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Everything posted by Irenicus

  1. Yeah I also thought that maybe he's just a troll, but probably not since a troll wouldn't usually put so much effort into it or would try to provoke more. I think he's just a delusional hipster. Pretty much every musical genre has them.
  2. Comparing musical instruments to board games or car gear is just ridiculous. Apples and oranges. You cannot do with electronic music what you can do with instruments, if they are emulated electronically it just sounds like crap. Electronic music cannot convey emotion and expression like instruments can, that's just a fact. It's dumb to even compare the two things and says volumes about your (lack of) musical expertise. And the notion that something is archaic and outdated just because it's not electronic/digital is one of the dumbest assertions of the modern age. "Electronic music will predominate most all genres of music from now til the end of time"? That's funny because it doesn't even do so now, not by a long shot. Only mainstream music like electro pop and rap is dominated by electronic music. It seems your musical knowledge is limited to only very few genres if you make such hilariously untrue claims. Musical instruments have been around for millenia and will be around forever. Electronic music has only been around for about 50 years or so, that's nothing in comparison. And in those years electronic music has mostly limited itself to the use of simple beats or other repeated sounds (and by that more or less just emulating instruments, not even doing anything original or innovative) for primitive mainstream music like electro pop, hip hop, techno, house etc. Only in a genre like ambient were the actual possibilities of electronic music really utilized to create something unique that you could not create with traditional instruments. Electronic sounds are widely used in mainstream music simply because it's cheap and easily accessible and doesn't require to learn to play an instrument or to properly record the instruments. Neither does it require much or any musical knowledge to produce most of such music. It's basically the fast food of music and therefore only a sign of our times. And times change. Only for people for whom music is basically just a clinical collection or variation of sounds. For some people music is more about composition and/or emotion, and in that case nothing is ever going to be tapped out, except maybe the artist himself, but you can't blame the instruments for that.
  3. Either you're trolling or your ear congestion is more severe than I thought. Please seek help immediately before it's too late.
  4. Whaaaaaaaaaaat??!! Caress of Steel (especially) and all the other '70s albums sound 10 times more organic and lively than anything Rush has put out in at least the last three decades! To imagine the '70s material with such a polished, processed, bland, clinical, overblown and muddy wall of sound like Clockwork Angels is truly and utterly horrifying. In fact, this suggestion seems absolutely like a joke or else someone is in extreme need of ear irrigation. "Better bass tone." I can't even describe how wrong that is. Both Geddy and Alex had their best, most organic tones back in the day. I wish they sounded like that again today. "A better mix" Yeah well, if you call everything mashed together with hardly seperation a great mix, then I guess you're right. Lol.
  5. I don't think that's actually an unpopular opinion, just that most people wouldn't put it that harsh. They'd say "Their last truly great album was [insert album between 81 and 87]" instead.
  6. Agreed. They sound twice as good, not half as good.
  7. Well, that's because you're, well, Zumbi... I'm pretty sure you're the only one who wouldn't be offended by this.
  8. Maybe if you just listen to a recording, it's not so bad (since you can always go and listen to some full version of the song), but if you see the band live and they suddenly stop in the middle of one of their greatest songs and cut to one of their worst songs, that should be quite the nightmare for any fan.
  9. Funny you of all would say that cause I hear overcooked most of all in Clockwork Angels (and to a lesser degree in S&A and original VT). Geddy's vocals on Hemispheres aren't really more extreme than on COS or 2112. Just more perfect.
  10. I'm not sure what you're hearing, but I hear lots of fire, passion, drama and "thrilling punches" throughout the whole album from the first minute of Book II til the last minute of La Villa Strangiato. And I can't say that most of the other albums you mentioned hold up to it in that regard.
  11. In what way? Is it different or is it just mixed better? Different mix/mastering.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umDr0mPuyQc
  13. Great audio gear won't magically make shitty recordings sound great, not sure where you got that idea. In fact, it will make them sound even worse, because it shows even more clearly how shitty the production really is. You're best off listening to original VT on a cheap car stereo or boombox really, or best yet not at all.
  14. Irenicus

    Caress of Steel

    Better than the debut, FBN, 2112, and everything post Moving Pictures. One of the most underrated albums ever by any band. 'nuff said
  15. I can recommend the Sennheiser HD 201, they go for around 20 bucks, but are very good for that price. I had them for long until I upgraded to the HD 800, which I got for 1300€ at the time. Crazy upgrade I know, but the sound is just unbelievable. Such a huge soundstage, perfect imaging and incredible detail. Just out of this world and even in the same price range unmatched imo from those I've tested. Stax SR-009 are said to be even better, but they are triple the price and need dac/amp combo for around the same money, so that's a bit too much.
  16. It does not at all. Not even in the same league. Dream Theater is incredibly overrated, there are so many better bands. Wank Theater.
  17. 300 bucks for a poster? You gotta be kidding
  18. Great, then you get a really muddy sound instead of a really bright sound. Not exactly an improvement, I'd say, rather the contrary.
  19. No need to establish anything since it already has been established. This is brickwalling because it looks like a brick wall: http://www.digitalaudioreview.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/somemightsay_remaster_HDTracks-580x219.png CA looks pretty much just like that, so it's brickwalled. Simple.
  20. Just because there are worse examples, doesn't mean CA isn't brickwalled, because it clearly is if you know what brickwalling means. Death Magnetic is more than just brickwalled and clipped, it goes so far that they actually created digital distortion. But remember, Lars Ulrich has intense Tinnitus, so to him it probably sounds just fine.
  21. It's always hilarious when people confuse loudness/brickwalling with heaviness or even metal. Take away CA's brickwalling and thousand layers, then it would sound wimpy compared to Hemispheres or 2112, but at least it would sound better then.
  22. Definitely a bit underrated. Better than Roll the Bones, Counterparts, Test for Echo, Snakes & Arrows and Clockwork Angels. Not that that's saying much though, but it's a good album albeit with 2-3 stinkers.
  23. Is it sure they never played Fountain? Afaik there aren't many bootlegs from the COS tour, so they may have played it on some date for all we know.
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