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Principled Man

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Everything posted by Principled Man

  1. QUOTE (Union 5-3992 @ Apr 6 2012, 12:26 AM) Does this chamber prevent you from making noise? If not, then I'd talk to myself, clap, make random noises to keep myself somewhat sane. Though if I'm prohibited from making noise or it does it on its own, I could go mad. I'll give myself 10-20 minutes. I'll likely lose track of time & overestimate the actual time I've been in there. It may be 10 minutes, but it could feel like 100. The room eliminates 99.99% of ALL sounds made. The baffling system muffles all sound waves, regardless of who or what makes them. I suppose that you would feel the force of your body parts as you're talking, whistling, clapping, etc., but the baffles would nullify the sounds before they reach your ears.
  2. Wesley Crusher has confirmed that it is none other than Gomtuu, the ancient space being with code name "Tin Man".... http://www.startrek.com/uploads/assets/db_articles/c175e4283fb4a0dee0c287ebe587838fec50c63c.jpg
  3. QUOTE (Sir Lerxst @ Apr 5 2012, 08:04 AM) Having been in an anechoic chamber before (not that one), I can tell you that it is one of the weirdest sensations you can experience whilst fully clothed. As opposed to the sensations you can experience whilst unclothed.....
  4. You get nailed once every ten years? Our fine police officers can do better than that......
  5. QUOTE (Steel Rat @ Apr 5 2012, 12:26 AM) Her insurance company is only going to cover $2000. After waiting for them for 5 weeks while they try to lie their way out of liability, they're only going to cover less than 2/3rds of the total cost. What am I supposed to do? I'm just a kid. Here is what you do: Contact an attorney. Or, take them to small claims court. Harass your insurance company to go after the perp and her insurance company for the full amount. You do NOT let it go. Harass your insurance company, and threaten to drop them if they don't do their job. THEY work for YOU - not the other way around. Insurance companies get away with this shit only because people let them. They're betting that you'll be like everyone else and not take the time and trouble to pursue the matter. Prove them wrong.
  6. QUOTE (troutman @ Apr 4 2012, 10:04 PM) These days, you can't even spit out your gum. Sadly, the WHO tragedy was a direct cause of today's strict concert rules. Once that tragedy occurred, venues across the country started banning festival seating, smoking, open flames (no more flicking your Bics!)...... I shall refrain from venting about today's security people at concerts. It would take all night.....
  7. QUOTE (JohnnyBlaze @ Apr 4 2012, 11:53 PM) Well, Iron Man 1, Thor, Captain America, and Incredible Hulk all fell somewhere between the "decent" to "really good" range for me. Iron Man 2 was the only one of those Avengers-related pics that wasn't that good. I saw Iron Man 2, and then forgot about it the next day. It was pretty lame. Way too much talk talk talk, especially by the annoying corporate villain Justin Hammer. Stark and Potts talking over each other at warp speed. Vanko's sparse and garbled English was almost a welcome sound!
  8. QUOTE (USB Connector @ Apr 4 2012, 09:32 PM) QUOTE (danielmclark @ Apr 4 2012, 08:17 PM) QUOTE (USB Connector @ Apr 4 2012, 07:15 PM) That's awesome! It shows Obama is human too. Or Vulcan. Nah, he's quite clearly showing emotion. Perhaps Uhura/Nichols nailed him with those paradise-plant spores from Omicron Ceti III, making our President eternally HAPPY.....
  9. No sound, no sight (lights turned off), no feeling (a nice comfy chair).....no sensations at all......LET ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't keep me in here with my subconscious!! Monsters from the ID!! MONSTERS!!!!
  10. Be sure you turn off your iCloud before you flush....
  11. This cool little lab eliminates 99.99% of all sound. It nullifies any and all sounds and noise made. http://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/ZiLBqVGTnAOJkuBcnG_4lQ--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7cT04NTt3PTYzMA--/http://media.zenfs.com/en-US/blogs/games-us-unplugged/quietest-place-630.jpg How long could you stay in there? Would you go batty? http://games.yahoo.com/blogs/unplugged/qui...-212556719.html
  12. My first RUSH concert was five months later, in Cincinnati, during their Moving Pictures Warm-Up mini- tour. September 23rd, 1980. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo long ago..... I don't even remember the warm-up band (Saxon). All I can remember is just a few images and sensations, like Geddy's fingers flying all over his bass strings, Neil tossing his drumstick WAY high up in the air....Geddy announcing that they were playing some new tunes.... .......back then, you could only keep one eye on the Show, with the other eye looking out for Coliseum people, as you didn't want to get busted for smoking your joint.....
  13. QUOTE (losingit2k @ Apr 4 2012, 05:10 PM) QUOTE (Snaked @ Apr 4 2012, 05:08 PM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4em8_iu-Tw IN-----DEED. Everyone should LIGHTEN UP!!
  14. QUOTE (danielmclark @ Apr 4 2012, 08:17 PM)QUOTE (USB Connector @ Apr 4 2012, 07:15 PM) That's awesome! It shows Obama is human too. Or Vulcan. Maybe one of Tuvok's ancestors secretly visited Earth and "melded" with Obama's ancestors.... http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f4/Tuvok.jpg Interesting....
  15. http://twitpic.com/95b6ki This is NOT a political statement. This is NOT a political thread. Don't make it into one.
  16. QUOTE (JohnnyBlaze @ Apr 3 2012, 11:39 PM) If the spirit of that original comic is in the film then there WILL be a story and a fun one at that. I hope so.....! If it's just bang & crash, semi-witty one-liners, and close-ups of Scarlett Johansson, then I'm going to be pissed.....
  17. QUOTE (goose @ Mar 31 2012, 09:15 PM)I'm a lot burned out, and this looks way too busy for me. Too much action literally puts me to sleep. I totally agree. If a film is just non-stop fighting, crashing and burning, more fighting, ......it's a total bore. It's not really a film. It's just junkfood for the eyes and ears. There has to be a point to it all. There has to be a real story.
  18. QUOTE (treeduck @ Apr 3 2012, 02:30 PM)QUOTE (gestet2112 @ Apr 3 2012, 02:20 AM) QUOTE (GeddyRulz @ Mar 29 2012, 09:34 AM) QUOTE (treeduck @ Mar 28 2012, 01:59 PM) Nope. It's May 1979 at the Hammersmith odeon in London... http://www.flickr.com/photos/21410041@N04/2126130903/ Well, okay... early 1979. We know that by the end of 1979, he shaved the Doug Henning moustache. (Permanent Waves, released on the first day of 1980, has photos of him in the studio with long hair but no 'stache.) The "Doug Henning moustache" was shaved off by Aug.24,1979 as I was @ that concert which was in Ivor Wynn Stadium in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Check this vid & go to 0:58 for proof: Finally the mystery has been solved! I didn't see any mystery. Your picture and info were factual. I remember that 1980 tour. He sure did look "different" without the mustache. At college the next day, some dork in the cafeteria swore up and down that it was not Neil playing drums that night. I was tempted to give him a very hard
  19. QUOTE (treeduck @ Apr 2 2012, 02:04 PM) For early porn film purposes, to keep the gals asses clean and turd off the screen... I just knew you were involved in the Industry somehow.......
  20. Well, I'm glad it's all over! At least one person won. Lucky son of a......... We now return you to your regularly scheduled lives. Carry on....!!!
  21. QUOTE (thesweetscience @ Mar 30 2012, 04:18 PM) Someone will win it tonight. I wouldn't be surprised if there are at least two winners. I'd be more than happy to share my jackpot with a couple others. Plenty to go around....
  22. QUOTE (Ya_Big_Tree @ Mar 30 2012, 12:56 PM) Apparently the entire album is pretty heavy. Can't wait to hear it! Heavy is indeed good......although I hope they don't sacrifice melody for heaviness. I love to headbang, but I also love a good groove.....
  23. QUOTE (go2wrk@95974 @ Mar 30 2012, 11:16 AM) WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! .....GET'EM WHILE U CAN , PEEPS!!!!!! JACKPOT IS NOW 640,000,000 BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SMOKERUSKI'S !!!!!!!!!!!!! This is getting out of hand..... Just think if no one wins......it could reach a BILLION by Tuesday's drawing....
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