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That One Guy

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Everything posted by That One Guy

  1. Alice In Chains announced a tour this morning. Since they sold out last year, and pretty early, I wasted no time buying tickets for the July show. Also planning on Black Sabbath in September Got a goal to see 3+ shows this year, since my lifetime total (no local bands) is six.
  2. The rabbit chat has ended I could get bored if I don't do anything But I'm segueing straight into It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
  3. Almost went two months there! :hi:
  4. Too bad I missed it. If Union decides to start up a Rabb.it chat tonight, I'll join in this time for the first time in awhile. It is indeed scheduled again for tonight
  5. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Certainly got time to watch the series. They've been going at it for a decade.
  6. And maybe they should! I'd agree with you on that.....people don't seem to take driving with others as seriously as they should it seems. Yesterday I saw someone change lanes on the interstate right in front of a trucker. I'd say they missed his bumper by no more than one foot, and I had a pretty good angle. Would've been interesting to watch someone essentially P.I.T. maneuver themselves.
  7. x1yyz, these are awesome! Thanks for posting them :cheers: Mustaine's place in particular is just the last word in old school style.
  8. Union crushes Mick 20-15 in the second annual "Guess That Rush Tune", with TOG on guitar :D
  9. I always dreaded inspection time in my '87 4Runner. Plenty of reasons for it not to pass! This newer car just breezed on by!
  10. I wouldn't wish my internet on my worst enemies
  11. It's my room, fro https://rabb.it/swagmaster801 Come on in, assuming you like vacation photos and talk :) DoL? Mick? PM?
  12. I'm jealous! Can't wait to see your photos! :) Union reminded me to take lots before I left. And after deleting the trash and doubles I still have around 100 good ones Some of them will appear, mainly in the photography thread. I'm a fan of that thread!
  13. Yesterday I set off for my little mini vacation. The route got longer than planned, and I didn't realize just how long until tabulating it now. I had to spend an hour today sifting through and cropping the scores of photographs from it. https://www.google.c...d38.2988691!3e0 The roads of the loop in particular were sublime driving. There were 30+ minute portions without seeing another car. Great for confident, sporty driving. 30 miles of dirt road were involved in this, too. Absolutely worth the extra detour, as "the Burr Trail loop" is now the most beautiful place I have been to. Pictures to follow elsewhere. Needless to say I only drove out of necessity today - out to the park to hike, and back into town!
  14. Peace Officer special on PBS. Hard hitting special on the explosion of US SWAT teams from previous decades to now. A lot of the material focused on Utah instances of SWAT deployment, which I remembered. It's a good watch so far.
  15. (yesterday.. getting all trf caught up) There was a state trooper cruising the interstate in an urban area, in the slow lane. Because we're crazy, the posted limit is 70mph. That wasn't fast enough for this guy cruisin' about 85 in the fast lane. He got pulled over preeetty fast.
  16. Have you seen some of the stuff posted by TRFers? Some blast all kinds of money on Rush this and that, car goods, stereo equipment, computers, musical instruments, man caves, etc. I think most people buy shit they don't need. But I wouldn't think about it too much since you aren't them. Everyone has different hobbies and different levels of (financial in this case) commitment with them. A buddy spends easily over two grand on videogames yearly; I'm much lower. I have a long term guitar hobby, and my only costs (after the sunk of the guitar a decade ago) are biannual strings. I'd say if your financial commitment to something is something you can maintain, that isn't destroying your life, there's not much wrong with that.
  17. TRF mobile chat sucks, and I hate using it, but when I've had to, I have never been kicked out I think your phone is to blame
  18. This. I don't like it when words you want to use with impact don't have any anymore. Forces you to up your game, I guess.
  19. http://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/azjwQNm_700b.jpg Tragic
  20. Happy birthday to a minor much more competent and interested in politics than I! You've got impeccable drive, and an impressive willingness to learn and study history. Have a great one! :cheers: :cheers:
  21. Hickok45 videos. It's just a thing.
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