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Digital Dad

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Everything posted by Digital Dad

  1. Awww. Are you guys hearing the music as me?? I think y'all are nuts, S&A is one of the best sounding, most melodically solid cds of this era. No accounting for taste I guess.
  2. Digital Dad

    Rush number 9?

    I would kindly like to disagree. Go back and listen to there very early stuff, before they became the cliché over-indulgent "rock stars." Most of the first four albums are actually pretty good in '70s Folk/Rock category. After that? No so much. Ha. No thanks. They were only good after Joe Walsh joined the band.
  3. No, just one vinyl. http://www.rushisaband.com/blog/2014/12/09/4191/12-Months-of-Rush-Mercury-era-Rush-albums-to-release-on-Blu-ray-audio-and-vinyl-in-2015 Let's not make this tooo difficult ;)
  4. Bollocks. This was mimed!! Ha, no really excellent work guys!!!
  5. Digital Dad

    Rush number 9?

    The Eagles really do kinda suck. Sometimes if I hear an Eagles song sung by Glenn Frey I want to throw my radio out of the car but then realize the f*cker is attached.
  6. Systematic is probably my favorite DT album, after Images and SFAM. The last 2 are really good as well. The rest may be too much DT for me. I like them, am a bit surprised to see such dislike of the Systematic album tbh.
  7. As far as weakest tracks on an album go its not half bad. Half of it is okay, but the other half sucks.
  8. Damn I hope this is right. I'll take a record over tour at this point. Would be awesome...but I don't believe it for a second. In this day and age...there is no way that them recording a new album would be kept a secret up to this point. There has been zero talk of a new album, and or recording. Not even plans of it. So...I'm confident it ain't happening. No one knew Bowie was working on a new album until it came out so it can happen.
  9. Rush on shuffle in the car. Last evening driving home i put on the shuffle Nd the song that came up was The Fountain. So I made my once a year listen to rhat. Meh I think I'll stick to shorter pieeces. Tyvm.
  10. I drink scotch, sometimes a lot, in moderation. My favorite is the Laphroaig 10, but love the Lagavulin 16 and the Balvenie doublewood. The youngest Maccallan I've liked in the 18 year. My nose is fine. Big but fine. I could probably give Ged a run for his money. Never had the red nose thing. Its really obvious on the HOF inductions.
  11. You said it so well in the last paragraph, his finest guitar work may just be in the Sector 3 keyboard era. He should get his f*%ing due, He really is incredible.
  12. If he were willing to give up the motorcycling part of the tour, he could actually fly home when there are 3 days between gigs, as there often are. I know how he likes to do things on his own terms, but if he wants to tour and be with his family, there is a way. He just has to choose it. It's pretty ironic that it's Geddy and Alex's band yet Neil runs the company. I understand that Neil wants to be with his family so find another fuckingg drummer! Simon Phillips could do it. Why not hire the biggest whore of them all? MiKE POR "ANNOY!" The drummer from FOO FIGHTERS can do it!!! LOL dude, wtf are you smoking and can I have some?
  13. Me neither. I just like music. Want to hear something in 24/192? Sure, why not? Cost $20 more? I'll get a used cassette for $1. '
  14. For me between 4 and Presence Zep really was something special. I dig the first ones but they are pretty derivative.
  15. NO. But they have made some great music. Live they put on one of the highest energy and musically satisfying shows of any type. Sunless Saturday is an epic tune. I remember this came out in my senior year of HS, I listened to it ton. If I were a Society...I'd....
  16. Animals Abbey Road Rock Bottom - Robert Wyatt Starless and Bible Black -Crimson All I can think of right now but those spring instantly to mind
  17. Three good ones right there. Agree about 311. I did like their 311 album but the rapping annoys the living bejeesus out of me.
  18. Touching the Untouchables Underground Down By The Sea No Sign of Yesterday Good band. While they lasted.
  19. Everything. Just a completely horrid day. Bu its ok now. Having a beer and looking at strange videos on youtube with mh boy. :)
  20. I think I get it. I still just have trouble leaving my son to go to work. And thats just for 8 hours. I wouldn't begrudge Neil at this point after what hes been through. I do want to see them at least one more time though. Its not going to kill me if I don't.
  21. All instrumental Rush or no instrumental music at all? Seems kind of near sighted if that is indeed the case.
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