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Top 5 Home Consoles of All Time


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the n64 is awesome, but I think nostalgia makes folks think it's better than it is.


outside of nintendo and rare stuff, there wasn't a whole lot of great shit. no rpgs except quest 64, no exclusives for adults except perfect dark and goldeneye...


I think that most of people who complain that nintendo doesn't have adult games are tweeners and teens....adults actually like the stuff.


Those people are also probably people who only play shooters or horrors. Just because a game is cartoony doesn't mean adults can't enjoy it!


It's pretty shocking to me that Zelda OOT and Majora's Mask wouldn't be considered games for adults...that they happen to be two of the best video games of all time is the frosting on the cake. Mario 64, MarioKart 64, Donkey Kong 64, and SSB are all great games that any non developmentally challenged adult can enjoy. Plus there were great racing games and the sports games played better on it than the PS1.


Hell, other than the Crash Bandicoot stuff or Castlevania: SotN I can't remember any good PSOne games.


FFVII and Parasite Eve.

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the n64 is awesome, but I think nostalgia makes folks think it's better than it is.


outside of nintendo and rare stuff, there wasn't a whole lot of great shit. no rpgs except quest 64, no exclusives for adults except perfect dark and goldeneye...


I think that most of people who complain that nintendo doesn't have adult games are tweeners and teens....adults actually like the stuff.


Those people are also probably people who only play shooters or horrors. Just because a game is cartoony doesn't mean adults can't enjoy it!


It's pretty shocking to me that Zelda OOT and Majora's Mask wouldn't be considered games for adults...that they happen to be two of the best video games of all time is the frosting on the cake. Mario 64, MarioKart 64, Donkey Kong 64, and SSB are all great games that any non developmentally challenged adult can enjoy. Plus there were great racing games and the sports games played better on it than the PS1.


Hell, other than the Crash Bandicoot stuff or Castlevania: SotN I can't remember any good PSOne games.


FFVII and Parasite Eve.


Never tried Parasite Eve. I tried to get into FFVII but couldn't. I'm not too big on the Final Fantasy series except for FFX which I think is fantastic.

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the n64 is awesome, but I think nostalgia makes folks think it's better than it is.


outside of nintendo and rare stuff, there wasn't a whole lot of great shit. no rpgs except quest 64, no exclusives for adults except perfect dark and goldeneye...


I had the N64 for its entire run and though I think it was a good system it doesn't belong on a list of top 5 consoles. Gamecube is more deserving to be on there to be honest.


As for RPGs, oh man you're missing Aydn Chronicles (not good, but way better than Quest 64), Ogre Battle which was really awesome, and you could probably even count Harvest Moon 64 on that short list too. Zelda OOT would come next with your RPG hybrid and of course we all know how well that turned out :)

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the n64 is awesome, but I think nostalgia makes folks think it's better than it is.


outside of nintendo and rare stuff, there wasn't a whole lot of great shit. no rpgs except quest 64, no exclusives for adults except perfect dark and goldeneye...


I think that most of people who complain that nintendo doesn't have adult games are tweeners and teens....adults actually like the stuff.


Those people are also probably people who only play shooters or horrors. Just because a game is cartoony doesn't mean adults can't enjoy it!


It's pretty shocking to me that Zelda OOT and Majora's Mask wouldn't be considered games for adults...that they happen to be two of the best video games of all time is the frosting on the cake. Mario 64, MarioKart 64, Donkey Kong 64, and SSB are all great games that any non developmentally challenged adult can enjoy. Plus there were great racing games and the sports games played better on it than the PS1.


Hell, other than the Crash Bandicoot stuff or Castlevania: SotN I can't remember any good PSOne games.


Vandal Hearts

Suikoden 1 and especially part 2

Front Mission 3

Tactics Ogre

Alundra (really good Zelda clone similar to LttP)

Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen

Parasite Eve


Final Fantasy 9

If you count ports, you also had the FF4 / Chrono Trigger combo though the load times were terrible

The port of Diablo was great, so was the port of Warcraft 2


That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I was the biggest Nintendo fanboy forever until the PS1 came out and just kicked so much ass it was impossible to ignore it.

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the n64 is awesome, but I think nostalgia makes folks think it's better than it is.


outside of nintendo and rare stuff, there wasn't a whole lot of great shit. no rpgs except quest 64, no exclusives for adults except perfect dark and goldeneye...


I think that most of people who complain that nintendo doesn't have adult games are tweeners and teens....adults actually like the stuff.


Those people are also probably people who only play shooters or horrors. Just because a game is cartoony doesn't mean adults can't enjoy it!


I'm almost 40 and Zelda Windwaker is the best-looking Zelda still by far. In fact, I'd say that because of its cartoony look WW won't age terribly like many other games that went 3D long ago. Remember FF7? Take a look at those silly polygon characters today!

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the n64 is awesome, but I think nostalgia makes folks think it's better than it is.


outside of nintendo and rare stuff, there wasn't a whole lot of great shit. no rpgs except quest 64, no exclusives for adults except perfect dark and goldeneye...


I think that most of people who complain that nintendo doesn't have adult games are tweeners and teens....adults actually like the stuff.


Those people are also probably people who only play shooters or horrors. Just because a game is cartoony doesn't mean adults can't enjoy it!


I'm almost 40 and Zelda Windwaker is the best-looking Zelda still by far. In fact, I'd say that because of its cartoony look WW won't age terribly like many other games that went 3D long ago. Remember FF7? Take a look at those silly polygon characters today!


I replayed FF7 about a year ago, and it's graphics did not hold up. The remake of OOT looks great, and the HD remaster of WindWaker is spectacular, but you're right that the original holds up quite well on its own.

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Now I'm really craving some Zelda Wind Waker. One of the finest in the series.


Have you played it on the Wii-U? It's gorgeous.


Nah, I haven't. No interest in buying a Wii U.

We got it for my daughter mostly, but my son and I play with her quite often. Mario Kart mostly for me, they are very excited about the new Smash Brothers.
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the n64 is awesome, but I think nostalgia makes folks think it's better than it is.


outside of nintendo and rare stuff, there wasn't a whole lot of great shit. no rpgs except quest 64, no exclusives for adults except perfect dark and goldeneye...


I think that most of people who complain that nintendo doesn't have adult games are tweeners and teens....adults actually like the stuff.


I'm not saying adults shouldn't play mario. they're great games.


my point was that other than games made by nintendo and games made by the company RARE (jet force gemini, conkur, banjo kazooie, perfect dark, goldeneye), the n64 was pretty lacking. nintendo has had this problem for a long time, as far as I'm concerned. the only games worth playing are usually made BY nintendo, and imo, it's not worth buying a console just for the latest mario/zelda rehash or remake. the 64 couldn't handle a lot of the big games of that time because of the cartridge, so many developers put their games on the ps1.


bowlcity, if you can't think of any other good ps1 games besides crash bandicoot (which is a poor man's mario 64, imo), I suggest you look up a few lists. there's resident evil, silent hill, valkyrie profile, the final fantasy games, metal gear solid, chrono cross, xenogears... lots of other great games worth looking into.

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of course, 64 and gamecube and possibly even the wii are all worth owning. wii u looks like it doesn't have much going for it other than the whole "family gaming fun for grandma too!" schtick. boy, I'm sooo excited for more mario remakes haha
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Now I'm really craving some Zelda Wind Waker. One of the finest in the series.


Have you played it on the Wii-U? It's gorgeous.


Nah, I haven't. No interest in buying a Wii U.


Before this week, it was clearly the best of the now-gen consoles in my mind. It's still the best for me, but it's a bit closer now.

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the n64 is awesome, but I think nostalgia makes folks think it's better than it is.


outside of nintendo and rare stuff, there wasn't a whole lot of great shit. no rpgs except quest 64, no exclusives for adults except perfect dark and goldeneye...


I think that most of people who complain that nintendo doesn't have adult games are tweeners and teens....adults actually like the stuff.


I'm not saying adults shouldn't play mario. they're great games.


my point was that other than games made by nintendo and games made by the company RARE (jet force gemini, conkur, banjo kazooie, perfect dark, goldeneye), the n64 was pretty lacking. nintendo has had this problem for a long time, as far as I'm concerned. the only games worth playing are usually made BY nintendo, and imo, it's not worth buying a console just for the latest mario/zelda rehash or remake.


I never understood this complaint about Nintendo. There is way more innovation in Nintendo's development of existing IP than in most new IPs out there. How is Mario Galaxy not more of a creative step than virtually any shooter since about 1996, to give just one of many, many examples.

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I love mario galaxy, but it's still just the same old hop around and save the world stuff every few years. not that they should change it, it's a great formula, but it doesn't make the wii u worth it to me. I think saying that mario galaxy is more innovative than any shooter since 1996 is silly. more innovative than call of duty definitely, but if you think mario galaxy changed gaming more than half-life, system shock 2, bioshock, counterstrike, team fortress 2, halo...


nintendo loves to stress "innovation" but I think when remakes and rereleases of old games are the most exciting thing you've got going on, that aint innovation. just because you made a weird looking machine doesn't make you a genius


so far none of the next gen consoles look good at all. I'll probably get a ps4 when I have to just out of necessity, because I know eventually they were be a new elder scrolls, a new fallout, a new gta. maybe a new left 4 dead or half-life? doubt it haha

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and I really don't care to argue about this so don't bother with showing me "proof" and sales charts and whatnot that demonstrate how new nintendo games are better than any games since 1996 or something :P
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I don't really know much about your taste in games, so the games I listed might not mean anything to you


I don't think that the console games you listed are very innovative, whereas Mario has reinvented himself on the 64, on the GameCube, and on the Wii. The console shooters have largely just been rehashes of what the PC shooters had done, and the new IP is usually just a reskinned game.

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half-life, system shock 2, counterstrike and team fortress 2 are PC games, led.


I would say halo changed online gaming and popularized the idea of playing online via console. that's pretty important.


I really don't think mario reinvented himself on the gamecube or the wii. all the major mario games since have been mario 64 + more stuff (or mario RPG/paper mario + more stuff). adding a jetpack that shoots water and adding a few more suits for him to wear aren't reinvention.

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half-life, system shock 2, counterstrike and team fortress 2 are PC games, led.



While a few of them are also on consoles, that was my point.

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bioshock's not really innovative I guess, but it's a more unique concept than rereleasing a game from 1998 in HD and charging 60 dollars for it.


Yes, but that's completely irrelevant to the conversation. Sunshine and Galaxy were far more innovative then console shooters ever have been. Those are basically just reskinned versions of earlier games, perhaps with a different mechanic here or there.

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1 Xbox 360

2 PS2

3 Atari 5200

4 Atari VCS (the original, pre 2600 designation)

5 Super Pong IV (the one that started it all)

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Keep in mind I've worked games for everything since just before the PS2 was released. In fact I got mine because I worked in games when it came out. The N64 was only playable with the extra memory module and even then it looked crappy compared to PC. The Dreamcast was a bust, as was the GameCube. The Wii is a wireless GameCube.


Sony consoles for the most part are bad, the exception being the PS2 which truly was a game changer (no pun). It essentially provoked the XBox and thus killed the PC market. The PS3 is horrible. It looks and sounds bad compared to the same titles on 360 plus as a developer Sony withholds access to certain hardware functionality until later in the lifecycle of their products to prolong market life. Well except to Sony only developers. The PS3 exclusives are not worth a crappy gaming experience. The batteries in the controllers die quickly compared to 360 controllers. No wonder that company is failing.

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bioshock's not really innovative I guess, but it's a more unique concept than rereleasing a game from 1998 in HD and charging 60 dollars for it.


Yes, but that's completely irrelevant to the conversation. Sunshine and Galaxy were far more innovative then console shooters ever have been. Those are basically just reskinned versions of earlier games, perhaps with a different mechanic here or there.


Never played much of Galaxy but I agree with you 100% on Sunshine.


Man that game was awesome. Another masterpiece in the very few selection of good games output from GameCube.

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