagery. Catchy as f***. THIS is Rush. One of their best. We finally agree on something. Awesome song!!! Sometimes I wonder how they sit and came up with that stuff. How does Alex come up with such strange chords/Arpeggios and make them work really well. If you don't like Geddy's screechy style, then you wouldn't appreciate his performance here... but, his voice is so over the top and eerie on that song; I wouldn't have it any other way. Great stuff.
  17. QUOTE (Phantom Fears @ Jun 13 2006, 07:48 PM) Just got done watching GUP dvd after listening to the CD during the day. I think the new mix is superb. Alex did a great job. It struck me while listening to the DVD how clear and pronounced each instrutment is, with an emphasis on Geddy's bass. His bass really stands out without it being too much. It's been years and years since I watched the old VHS tapes of these shows, but I don't remember the mix being so great, so obviously, Al did some fantastic work. I can't wait to watch the others. Well done, Lerxst I agree!! There has been some complaints about the video quality...but, I think that they all look great---certainly better than my old VHS and Brazilian bootlegs-- BUT, the real kicker is the SOUND... Like you mentioned, the GUP audio is outstanding... everything sounds fuller yet with plenty of separation between the instruments and Geddy's BASS sounds crisp and upfront... the Steinberger has never sounded better.
  18. QUOTE (SalmonRushGuy @ May 15 2006, 02:29 AM) I love all of Test for Echo. Me too!
  19. I love Dog Years. I always like it when bands that have an uber serious image, just have fun and get a little goofy on a song or two. The only lyric that I had problems with is the "tortoise from Galapagos..." part. It's like, despite the overall simplistic playful nature of the verses and choruses, Neil couldn't resist being Neil during the bridge--getting overly wordy.
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