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Everything posted by MCM

  1. Man, that Chicken and Gorilla sure get around.. never disappoint do they.
  2. MCM


    Don't forget this little gem.
  3. QUOTE (Rush Cocky @ Jun 30 2011, 12:03 PM) WOW....I never thought I'd be saying this about TFE, but I am really liking this album! The guitar riffs may be in the top 5 of any Rush album. Listening to Totem right now, for the first time I'm appreciating Alex's little intricacies that he's throwing in there. The title track on this album is starting to blow me away musically, and Time and Motion sounds great. Sure Virtuality will always have the cheesy lyric, and Carve Away The Stone will continue to be a weak closer. But this one is picking up a lot of steam on the charts with me. I've really loving this album right now. I hope that someday I pop this album in and feel the same way, I've been trying to like it for years and it just doesn't happen. Maybe someday it will click and I'll say "this is the best album ever"?
  4. QUOTE (Rushchick10 @ Jun 26 2011, 08:25 PM) QUOTE (Sir Lerxst @ Jun 25 2011, 09:08 PM) http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp141/Sir_Lerxst/LerxstDirk2011LV.jpg This...this right here... They are both so adorable in this picture. I'm particularly fond of Geddy, but Alex can stop by any time!! Great picture...I haven't checked Arrowsmith's photos for a bit. Guess I'm missing out on some great pictures! (Not to mention the sausage fest going on under those guitars. ) Speaking of sausage fest... that's an excellent reason to bring back the robes.. the longer robe would cover the sausage fest, thus making it less distracting for us when we're in the front rows.. Just saying.
  5. QUOTE (Presto-digitation @ Jun 28 2011, 07:48 AM) QUOTE (RUSHHEAD666 @ Jun 27 2011, 11:23 PM) QUOTE (1 of the 7 @ Jun 27 2011, 09:08 PM) I like everything I've ever heard by them, and I have a friend who was into them, so he played me more than just what they had on the radio. I even like Mr. Roboto I went to see them last summer and enjoyed the show. I don't have any of their albums myself, though. I love "Heavy Metal Poisoning!" "Kilroy Was Here" is a very underrated record. However I must say that "Edge Of The Century" is a piece of shite. Glad Tommy Shaw stayed and Dennis got the boot! Just To Get Through The Night is sublime. Agree...Kilroy is gets thrown out too often because of Roboto. Although the end of Styx as we knew it began with Cornerstone, Kilroy was the final straw.. I really dislike that album. I've got it on vinyl, but it's the only one I never replaced on cd. I will give it up for Just Get Thru This Night.. that's a nice sappy ballad and pretty good for what it is. I miss DDY's vocals now and then, and I miss what he brought to the band in the area of production, but I don't miss his posing and cheesy-ness on stage. Larry's a little out there and all over the place, but he's not pompous (sp?) like Dennis so it doesn't seem to bother me as much.
  6. I listened to this album over and over all the way from Pittsburgh to Vegas on the plane, it gets better every time. Absolutely amazing! I knew it would be good before I even heard it, but it far exceeds the first one.
  7. This is more than hard, I'm a sucker for Ged's voice, I choose LVS
  8. QUOTE (fledgehog @ Jun 27 2011, 09:56 AM) from Wikipedia: Pop and rock ballads The most common use of the term ballad in modern pop music is for an emotional love song. When the word ballad appears in the title of a song, as for example in The Beatles's "The Ballad of John and Yoko" or Billy Joel's "The Ballad of Billy the Kid", the folk-music sense is generally implied. Ballad is also sometimes applied to strophic story-songs more generally, such as Don McLean's "American Pie". Power ballads Simon Frith identifies the origins of the power ballad in the emotional singing of soul artists, particularly Ray Charles and the adaptation of this style by figures such as Eric Burdon, Tom Jones and Joe Cocker to produce slow tempo songs often building to a loud and emotive chorus backed by drums, electric guitars and sometimes choirs. According to Charles Aaron, power ballads came into existence in the early 1970s, when rock stars attempted to convey profound messages to audiences. He argues that the power ballad broke into the mainstream of American consciousness in 1976 as FM radio gave a new lease of life to earlier songs like Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" (1971), Aerosmith's "Dream On" (1973), and Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Free Bird" (1974).[35] Other notable examples include Nazareth's version of "Love Hurts" (1975), Foreigner's "I Want to Know What Love Is",[34] Scorpions "Still Loving You", (both 1984), Heart's "What About Love" (1985) and Whitesnake's "Is This Love" (1987). I think the writer of this Wiki is confused between a ballad and an anthem. Some of these are ballads (in the modern sense of the word) and some are stadium anthems.
  9. QUOTE (Curly @ Jun 27 2011, 08:51 AM) I didn't know Gandalf played bass. My question exactly, when did Gandalf join a band?
  10. QUOTE (Unattractive Truth @ Jun 26 2011, 11:48 PM) QUOTE (MCM @ Jun 26 2011, 07:11 PM) Wow, you got better pics than me, I should have taken a real camera and not just my phone. Here's a link to the one's I did get, hope it works. It's the Vegas pics from my facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1...18&l=fab4fa111a On to the details.. What a great weekend! Got to meet Unattractive Truth and his lovely wife, Rolinda Bonz, Pedro and many more (special mention to the RIAB'ers who's "handles" I can't remember and who hung with us on Sat), Kelly D, Weatherman, etc.. Could someone who took pics at dinner send me one of them?? Seems like I remember two people taking pics, but I can't remember who. Rushcon was great fun and entertainment. What good people Rush fans are! Big thanks to those I spent time with on Saturday night, a good time was had by all! The show was FANTASTIC! My seat was great, the closest I've ever had for a Rush show. Right smack in front of Ged, whoo hooo! I didn't notice any human errors during the show, possibly they were out of sync for about 30 seconds on "Time Stand Still"? What do I know. Did Ged have to switch out his bass at the beginning of the show where he normally doesn't? It seemed like he had to switch out for some reason where I didn't remember him doing that before. Neil's solo was absolutely spectacular, I don't know if I ever enjoyed his solo as much as this time. Every time I see them do Working Man it seems like Alex is more on fire than the last.. Can't wait for the next tour! I'm glad you made it home safely, and that you had a good time. You are a Rush Warrior! Now, you have to start making some more of those t-shirts. If I could generate more than one T-Shirt per week, then maybe I could make a second career out of it to finance my Rush habit.
  11. QUOTE (Kelly D @ Jun 27 2011, 09:18 AM) QUOTE (MCM @ Jun 26 2011, 09:11 PM) Wow, you got better pics than me, I should have taken a real camera and not just my phone. Here's a link to the one's I did get, hope it works. It's the Vegas pics from my facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1...18&l=fab4fa111a On to the details.. What a great weekend! Got to meet Unattractive Truth and his lovely wife, Rolinda Bonz, Pedro and many more (special mention to the RIAB'ers who's "handles" I can't remember and who hung with us on Sat), Kelly D, Weatherman, etc.. Could someone who took pics at dinner send me one of them?? Seems like I remember two people taking pics, but I can't remember who. Rushcon was great fun and entertainment. What good people Rush fans are! Big thanks to those I spent time with on Saturday night, a good time was had by all! The show was FANTASTIC! My seat was great, the closest I've ever had for a Rush show. Right smack in front of Ged, whoo hooo! I didn't notice any human errors during the show, possibly they were out of sync for about 30 seconds on "Time Stand Still"? What do I know. Did Ged have to switch out his bass at the beginning of the show where he normally doesn't? It seemed like he had to switch out for some reason where I didn't remember him doing that before. Neil's solo was absolutely spectacular, I don't know if I ever enjoyed his solo as much as this time. Every time I see them do Working Man it seems like Alex is more on fire than the last.. Can't wait for the next tour! Alex had to trade out his guitar during "Freewill" but still nailed the solo!!! God among men, I say. I totally missed that, but given my sight line, my attention was focused elsewhere..
  12. QUOTE (Unattractive Truth @ Jun 26 2011, 08:24 PM) More pics....I especially love the last two, from Working Man....they peeled the paint off the walls! http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d155/RamsATW/DSCN0190.jpg http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d155/RamsATW/DSCN0192.jpg Peeled the paint off the walls is an understatement, I thought they might have to call in the fire department..
  13. Wow, you got better pics than me, I should have taken a real camera and not just my phone. Here's a link to the one's I did get, hope it works. It's the Vegas pics from my facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1...18&l=fab4fa111a On to the details.. What a great weekend! Got to meet Unattractive Truth and his lovely wife, Rolinda Bonz, Pedro and many more (special mention to the RIAB'ers who's "handles" I can't remember and who hung with us on Sat), Kelly D, Weatherman, etc.. Could someone who took pics at dinner send me one of them?? Seems like I remember two people taking pics, but I can't remember who. Rushcon was great fun and entertainment. What good people Rush fans are! Big thanks to those I spent time with on Saturday night, a good time was had by all! The show was FANTASTIC! My seat was great, the closest I've ever had for a Rush show. Right smack in front of Ged, whoo hooo! I didn't notice any human errors during the show, possibly they were out of sync for about 30 seconds on "Time Stand Still"? What do I know. Did Ged have to switch out his bass at the beginning of the show where he normally doesn't? It seemed like he had to switch out for some reason where I didn't remember him doing that before. Neil's solo was absolutely spectacular, I don't know if I ever enjoyed his solo as much as this time. Every time I see them do Working Man it seems like Alex is more on fire than the last.. Can't wait for the next tour!
  14. QUOTE (SavageAmy @ Jun 25 2011, 12:33 PM) http://i1143.photobucket.com/albums/n639/savageamy/geddypurple.jpg This is from the era my friend and I refer to as "Rush raids their mothers' closets pre-show," but who can resist that cute little butt? I wonder if he could be talked into bringing the tight white bell bottoms out of the archives one more time? I'd vote for it!
  15. Hard to pick one, now that Animate is gone..
  16. QUOTE (ioc @ Jun 24 2011, 02:54 PM) QUOTE (fledgehog @ Jun 23 2011, 01:05 PM)QUOTE (Tommy Sawyer @ Jun 23 2011, 01:19 PM) Translation please? roughly, "Hello, I was talking to my friend about Rush today, and he said that the Rush dairy should not have cows, but Tarkuses -- they should get milk from Tarkuses and not cows. I don't know what that is, so I said, "I don't know what that is", and he said, "it's from a Rush song". I've never heard of it...do you know what this is? Is it in Rush? I have never heard Geddy say anything about that so I don't know if it's true. My friend said that Geddy, the skeleton in Roll the Bones, is like Tarkus, but I don't know what that is, because he didn't say anything about that; he talked about almanacs and polyester slacks. Maybe Fred is not telling me the truth? Do Tarkuses make milk? What do you think?" Huh. I thought he was talking about getting malk from turkeys instead of cows. [yes, I know] I too, thought that maybe there was some unidentified species of turkey that you could milk; a Canadian Turkey possibly?
  17. MCM

    Bob Lefsetz Blog

    I'm on his email list, every once in awhile I reply to him. Sometimes he's so negative, but I think deep down he really does love the music. Here is what I replied to him with: Don't worry if you don't own the albums, I won enough of them for both of us. Vinyl, cassette, CD and CD Remasters..even had Caress of Steel on 8 track. Ever since A Farewell to Kings showed up under the Christmas tree, I've been wondering the same thing we all wonder... How do three guys make such a sound? There's not a fourth, fifth, sixth member off in the wings? Nope, just three guys from Canada. I've only seen this tour three times, my fourth is this weekend for the Vegas show, I live on the east coast. It's worth it, travel, hotel, time off work and kennel fees. Many fans have traveled many more miles than I for many more shows.. yes, we are passionate, but these three guys deserve every bit of it. They are the most professional and engaging live act touring today (not to mention for the last 30+ years). They refuse to compromise or rest upon their past, they continue to grow, write and record valid music while many of their peers tour endlessly playing a greatest hits set. Oh, and I'm a girl. Rush isn't just for boys, never was. Notice I didn't mention the RnRHOF, not worth it. That horse is dead and I hope they never get in, they are too good for it. If they ever do, I hope they don't show up. We all know they will, being the professional gentlemen they are, but a girl can dream. See, a Rush fan can't not mention the RnRHOF. Travesty, it is. Oh, let me be another one to tell you, watch Banger Films most excellent doc, it will bring a tear to a grown man's eye.
  18. QUOTE (RUSHHEAD666 @ Jun 23 2011, 12:11 AM) I know there are a few Night Ranger fans on here so here goes a thread that will either be made fun of or simply just ignored! I love it! Just picked up the new Night Ranger entitled "Somewhere In California" and this record absolutely ROCKS! Now most of you know that I am a Hair Metal Lover from the Eighties, but let me tell you if I thought this new Night Ranger album was crap I wouldn't even waste my time typing about it. Their last several albums have been less that mediocre but this new one on the Frontiers Record Label is excellent. It's their best album since "Seven Wishes." Then again this album is heavier. If you love riff ripping guitars and excellent melodic rock then check it out. It's better than the new Journey album that's for sure!! Glad Night Ranger is still together. Brad Gillis is a guitar beast and Jack Blades hasn't skipped a beat like their drummer Kelly. Too bad Jeff Watson split but hey at the end of the day we are "Still Rocking In America!" Even in 2011! Interesting to hear your thoughts, (since we agree on almost everything except Mr. Big), I've heard bits and pieces from this and so far don't know what to think. It's on my list to pick up and give a spin. You think it's heavier? I kind of liked Hole in the Sun... Better than the new Journey album? I'm still undecided about that one, sometimes I like it and sometimes I think it's cotton candy fluff.. oddly I think it would have been a great Night Ranger album..
  19. QUOTE (ColdFireYYZ @ Jun 22 2011, 06:05 PM) QUOTE (driventotheedge @ Jun 22 2011, 02:17 PM) QUOTE (treeduck @ Jun 22 2011, 10:32 AM)QUOTE (ColdFireYYZ @ Jun 22 2011, 11:54 AM) Robin Trower. He's an excellent guitarist, most people have no clue who he is. I do. I do too. Suppose that's why I've seen him 6 times. Good thread btw. He's great live He should have been as popular as Hendrix. Just saw Robin Trower a few weeks ago, I could have sat and watched him for hours, he was mesmerizing. Others: Eyes - 80's hair metal Good call whoever mentioned Head East - Still love Flat as a Pancake Starz - a little record called Violation, good stuff, a great band everyone has forgot about.
  20. QUOTE (metaldad @ Nov 10 2008, 03:32 PM) yeah, B.O.C were big in the late 70's early 80's . i saw them at madison square garden in 1981 with FOGHAT opening. sold out I'm guessing that was a great show.
  21. QUOTE (liddybuck01 @ May 25 2011, 10:18 PM) Buckingham Nicks - Buckingham Nicks i talk about this album all the time. it is seriously amazing. once again, it's Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks before they joined Fleetwood Mac. it's the only album they ever put out, and it's amazing. if you dig their word with FM or solo, PLEASE check out this album. all tracks are on youtube. If you ever find a copy of this on vinyl, snap it up quick. I still don't think this is available on cd. It's a hard one to find.
  22. MCM

    Best Title-Track?

    Surprise, I pick A Farewell to Kings.
  23. Wow, that's a very cool thing for him to do and a great birthday! Congrats and Happy Birthday!
  24. We knew this all along.
  25. QUOTE (Spoutnik @ Jun 19 2011, 01:20 AM) Just funny! It's very rare that Geddy make a mistake but this one is amazing,when he start singing The spirit of radio he sang: "Off on your way, hit the open road, There is magic at your fingers... Instead of "Begin the day with a friendly voice, A companion unobtrusive... Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p61qiA-kgY8 or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-TxKIb_bBw...n_order&list=UL Nice recovery tho, it could have been much worse..
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