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  • Location
    Troutman, NC
  • Interests
    Mountains, waterfalls, hiking, cosmos, and nature. Oh and now a father a TWINS!
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Music Fandom

  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
  • Last Rush Concert Attended
    Clockwork Angels
  • Favorite Rush Song
  • Favorite Rush Album
    Power Windows
  • Best Rush Experience
    It was a late Autumn Night and I was up watching a video of guy playing Cygnus X1 on a Ukelele. He got to the part of the song where the talk about flying Northwest of Pegasuses and heading for the heart of Cygnus. It was then that my dog wanted to go out, so I took him out. It was a clear night and I could see those constellations, from the song. It was then I noticed a Satellite fly right through Pegasuses and across Cygnus. This happened right before the first time I saw them in Concert. I knew it was going to be a great show!
  • Other Favorite Bands
    ELP, YES, Jethro Tull, Queen, Genesis, ZZTop, Donnie Iris, Pink Floyd, STYX
  • Musical Instruments You Play

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  1. Glad to see Big Big Train being mentioned. I just discovered them this year and absolutely love them!
  2. I’m 39 these aren’t in any order 1. Jock Rock Vol 1 - first cassette I ever owned 2. Queen - A night at the Opera - 2nd cassette I ever owned 3. Weird Al - Running with Scissors - Weird Al at his best 4. Styx - Grand Illusion - As a young man through adulthood I feel I identify with reversing on this album…maybe not Miss America 5. Rush - Power Windows - First time I was blown away by lyrics. Every time I hear Manhatten Project I get chills 6. Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon 7. Genesis - Selling England By the Pound 8. Donnie Iris - Greatest Hits 9. ELO - Out of The Blue 10. Moody Blues - To Our Children’s Children
  3. Good Mews First Working Them Angels
  4. 7 Time Stands Still
  5. You relisten to albums you didn’t like ten years ago and now they’ve become your favorites … looking at you Presto, Counterparts, and Test for Echo
  6. That was beautiful and fitting
  7. Thanks for sharing this moment!
  8. I remember Rushgoober too! He got a lot of folks riled up and left a few years after I started visiting TRF. No diss intended, I just remember it because I was new to the site. I remember Rushgoober too! He got a lot of folks riled up and left a few years after I started visiting TRF. No diss intended, I just remember it because I was new to the site. His music progressive rock knowledge was unreal. I remember he would post lists of his favorite songs and albums and it completely changed my view of music. Would love to seem him come back.
  9. Well, this was fun catching up with everyone, but the American Honey has taken its toll on me tonight. Good Night to all my Rush friends! Signing out from the great state on North Carolina
  10. :hail: :hail: :hail: hehehe
  11. 21:12 to all my fellow friends on the West Coast. Before I give my toast, I have favor, can some of you in the hollywood area get a biopic going for Neil Pert, starring Tom Hanks! Drink Up! TO NEIL!
  12. 21:12 to the frozen mountain tops in the Mountain Time Zone. 2nd glass of American Honey, and jamming to Moving Pictures. TO NEIL!
  13. Getting close for the toast of my fellow Mountain friends!
  14. I was impressed by Neil's drumming (he was the best drummer ever), but it was his lyrics was I related to the most. I thought that was his true genius. Lyrics such as: You can choose from phantom fears And kindness that can kill I will choose a path that's clear I will choose free will Really kicked my ass into full gear and set me on the path to the man I am today! What are some ways Neil's/Rush's lyrics inspired you?
  15. Dude, don't beat yourself up with this kind of thinking. I know when I heard that they were done touring, I completely shut myself off from the Rush community. It was like I just didn't care about them anymore. Now I've been kicking myself for taking those actions and having those thoughts. Tonight I'm celebrating the life of someone who was one of us. An outcast, a misfit, someone who felt, experienced the same things I felt, and some how was able to put coherent words to them. TO NEIL!
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