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Catch The Mystery

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Everything posted by Catch The Mystery

  1. The links to the two part movie can be found in the 'R40 tour recordings' thread in the Different Stages part of the forum :)
  2. Well go on upload your movie as well :) The more R40 movies the merrier :) I'll wait so as not to take attention away from yours. Mine is also from 4 shows, but only of the second set and encore. I hope to watch some of yours tonight. I'll be interested to see what you included from Dallas since I also recorded there and it was my personal favorite of the 4 shows I saw. I'm looking forward to see your footage, bring it on :cheers: Where were you seated at those 4 shows?
  3. Well I got lucky with the Dallas one after 25 mins of trying and trying to score a ticket. That presale went like a rollercoaster ride... So when I noticed that it was a center seat and so close to the stage as well I was over the moon :) I had almost given up hope of ever scoring a ticket for that show. The Houston one was a luck of the draw ticket. That was a VipNation ticket where I could have ended up in row 10 way over on the side. So when row 3 popped up out of the enevlope at the venue I was happy as a clam yet again. The NO & TO ones were resale. NO from a fellow forum member (face value) and the TO one I got from Stubhub. I have been saving ever since my last CA show for possible future shows and it turned out it was worth it ;) And having friends where I could stay and who drove me all over TX and to NOLA and back to see the shows was super fun and made my R40 trip possible.
  4. Well go on upload your movie as well :) The more R40 movies the merrier :)
  5. For me personally it made no difference. I would have bought my tickets to the four shows I've attended either way. Marketing stunts or not. I just love to see them perform live as many times as I can possibly afford :)
  6. The links to the two part movie can be found in the 'R40 tour recordings' thread in the Different Stages part of the forum :)
  7. If these are still available then I'm interested: Rush -- One Little Victory (promo with front art insert) $12 Rush -- Caravan/BU2B CD single SEALED digipak with different mixes than what ended up on Clockwork Angels (Could be earlier error pressing that swapped the song order or the correct one) $10 Hold Your Fire Program (VG) $11 Far Cry (album version/edit) promo CD single with baby carriage front insert $30 (I've sent you a PM just now)
  8. The HYF tour was my first Rush live experience. I don't remember anything about the preshow music though ;) But that Kraftwerk track is really cool. I just saw them a coulple of weeks ago when they performed their whole Tour de France album the night before the Tour de France started here in The Netherlands (in Utrecht). And with Neil being a cycle fanatic back in the day it's an obvious song for him to pick :)
  9. It's the CA t-shirt that flew from Geddy's hands into mine at the show in London in 2013 It has a different picture of him on the front than the ones I've seen on the US version. On the back there's also a different phrase.
  10. For those of you who want to live Toronto night 2 all again... Here are Cactus Pete's Periscope feeds: Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNq8mwcQ8VM&spfreload=10 Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vihViTEiAew
  11. For everyone out there who's waiting for their items to come back I hope they'll come back signed. http://orig11.deviantart.net/e6dd/f/2013/070/1/8/lucky_clover_cutie_mark_by_names_tailz-d5xrrxa.png
  12. Just saw this on rush.com: Thank you! The R40 LIVE Tour wrapped up on August 1st in Los Angeles. Thank you for forty awesome years. And then I wondered why didn't they do 40 shows on this tour? That would have been nice :)
  13. You can see it here: https://instagram.com/p/535FRcAZ9_/ All I got was a blank page with "Instagram" in the upper left-hand corner. Here it is: Thanks! The first question that popped into my head was: why is he walking ahead of and not with them? Because he can't even pretend that bandmates of four decades are long awaited friends? ;) Yes, but let's look on the positive side. Maybe he had to go to the bathroom in a bad way. Well, it is a narrow hallway so them walking 3 across might've been too tight. Or maybe you're right that he was extra gassy that day. ;) When you look at the way they are positioned in this picture the first thing I've noticed about it it's that their heads are aligned almost exacly at the same height. They're equals. It's a very artsy picture with the light effects etc. I don't read too much extra in it other than that it's a crafted staging of three guys in a picture that's supposed to tell us "the show's over" and they're leaving the building... :(
  14. My guess is that this was taken back in March when they recorded the video at the rehearsal site.
  15. You can see it here: https://instagram.com/p/535FRcAZ9_/ All I got was a blank page with "Instagram" in the upper left-hand corner. Here it is:
  16. If this turns out to be true I'll try to catch as may shows as I can! I'll start saving my pennies right now, so that in case it does really happen I'm able to buy those tickets :lol: But I'm being realistic at the same time as well: I'm afraid FOH may be right ;)
  17. It was tough seeing them leave the stage from the scoper's feed that I was watching at the end who was seated on the Stage Left side right next to the stage. I sobbed when I saw them leaving the stage live and direct. And when I watched that YT video from the 2nd row a few hours later I sobbed again. Can't handle seeing that particular goodbye again that well ATM :(
  18. It's free for all :) I'd never dare to ask a dime for anything that's not mine to sell :) I've created this dvd for myself in the first place so that I was able to cope with Post Concert Depression ;) But now that it's coming together it's fun to share it with all you fellow Rush fans out there. Please note that it's not a 100% complete show. Sometimes I was only able to film parts of songs due to various reasons. But all in all it's come to about 2,5 hrs of pure Rush fun in one movie. If I can find the time then I'd love to put together another dvd. My idea for that project is to pick one YT video from each show (a different song from each night) and combine that into one project together with all the city signs that we've collected here on the forum. But in order make that happen it would be fun and convenient if several members here would help me out by picking out the best songs from each show so that I don't have to go trough all of the material out there on YT on my own. For that I would need to take at least a month off of work :lol:
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