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Everything posted by garbo

  1. "No, that is not a stalker in the corner. That is my sweet husband. Hush." <---- I laughed so hard. She's very good, I like her tone, but her melismas at the end were dying. I hope she's getting voice lessons. She needs to keep her voice in shape.
  2. QUOTE (NobodysHeroine @ Nov 19 2010, 04:29 PM) Don't you think it would be epic to see Geddy in a Loreal commercial? Seriously, look at this: http://i1031.photobucket.com/albums/y371/Priestess-of-Syrinx/Gorgeous%20Geddy/Geddy_London_1992.jpg That hair!!! How I want to touch it, run my fingers through it... The commercial would go something like: "Leereal, because he's worth it." You bet he is! It's a shame that Geddy is a man, since those commercials are meant for women. But if he were a woman, he'd be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen! I want his hair so badly. He has better hair than me, a sixteen-year-old girl. How does that work? Happy (early) Thanksgiving. I was going to make it funny... until I discovered L'Oreal has a line of men's hair products. And then I realized that was funny in and of itself. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v450/Garbo/Geddy_London_1992-1.jpg
  3. QUOTE (FoxxiStarr @ Nov 20 2010, 12:24 PM) QUOTE (Babycat @ Nov 20 2010, 03:14 PM) QUOTE (FoxxiStarr @ Nov 20 2010, 09:41 AM)Awww Ged ... isn't he lovely Not as lovely as this though http://i614.photobucket.com/albums/tt227/DeathGlamIndustries/Rush/Lerxst/thewordsandthepicturesv1-12.jpg MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now who's in the wrong thread?! Seriously, though - nice legs... Payback for the incursion the other day ... Garbo - they ARE manly, arent they? Pity you can't do a hair transfer ... poor lamb has enough there to cover what's missing up top Hey now, the missing patch of hair is cute. I like his lil' grin too, like he's done something naughty like a little kid. Dammit, I feel like I'm converting...
  4. OMGZ, a man got me into RUSH!!! I fail at life!!! When I went and saw Muse I ran into a Rush fan (basically I saw his shirt). We talked for a while and then he stopped me (I was, like, going a mile a minute. What? Someone had given me coffee and I was excited) and he stared at me and then said, "Wait a minute, but you're a girl." I nearly lifted my shirt and showed him my boobs just to be like, "Yep, I am!" But I decided to keep whatever dignity I had left, which was minimal, and instead just kind of stared blankly and agreed. Oh yeah, and we fist bumped. I like to fist bump people. I feel like this seals us for life, sort of like a blood bond, but not. Don't expect it unless I like you though.
  5. QUOTE (FoxxiStarr @ Nov 20 2010, 09:41 AM) Awww Ged ... isn't he lovely Not as lovely as this though http://i614.photobucket.com/albums/tt227/DeathGlamIndustries/Rush/Lerxst/thewordsandthepicturesv1-12.jpg MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are ever so manly ... and hairy.
  6. Bullying sucks. Dear brain, Please work. I swear... ugh. Thanks. me.
  7. I actually thought The Village was beautifully shot with a gorgeous soundtrack (The Gravel Road, gorgeous!), however, the script at times was incredibly contrived and false-sounding and the twist was awful. *Hilary Hahn is the violinist, btw. She's a fab musician. Check out her stuff. BUT! I have this amazing ability to figure out twists and plots in films, books, etc. In fact, I figured out The Sixth Sense from the previews so I don't go to films for twists. So, I had already figured out how The Village ended and I was able to just enjoy the film for what it was. I thought it was really beautifully shot. There are these uniquely vivid moments (such as when Joaquin Phoenix's character grabs the girl's hand out of the dark and, in slow motion with the score, takes her into the house) that stand out in my mind as being photographic and rich in detail. I see how Shyamalan is talented and had potential and then he just and went blew it. Makes me sad. He should have done period pieces like The Remains of the Day.
  8. Geddy probably cuts his hair often so it grows faster. Goddamn those stupid theories hairstylists tell you... (I need to quit the sarcasm)
  9. HARRY POTTER. Let the laughter commence. (Oh yeah, and the UK Rush tour dates)
  10. I know this is for 2112, but whatever... I tried looking for Rush sightings and couldn't find a thread and I am tired. PhilosoRaptor decided to quote Sartre, er, I mean Rush on my iPod. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v450/Garbo/Photoon2010-11-18at00272-1.jpg Maybe he'll quote 2112 tomorrow.
  11. QUOTE (arushhead @ Nov 18 2010, 01:03 AM) and....what you say about 'three's company' is what you say about society....catch the witness, catch 'dewitt' catch the spirit, catch the spit. lol Oh my god, that is really amazing. What is even more amazing... I actually sang that in my head and it made perfect sense.
  12. QUOTE (GeddyRulz @ Nov 17 2010, 09:36 AM) I haven't said this yet, because I know everyone will disagree with me, but.... I think Kubrick is over-rated. And I think "The Shining" is one of the dullest "horror" movies I've ever seen. I actually think you have a very valid argument.
  13. QUOTE (Rushchick10 @ Nov 17 2010, 08:37 AM) Alright...it was a long night and I am off to dreamland, but not before I stock up on some great dream material. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs431.ash1/23824_1427195727740_1468216679_31126710_6355087_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs391.snc3/23824_1424532501161_1468216679_31120536_2592653_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs328.ash1/28566_1501037373735_1468216679_31298260_5393687_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs318.snc3/28566_1501037453737_1468216679_31298262_3570086_n.jpg Then, of course, what is Geddy dream material without this shot... http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs576.ash2/149854_1706357546611_1468216679_31811856_1699087_n.jpg I know, I know. These are all repeats. I dare you to complain...just DARE you!! I'm not one to be all lusty, but dammit... I HAVE STREP. That eyebrow is magnificent. I cannot even... talk about it... all of him is like... a work... of genius... I don't even make sense.
  14. QUOTE (rushlady23 @ Nov 17 2010, 09:04 AM) I am alive and my house is in one piece. A tornado went through my neighborhood last night at 1:30 and uprooted several trees (including one in my yard), took down power lines, mangled sheds, and threw cars around in other neighborhoods. Houses and cars around me have damage but I was lucky enough to come out of it unscathed. That is so scary but I'm glad you're okay! *hugs* Now that you're okay, is your house okay or is it just the tree that was uprooted? My tonsils are now the size of Rhode Island as opposed to Arkansas. Praise be to the z-pack.
  15. QUOTE (RUSHHEAD666 @ Nov 17 2010, 01:59 AM) QUOTE (garbo @ Nov 16 2010, 03:37 PM) I laughed more at the audience than the film. And I'm a girl. It was just a rehash of Something's Gotta Give except that Jack's the shit and Diane plays neurotic better than Meryl (and I love Meryl as an actress). I will have to check that movie out. I'm sure my wife will love it. Did you like Streep in "Mamma Mia?" I didn't see it. Go rent, like, Out of Africa or Kramer v. Kramer. I love Streep's earlier stuff. Although I think she's still amazing, god, her earlier stuff is like effing mind blowing. Plus Out of Africa is just a beautiful film. *sniffs*
  16. QUOTE (Presto-digitation @ Nov 17 2010, 09:45 AM) Not even necessarily that they're poor (or perhaps they are indeed that)...but at the very least you just don't see the appeal. My vote is Wes Anderson. I know his humor is quirky and I'm all for that, but fecking God do his movies generally bore me. I did enjoy Rushmore, but not to the gushing praise that others have bestowed on it. I turned off Life Equatic. I think I just don't care... I totally agree with you. I enjoyed Rushmore and I actually love The Royal Tenenbaums, but after that... yuck. I think a lot of that is owed to the fact that Owen Wilson stopped co-writing the scripts. So, it just became bland, geometric filming. I cannot stand David Lynch. I grew up watching Ingmar Bergman, Peter Greenaway, Jeunet/Caro, and then Merhige, so when I finally saw Lynch I felt like he was a total hack. No offense to anyone who likes him, he's just not my style at all, and it's not that I don't get him, can I just say pretentious much? My friend says it's because I tend to see a far more disturbing film before I see one of his films (i.e. I saw The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover before I saw Blue Velvet; I saw Begotten before I saw Eraserhead). And as much as I love Tim Burton, he's my childhood, but he's not great. I just love him because he makes pretty movies (Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Big Fish). And that's basically it. But I still love his earlier movies.
  17. garbo

    Beauty, eh!

    QUOTE (ozzy85 @ Nov 14 2010, 02:52 PM) This has K-Tel written all over it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1yvS_m_7eE Oh god, Rick Moranis in the background.
  18. I laughed more at the audience than the film. And I'm a girl. It was just a rehash of Something's Gotta Give except that Jack's the shit and Diane plays neurotic better than Meryl (and I love Meryl as an actress).
  19. 56, so I got Permanent Waves.
  20. QUOTE (TullSkull @ Nov 16 2010, 05:58 AM) Woke up in South Dakota Go visit the DWW site for me. *sniffles*
  21. QUOTE (Janie @ Nov 16 2010, 09:12 AM) QUOTE (garbo @ Nov 15 2010, 09:24 PM) I just busted out a 100.3 (and rising) fever. Go me. You forgot to add, "Awwww yeah you healthy bitches!" Drink your apple juice and eat your chicken noodle soup. That's right, you healthy bitches! Actually we think I have strep so apple juice buuurrrnnnsss. I am sucking on popsicles because my tonsils are the size of Arkansas.
  22. QUOTE (thing2jordan @ Nov 15 2010, 06:54 PM) http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/8929/dscn0095e.jpg Mr. Nibbles (He bites) http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/197/imgp2156.jpg Gabriel (more commonly known as the Gabe-Babe) Nibbles is my favorite because I got him from a friend when he was a kitten and he follows me like a shadow. *melts* I love the kitty in the blinds.
  23. I just busted out a 100.3 (and rising) fever. Go me.
  24. QUOTE (ridertoo98 @ Nov 15 2010, 01:41 PM) A migrain headache. I used to have such bad migraines I was on two prescribed oral medications plus a prescribed nasal spray (for migraines). Now I just have one prescribed medication, but I haven't had a migraine in about nine months. I feel for you; they are not fun. I am sick. Someone at one of the places I volunteer at came in with strep, and although I doubt I have strep, I have a sore throat, bad breath, and the like, but no fever. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I just hate being sick.
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