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  2. high end pastrami sandwich the secret is buying all the expensive stuff at the store, it's still way cheaper than fast food
  3. Should go back to Zion and do it better than Union
  4. Today
  5. Oof, SA has very little I come back to. Nice production, that’s about it.
  6. Celtics won game 4 ! They will play the Mavericks or the Timberwolves . Thinking the Mavericks will get it, I dont think Kyrie Irving will get a warm welcome in Boston !
  7. Who Do We Think We Are -- Deep Purple
  8. It happens. It's taken years for Opeth to sound exciting for me again. Same thing happened with Thrice, Trivium, Mastodon, Paradise Lost, Testament, Maiden... ...and right now I'm experiencing long term burnout with Nightwish.
  9. ....i agree to a point. And that point is.......SA. i've always stood by that album. I might get back into rush one day, BTW. not closing the book. Mick
  10. But it's a much greater album than anything else post- Counterparts!
  11. i do not Bash rush hold your roll, lol. granted i'm not a fan anymore (sad but true) but i do not bash them, lol .......JUST CA!!!!!!, lol Mick
  12. My tastes in Pearl Jam have shifted recently, so here is my current ranking of a band who I can happily say I now love every album of: 1. Ten- I've been listening to this album since I was about 15, and it remains absolutely one of the most special albums I've ever heard. I feel these days like saying it might be the album of my life. I love it in its original form, and the Redux version remixed by Brendan Obrien. Jeremy, Garden, Release, Black, Why Go...every track is platinum brilliance to me. 2. Vs- can you believe I largely ignored this albim for many years? Well I love it now. Almost as much as Ten. 3. Lightning Bolt- Sirens is possibly my favourite PJ song. I find the lyrics to this album captivating and often moving. Future Days also. Title track, Getaway, all of it really: the wheel was not reinvented and yet I hear the bands age, maturity and confidence really shine here. 4. Vitalogy- Never my favourite, sometimes I hate this albums, others I love it. Right now I love it. 5. Yield- I love everything on this album. Some prefer No Code, but I'm definitely in favour of Yield. 6. Binaural- many fans least favourite, or close too, I absolutely love this album. It's not their most exciting effort but I enjoy its vibe, it feels darker and rougher and I love the production. 7. Dark Matter- The new album is magnificent. But meh, won't say anymore as this forum doesn't care. 8. No Code- an album i rank in eighth place could still on any other day be in second. Love this album. 9. Riot Act- I say this with love: I always forget this album exists. When I do replay it, I'm enthralled. 10. Pearl Jam- yeah it is in tenth place. I love it as much as many of my fave bands top three albums. There are times this album has been second only to Ten, but I've cooled towards it recently. Til next time! 11. Backspacer- their most carefree album, I love it immensely. 12. Gigaton- I've really come to love this album. But...gasp...I still love the other eleven albums more.
  13. I mean Winter Soldier is literally decades younger and the album and its concept is perfectly executed and very moving...sooooo...the comparison you're making is off as one is a great album the other a great MCU movie Nirvana are great, their best years were to come and sadly they never did. Pet Sounds is beautiful. I've overplayed it but it lead to Rubber Soul and/or Revolver (can't remember which) so there is that. You bash on Rush loads on this forum so seeing CA get a bad rap is nothing unexpected 🤣 I love Dokken. Cheese of the finest sort! Lightning Bolt is a personal favourite, never said it was for everyone. I just see an album that already I find underrated is getting bashed on this forum all because one person likes it a lot (me) 😭🤣 But it's okay, Spocks Beard are utter shite. 😜
  14. Potato soup, fried chicken, potatoes and sun-dried tomatoes.
  15. He's 1 of the worst umpires I've ever seen behind the plate. He should have never gotten out of Single A ball.
  16. You can tell it's popular when Google Street View is from 2009.
  17. I have like 200 miles of remaining undriven highways left in Utah They're all my roads, I am Utah
  18. Baker to Milford possibly the loneliest highway in Utah
  19. Baker makes Ely feel like an urban paradise
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