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Everything posted by Rhyta

  1. Just got mine today, they are great looking. Going to give one to a friend who has a birthday next week :)
  2. Rhyta

    Permanent Waves Cover

    Clue me in where their names are? I don't have an album cover to check this out :)
  3. Happy belated birthday, hope it was a good one. :hail: :7up: :ebert: :yay: :cheerleader:
  4. Rhyta

    Permanent Waves Cover

    :laughing guy: That one is hard to miss
  5. I found two Clockwork Angels necklaces on ebay yesterday. I think they look pretty cute so I ordered a couple. http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1438.l2649 http://i.ebayimg.com/t/RUSH-Antique-Bronze-Necklace-CARAVAN-Clock-CLOCKWORK-ANGELS-New-24-Inch-Chain-/00/s/NDgwWDY0MA==/z/60oAAOxyFiRR25Jy/$T2eC16RHJIcFHNo6kBG+BR25JyOCT%21~~60_12.JPG and http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1438.l2649 http://i.ebayimg.com/t/RUSH-Antique-Silver-Black-Necklace-CLOCKWORK-ANGELS-Clock-NEW-Rolo-Chain-RUNES-/00/s/NDgwWDY0MA==/z/oeUAAOxyf2pR5f-u/$%28KGrHqNHJDcFHG6VodE0BR5f-ukiKw~~60_12.JPG These are made by a gal who does crafty things so they are not licensed merchandise but I thought they were nice.
  6. Wow, I would love one of those :clap:
  7. Thanks everybody, I had a great day and will have some more fun with family this weekend. It is now less than two weeks until I get to see Rush and that is going to be my best birthday present of all :rush: :haz: :yay:
  8. Thanks so much. My hubby surprised me with a Kane jersey!! I had to work but going out to dinner and doing the party with the family this weekend. Thanks to everyone who posted good wishes :D
  9. You mention the honeymoon hotels as if I'm just holding onto something to be bitter but let me ask you this. Say you planned something for months with another person, you were so excited about it and you were pretty sure you were both clear on the meaning of it, only to have this person marry you, humiliate you, and then not even touch you? Can you now see why I'm upset and concerned? This is a big deal and I completely agree with you being hurt and disappointed. No one should belittle your feelings, it isn't like this is ancient history. It is hard to find out that the person you married isn't acting like person you fell in love with and that is a big jolt to the heart. :( Take care of yourself and do what you think is best but don't let yourself be guilted into doing something that is not good for you.
  10. I was bulimic on and off from ages 16 to 26 and he knows this. It's hard for me. I've gained a lot of weight because I've made the conscious decision to not have an eating disorder but I still overeat a little, especially when I am stressed out. But also, because of the bulimia, I ended up messing with my metabolism and body and it's made things even harder for me. But yeah, those are just some of the comments. I've actually told him I don't want to be with him again until I've lost weight because I'm worried about what he might say but then he tells me I'm fine, I'm beautiful, he loves me just the way I am. But I don't know what to believe after he's made those other comments. I was 162 lbs (5'5) when we started dating and when I got down to the 140's he was like "I'm so glad you're thinner, it makes things so much better, you're so much more attractive." I understand that thinner people are found more attractive. And I won't lie and say that I don't feel better or have more confidence when I am at lowest weights but deep down inside I just want to be loved and wanted for who I am by the person I married and I don't get that from him when he's saying things like that. Oh I have been there and it is not fun. My ex said a lot of the same things, he liked me better when I lost weight and wouldn't touch me or even hold hands if I had gained weight. In all honesty if he can't accept you for yourself, it won't be worth staying. I tried for 5 years to lose weight to keep him happy and it made me hate myself and I felt like a failure when I gave up and got a divorce. But I wasn't a failure, I later met and married a sweetheart of a guy who loves me how I am. Unless he is serious about going to counseling or working on your issues, then the prospects of it getting better are grim. It hurts a lot to have someone put you down like that. And denying the honeymoon, just not right. I hope this thread will help you decide what your next step is and be brave. You don't have to go through it alone.
  11. I read in Roadshow: A landscape with drums..Neil said the nicknames came about through jokes and stuff by the crew and each other. Neil was called Pratt as butchered version of his last name, Lerxst another play on his first name being said slowly to drag it out. Geddy was Dirk after a secret agent Dirk Lee or a stereotypical bass player's name. Neil also pointed out that pratt is also British slang for ass :laughing guy:
  12. Here's one I saw a while ago. Sanctuary, television series, aired April 22, 2011 http://www.2112.net/powerwindows/references/SanctuaryRush.pngDuring the episode "Hangover" (season 3, episode 12), the Sanctuary server's new passcode is "GEDDYLEE". Dr. Magnus asks "Geddy Lee?" to which Henry responds, "the lead singer of Rush." Dr. Magnus then observes, "isn't that Will's favorite band?". I would also mention the numerous times Rush songs were played during the Stanley Cup Playoffs: Tom Sawyer, Limelight and Subdivisions. Some were actually played by the organist ...
  13. Here's Alex http://www.orkugifs.com/en/images/Cat-playing-guitar_127.gif
  14. "The spirit breaking free, one little victory" :yay: That crowd was amazing and the guys were in great form. Enjoy
  15. Rhyta

    Permanent Waves Cover

    If i'm not mistaken, that guy is Hugh Syme. I can't recall if it was Neil, Hugh Syme himself or both who have confirmed that. That's what I loved to do when I first got an album was study the cover and read the liner notes. Since I haven't got any Rush on vinyl, I haven't done much research on this stuff except Clockwork Angels and GUP. I wouldn't be surprised if that is Hugh in the background waving, sounds like something an artist would love to do. I just recently noticed a book I read had a Hugh Syme creation on it ..he's really talented.
  16. I bought the audio version with Neil narrating...love him but he should have let someone else do this. A bit monotone but I am glad I listened anyway. Plan on reading Candide to compare...(one of the influences Neil used for the story BTW)
  17. Just one more thing, found this interview with Geddy about VT tour has some good stuff..http://cygnus-x1.net/links/rush/images/scans/2003.01-bass-guitar.pdf Seems Geddy felt it was a great tour too :geddy:
  18. When they went out on tour last year, I sat down and wondered if I was going to get to see them again. Thinking they might retire before I got to go scared me. I missed the S&A and Time Machine tours for various reasons so when they announced the second leg of this tour I jumped at the chance to go. I am going to savor this one because this time I really know the songs and can't wait :drool: Carpe Diem for sure!!
  19. Wait with bated breath for the CA tour DVD to come out and keep listening to CA 'cause it is so good :dweez:
  20. You are so right, CA is fantastic! I was listening to it again today and it just knocks me out :rush: :haz: . I am so grateful that the Vapor Trails tour happened, just wish I had seen it. But thanks to all who keep sharing their memories...so good :D
  21. "I can't stop thinking big"...love that chorus from Caravan, love that whole song. :musicnote: Secret Touch "the way out is the way in...." Intro to Subdivisions, love how it builds with the keyboards and then combines with the drums :ebert: . The drumming in Carnies Yeah! :Neil: More but it is late :)
  22. I read it and felt it fleshed things out a little. There is some story building that isn't directly linked to the lyrics but it follows the tracks of the album mostly.
  23. I appreciate you sharing that with me, I think we are so lucky they got back together, if they didn't, I am not sure I would have become a fan since I didn't see them until R30. I think I learned to love VT the album by watching the Rush in Rio concert and how joyful the crowd was.
  24. Most of the albums took months of off-and-on listens to really enjoy them as a whole. For me, too. Although, I've listened to Counterparts enough that I feel safe in saying that I only like four songs from it. Thanks Geddys Mullet, I am in the same boat. I do try to listen all the albums off and on but this one just doesn't click for me like others. But I know one thing, Rush rocks :haz:
  25. Rhyta

    Permanent Waves Cover

    Thanks. It is intriguing and I found this even more curious "The woman on the cover is really a symbol of us. If you think that's sexist in a negative way - well, it's really looking at ourselves so I don't think it can be. The idea is her perfect imperturbability in the face of all this chaos. In that she represents us. In the basic sense, all that cover picture means is forging on regardless, being completely uninvolved with all the chaos and ridiculous nonsense that's going on around us. Plus she represents the spirit of music and the spirit of radio, a symbol of perfect integrity and truth and beauty." - Neil Peart, Sounds, April 5, 1980. http://www.2112.net/powerwindows/main/Wallpaper.htm Mystery solved...yea :rush:
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