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Everything posted by librarian

  1. :musicnote: and the world drags me down...:musicnote:
  2. Wishing you comfort and peace.
  3. Sunflowers will be growing in NY as well!! :cheers:
  4. Plants and cats to stare at...^^^
  5. Hi Lorraine. So good to hear from you!
  6. Happy Birthday! Best wishes and many more... :cheers:
  7. ditto. fing miserable. FREEZING RAIN OF DEATH! ...still waiting. oh yes...an icy crust over the land and trees. Hope power stays on.
  8. I have a pair of white cargo pants that I usually wear outside in the summer time in the garden, or cutting the grass or weeding - or when I am painting something.
  9. Major sky dandruff. Hate it. Already dug out once, will probably have to do it again. :fury:
  10. Thank you, Turbine Freight! :sundog: :cheers:
  11. Thank you, Bahamas! :sundog: :cheers:
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