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Everything posted by JohnnyBlaze

  1. QUOTE (floydfanatic111 @ Dec 4 2005, 12:39 PM) QUOTE (JohnnyBlaze @ Nov 30 2005, 08:22 AM) Loved Bugs in "what's opera doc?" and the one where he was a matador. And Daffy in "the adventures of stupor duck". Of the Pink Panther show my favorite is definitely the Inspector (although all of the others are good too). The Bugs Bunny-Road Runner Movie is a classic movie. My favorite cartoons were in that movie Duck Amuck, Bully for Bugs(Bugs as a matador), The Long Haired Hare, What's Opera Doc(Kill the wabbit!) and the collection of Road Runner and Coyote. Wile E. Coyote, pure genius! Yup! I've seen it several times. Great one.
  2. A Clockwork Orange Wizard of Oz Spinal Tap Animal House Outlaw Josey Wales Shawshank Redemption Psycho American Beauty Pulp Fiction The Shining One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Planet of the Apes (original one OF COURSE) I'm probably forgetting a few but these are definitely high on the list
  3. QUOTE (Necromancer @ Dec 3 2005, 11:20 PM)And i'm surprised that any of these movies have been mentioned yet: Resevoir Dogs Kill Bill (both volumes) From Dusk till Dawn Pulp Fiction I mean... Quentin personifies this type of movie, eh? I never thought of Tarantino as 'deep'. But his films are dark, weird, and highly entertaining imo. I didn't like the Kill Bills and Dusk til Dawn was just alright. A Clockwork Orange is the epitome of a Deep, Dark, Weird film.
  4. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Dec 2 2005, 10:48 AM)QUOTE (JohnnyBlaze @ Dec 1 2005, 04:48 PM) Goob, so how about foreign films? Different language, attitudes, etc. BUT it's in color. Oh, one of the greatest movies of all time was in black & white and someone already mentioned it: PSYCHO. actually i love foreign films and independent films (if they're good!). johnny, is it just me dude, or can you feel the love oozing out of this thread? peace bro, gary Don't know what to tell ya Goob other than that some folks disagree with 'ya and are turned off by some of the things that you write. But it is just script and often than not things are misunderstood, reread and dwelled over, misinterpreted, etc. I wouldn't take it too seriously. In the end, they're all just different opinions anyways, eh? Come to think of it, I don't think you and I have ever agreed on movies or tv shows (especially reality tv programs/I hate those f*ckin' shows! )...but somehow we never got into any kind of argument. Oh yeah, the thread...2 of my favorite B & W programs: Twilight Zone and the Three Stooges (Curly, Larry, Moe trio only)
  5. Goob, so how about foreign films? Different language, attitudes, etc. BUT it's in color. Oh, one of the greatest movies of all time was in black & white and someone already mentioned it: PSYCHO.
  6. jesus ! u look happy as hell ! nice 1.
  7. Loved Bugs in "what's opera doc?" and the one where he was a matador. And Daffy in "the adventures of stupor duck". Of the Pink Panther show my favorite is definitely the Inspector (although all of the others are good too).
  8. QUOTE (rushengal @ Nov 30 2005, 08:24 AM)http://sfon.tv/Television/S/Star_Trek/Star_Trek_TOS/Images/STTOS_Enterprise_Crew.jpg What can I say. I'm a trekkie... and I'm proud of it!! http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/B0001B3YTM.02.LZZZZZZZ.jpg Also a fan of Firefly. I don't think I'm truly a trekkie but I have seen all of the original series many times (my older bros were addicted to it). It took time but the show grew on me. I never got into the spin-offs. A show that had Leonard Nimoy in it that I really loved was a documentary-type thang called "IN SEARCH OF...". I think it was out sometime in the late 70s. It wasn't really a sci-fi program but it did tackle such topics as UFOs & aliens. Other 'investigations' they did included: ghosts & hauntings, Knights of the Round Table, Bigfoot, Loch Ness, Noah's Ark, etc. I really miss that show.
  9. QUOTE (Arndrake @ Nov 24 2005, 06:17 AM) QUOTE (JohnnyBlaze @ Nov 23 2005, 11:41 AM) Ok. "Have you ever seen a white ape?" Greystoke? yup
  10. Ok. "Have you ever seen a white ape?"
  11. i went with alba but how can halle berry NOT be on that list?!!!
  12. the 'monsters' section in la villa strangiato was always one that stuck in my head
  13. Yeah, I read something like this recently too. I've never seen Smallville so I can't comment on the characterization of Kent. I'm wondering how they'd do Aquaman/Arthur. He ain't exactly a boy scout (but that could be the interesting part I guess).
  14. it's all good goob. it doesn't matter (to me) if your opinion differs from others. i think i've disagreed with you a few times before about your viewing tastes. especially reality tv shows!!! i hate those f**kin' programs! to me they're so far from reality it's funny. but what do i know? i eat french fries with chopsticks.
  15. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Nov 14 2005, 12:23 PM)QUOTE (JohnnyBlaze @ Nov 13 2005, 06:16 PM) never heard of it. outta curiosity, what do u consider a KIDS MOVIE? do u think these are kid flicks?: iron giant the incredibles wizard of oz goonies the sandlot toy story i don't really generally like animated movies, especially when they're musicals, and i generally don't like movies that are designed pretty much exclusively for kids. of the ones you mentioned, i've only seen toy story and the wizard of oz. i think i saw toy story because it was one of the (if not the) first movie made completely with computer animation. it was good for what it was, but isn't really my thing. the wizard of oz i think is a pretty remarkable creation, espcially considering it was made in 1939! that being said, it's not something i go out of my way to see, but i've seen it on tv a few times - almost never the whole thing at once, usually just bits and pieces. i more respect the wizard of oz than enjoy it. i'm not even sure the movies i mentioned are kids movies or not. they were just the first movies that came to mind. and i really like (or love) all of them. toy story 2 i thought was at least as good as the first...which is a rarity with sequels. as far as the wizard of oz is concerned, it's gotta be somewhere in my all time top 5 movies...it's got (almost) all the ingredients of the perfect movie: drama, horror, violence, drugs, and MIDGETS! goob, what about musicals in general?
  16. I'm wondering how Whedon's gonna be able to pull off the invisible jet without it looking cheesy. The lasso and bracelets may be hard enough but an entire plane?! Hmm...
  17. never heard of it. outta curiosity, what do u consider a KIDS MOVIE? do u think these are kid flicks?: iron giant the incredibles wizard of oz goonies the sandlot toy story
  18. QUOTE (Signals1982 @ Nov 5 2005, 08:48 AM) QUOTE (Snowdog @ Nov 2 2005, 11:56 AM) http://www.therushforum.com/index.php?showtopic=4621 That has to do with Saw 1. He is talking about both. Anyway I enjoyed the first one. But it seems like the 2nd one will be all about grossing us out. If you liked the first, I'm guessing you'd like this one too. I don't think it's as gross as you may think. I thought it'd blow but saw it anyways. And was pleasantly surprised that it was good.
  19. I'm not that into gross/violent movies but these 2 were different. It's definitely not one of those cheesy slasher movies where the villain is all but immortal. It's smart and morbid at the same time. The first one especially made me feel uneasy (which is hard to do). And I always love twists in flicks...which both the original and sequel have.
  20. The only really good Rocky or Rambo movies are the first ones.
  21. I see. Thanks. I'm not one to do a search. Laziness flows through my veins.
  22. JohnnyBlaze


    Any thoughts on the SAW franchise? I thought the first one was unusual and didn't know anything about it when I watched it (the best way to go into a flick methinks). I was surprised, creeped out, and all that jazz. Then this weekend I saw SAW2. I didn't think it was as good as the first but pretty cool as far as sequels go (especially in that genre). Of course, I won't give anything away but I would recommend this one.
  23. QUOTE (Necromancer @ Oct 28 2005, 10:55 AM) QUOTE (JohnnyBlaze @ Oct 22 2005, 10:13 AM) QUOTE (Necromancer @ Oct 21 2005, 11:30 AM) Very NOT dissapointed. They did much justice to Aquaman. I was a bit scared, but they pulled it off fine. I loved the JLA remark. It was straight out of the comics when Arthur tries to convince Supes to join on a full time basis. LOVED IT. I can't wait till next week's Vampire episode. Just seeing the preview clip with Marsters telling Clark that there's no such thing as vampires made me almost piss my pants. The show is about the best on tv right now. Loving it lots. Hope he runs into a young Bruce Wayne eventually. THAT would be awesome. What was said? And how was Aquaman portrayed? At first Aquaman is portrayed as a college student from Miami that just happens to be able to swim very fast. We don't know in the beginning if he's a "meteor freak" or not. Then we find that he is also an eco-terrorist type that is trying to destroy LuthorCorp's new weapon that is killing fish everywhere. He finally alludes to Clark that the Ocean is his HOME and he says to him that Clark should join the Junior Lifeguard Association with him and help him out. Clark says "i don't think i'm ready for the JLA just yet", and that is right out of the JLA year one comics. Supes and Bats are not original members. Sorry it took so long to get back on this one. I forgot about it till tonight. Nice. I heard that The Flash was in an episode. How about any of the other original JLAers like Martian Manhunter or Green Lantern? Any other heroes make appearances?
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