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Everything posted by bluefox4000

  1. Young enough to let me know i haven't done shit, lol Mick
  2. Loved em both but DT12 was way better i agree. Addicting melodies on that one. Mick
  3. If it's anything like the last 2......they'll be 3 for 3 with Mangini......very excited. Mick
  4. Captain Beefheart-Trout Mask Replica What sounds like utter Chaos was painstakingly planned out note by note.......and is pretty damn awesome. Mick
  5. 29.......he's all right. to much agenda pushing for my taste. Mick
  6. Just enjoy what you got while ya got it. Ged's voice may not be perfect but he's still around. soak it in while you can. Mick
  7. http://i883.photobucket.com/albums/ac31/bluefox4000/Photoon1-6-15at458PM.jpg And season 4......Next 2 on my B-day, lol Mick
  8. this is for mr Not. he wanted me to continue right down the line. Season 3-Gilmore girls, lolhttp://i883.photobucket.com/albums/ac31/bluefox4000/Photoon1-6-15at452PM.jpg Mick
  9. Well they could just play it.........nobody is gonna care about vocals in a concert. and it's a great song. See? positive :D Mick
  10. You can never be positive... oh just stop dude. Have you heard his vocals lately? Be honest and not an overbearing rush head. I have plenty of Rush i've praised. Just being Realistic. Mick
  11. Call me a downer but Ged CANNOT pull this off. I'm cringing already. Mick
  12. People should know i was referring to me......in no way did i mean to lay down a law. My beatles obsession had it's day........long passed. who knows maybe they shall pass this way again. Mick
  13. No, but it's not advisable to say you can name instantly 20 bands that are better than THE BEATLES. :D not wise true.....but for me it's true at this point in my life ;) Mick
  14. Personally, I could not care less. I find the "arguments" entertaining. By the way, I love Tom Waits, but the man has basically released the same type of album for decades. Great storyteller, great artist, but predictable. I recently was on a Captain Beefheart kick and one can tell where Tom Waits got his post-Heartattack and Vine sound. Beefheart's a fav of mine too. I love putting on trout mask Replica and having people think i've snapped, lol Mick
  15. Tom Waits trumps anything the beatles did. Seriously is it that hard to believe i'm just not enamored with the beatles Anymore? Mick
  16. Awesome stuff. Maybe but the Beatles would get my vote. Love them individually with George Harrison being my favorite. Oh i'm a guy who used to rave over the beatles. I still respect them but i think i can give you at least 20 bands that trump the Beatles. Mick Buddy, I cannot think of one. Rush The Band Steely Dan Genesis Yes Roxy Music Queen Pink Floyd Zappa and the Mothers CCR Spock's Beard 11 right off the bat. Mick Aww...I cannot agree with one of them. Dude you are tired of the band coz you overplayed them, not because they are not great. And you overplayed them because the music was worth it. Dude! You must segue! yes i overplayed them. i respect them greatly. i just no longer feel.....now that i have a wider musical landscape.......... that they are the end all be all. Mick Agreed. I would still pick all my LC albums over the beatles. Listen hard http://youtu.be/T3D68KWfZOo Great stuff.......i'm in no way burnt out on solo stuff......i do think harrison was the best of the bunch solo wise. very underrated. Mick
  17. Maybe but the Beatles would get my vote. Love them individually with George Harrison being my favorite. Oh i'm a guy who used to rave over the beatles. I still respect them but i think i can give you at least 20 bands that trump the Beatles. Mick Buddy, I cannot think of one. Rush The Band Steely Dan Genesis Yes Roxy Music Queen Pink Floyd Zappa and the Mothers CCR Spock's Beard 11 right off the bat. Mick Aww...I cannot agree with one of them. Dude you are tired of the band coz you overplayed them, not because they are not great. And you overplayed them because the music was worth it. Dude! You must segue! yes i overplayed them. i respect them greatly. i just no longer feel.....now that i have a wider musical landscape.......... that they are the end all be all. Mick
  18. Maybe but the Beatles would get my vote. Love them individually with George Harrison being my favorite. Oh i'm a guy who used to rave over the beatles. I still respect them but i think i can give you at least 20 bands that trump the Beatles. Mick Buddy, I cannot think of one. Rush The Band Steely Dan Genesis Yes Roxy Music Queen Pink Floyd Zappa and the Mothers CCR Spock's Beard 11 right off the bat. Mick
  19. Just reading facebook posts from southern relatives wishing for snow. and thinking what massive idiots they are, lol Mick
  20. If you're a hardcore fan.......why would you need a set like that? Oh silly me i just remembered the Rush 40 boxset, lol Mick
  21. I was a return to classic sounding RUSH. Really!? Classic sound? well......whatever floats their boat. Wonderfully produced........i will give it that. maybe that's what they ment by classic sound. oh i got it......just the 3 piece rock thing...... ok, lol Mick
  22. Cold fire........That song will be like someone yelled fire in the arena, lol Mick
  23. And......this is big. Cause if ole Neil Doesn't like the song he will play it like absolute shit.........see Bangkok on Snakes live, lol putting that out there. Mick
  24. Maybe but the Beatles would get my vote. Love them individually with George Harrison being my favorite. Oh i'm a guy who used to rave over the beatles. I still respect them but i think i can give you at least 20 bands that trump the Beatles. Mick
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