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Everything posted by AnEggplant

  1. If you replace the word great with the word fair and drop the second sentence I would agree. ;) He's definitely not what he used to be, but I don't blame him. I just wish he had gotten vocal coaching in the early days to help preserve his voice.
  2. He can make anything sound like poetry by just the natural way he talks.
  3. I'd love another album too, but *only* if they get a different/real producer. Otherwise, it'll likely be unlistenable......again. I never had a problem with Clockwork Angel's production personally, but I know a lot of people do, so it would be nice if they got a different producer. I really think musically Clockwork Angels is fantastic and I think the production turns a lot of people off unfortunately.
  4. I think the fact that they made it through that tragedy and continued on and beyond just added to their legacy in a positive way. If they had stopped after TFE then I agree that they would be remembered much differently. I agree, plus I personally think the 3 albums that came after were among their best. :) :D I don't care what anyone says, Vapor Trails RULES!!!! Clockwork Angels is the best thing they've ever released! Snakes and Arrows is flippin' cool! :D :moon: :D VAAAAAAPOOOOOOORRRR TRRRRRAAAAAIIIILLLSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! :D Smells like a stinky, wet fart. :D I was talking about Vapor Trails, not Roll The Bones, sorry for the confusion. ;)
  5. We can talk about how fat Alex is, or how he has such a bad hairpiece. I was hoping we could talk about his guitar, but .... Let's talk about his backing vocals! How about that "subdivisions" refrain from A Show Of Hands? Alex does great backup vocals. :) Puts all he has into that "subdivisions." Gets as close to the mic as possible too. :) You mean the fake singing? :D Yes, that's right, the fake singing! :) I can't WAIT for the "Alex sucked this tour" threads. :eyeroll: Alex sucked this tour... I could barely hear his vocals ;) I know, right? Shameful.
  6. Yeah? IMHO, comparing just A song, The Pass is better than any song from them in the 90s. Lyrically too. I don't share that opinion but it's all good. ;)
  7. I think the fact that they made it through that tragedy and continued on and beyond just added to their legacy in a positive way. If they had stopped after TFE then I agree that they would be remembered much differently. I agree, plus I personally think the 3 albums that came after were among their best. :) :D I don't care what anyone says, Vapor Trails RULES!!!! Clockwork Angels is the best thing they've ever released! Snakes and Arrows is flippin' cool! :D :moon: :D VAAAAAAPOOOOOOORRRR TRRRRRAAAAAIIIILLLSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! :D
  8. Presto is good, it certainly beats Roll The Bones for me but it doesn't hold a candle to Counterparts and Test for Echo for me.
  9. I REALLY hope they get together for 1 last album. Clockwork Angels was so awesome I really think they could do something great again.
  10. I can't WAIT for the "Alex sucked this tour" threads. :eyeroll: We talked this all the time when it was happening. Tired of all these Johnny come latelys. Well I'm glad I missed it then.
  11. I can't WAIT for the "Alex sucked this tour" threads. :eyeroll:
  12. This. Now let's move on and stop making threads on Geddy's voice. :P
  13. AnEggplant

    R40 Tourbook

    I would like one, I also want to get the R40 DVD.
  14. Oh boy, Eel and Geddy's voice... Not trying to be mean or anything but we've had this discussion at least a thousand times before on this board. Let's find something new to discuss. ;)
  15. The boy lies in the grass unmoving staring at the sky! http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/006/cache/red-tailed-hawk_681_990x742.jpg
  16. Lakeside Flight Workin' Them Clockwork Angels Test for Tom Sawyer How By-Tor is.
  17. When China sings to you. Why try?
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