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Everything posted by condemned2bfree

  1. Check out The Comedy Club episodes as some has mentioned. Tho the Bad News episode seems the best. imo.
  2. Yeah I thought so with some of them, others not too sure. Too dead pan for it's own good. : ) Lemmy's his old cantankerous lovable self
  3. Seems like that, they took it that far not letting the bands in on it . Guess there's a fine line between.......rockumentary and reality.. Brutal gig for them. Those bottles were sometimes full of something.
  4. Yeah this clip is from Donnington. You can see the many bottles being hurled at them. The bands you mention give their opinion here too. I'm wondering if the famous bands actually got that Bad News were a mock band. They seem so serious in dismissing them. Animal from Motorhead and Ozzy in particular. The bit at the end is hilarious with Neil ( will always think of him out of the Young Ones ) in hospital. '' the drummer blew himself up''
  5. Has anyone heard of this? I remember it vaguely long ago, but just seen this extra skit. Lots of bands have something to say in this clip. Bit of much needed levity in these times.
  6. I'd heard of the Nirvana Come As You Are riff being taken from KJ. What's the Motley Crue connection?
  7. New track from Killing Joke. It's a banger! Any fans of KJ? Big fan, they say something quite well
  8. Good idea. There's so much to see, historical pre history ruins etc. Practical to do really, as some areas are not served so frequently by public transport.. I did it many years ago. We only stayed a few days, trying to cram lots in. Missed out on a lot too. I was shocked though while there, on seeing the news, that Ireland has a bad accident record on the roads. One of the worst. I don't know if that's changed since. It didn't seem that bad at all when I was driving around. Upon depositing the car the guy did try it on with marks on the car that were there before renting. This probably the case in most places and not reflective of Ireland in any way. Hope you have fun whatever you choose!
  9. But Closer actually makes me feel reaffirmed or sommat - not sad. Go figure.
  10. Always reminded me of that line '' the path of least resistance''.
  11. Jeff was an amazing guitarist, and a great humble person. RIP.
  12. Thanks so much. We are still meeting up on the 27th. Just don't know how I'll do it.
  13. Really top notch stuff. I'd only suggest tweaking the vocals with the guitars. Vox compressed lowered a bit more, bit of saturation on the top end with the guitars. Sounds great as is though, great songwriting.
  14. My Father died. 23/12/22. It's not so much his death, just the fact we (larger family) were all about to meet up in a few days for one last time. He died a few days before. He told me ''I don't think I'll make it''. I just thought it's so close, it'll be ok. I'm heartbroken we didn't get to say goodbye properly. This holiday period will never be the same again. RIP Dad.
  15. 20 yrs ago. Gee seems like another world ago, how time flies. One of my favourite Rush albums.
  16. 11. of the 11th . Bless them all. Every time i think i have it bad, i remember.
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