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Everything posted by Flavia2112

  1. A treat indeed. Thank you very much for the advice.
  2. Hey, what's wrong with Closer to the Heart?
  3. You set your name on Zoom to the YYZ Morse code, then make your friend look up the song when she asks you what it says. (true story--she stopped it after the Morse code part and I was shocked.)
  4. 9/12 is more important to you than 9/11 You took a chemistry class, despite having no interest in science whatsoever You're reading this
  5. HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP. I was checking out one of these anagram websites after reading this old thread, and, well, I read this story on some other site where the roadies kept pranking Neil by leaving FISH everywhere, and then Geddy ended up singing "catch the fish" instead of "catch the spit" in Tom Sawyer, but that's not the point. The POINT is, I put some stuff from that story into the anagram thing, and, well, FISH ON THE SNARE DRUM - RUSH FRONTMAN, HE DIES. HOLY CRAP.
  6. Neil didn't write the lyrics to Working Man or Before and After. oh f**k No big deal. I've done worse.
  7. New World Man-- He's got a problem with his power, with weapons on patrol/He's got to walk a fine line, and keep his self-control Something For Nothing-- Countless ways/You pass the days A Farewell To Kings-- When they turn the pages of history/When these days have passed long ago/Will they read of us with sadness/For the seeds that we let grow Witch Hunt The Weapon The Camera Eye
  8. Neil didn't write the lyrics to Working Man or Before and After.
  9. Weirdly, in the dream I felt sadder about Geddy's death than I feel about Neil. Maybe because I didn't know who Neil was before he died. Not that I'm not sad about Neil, of course I am, just...dreams are weird.
  10. Yeah, I know! How can anyone hate Rush? Your "other selves" thing reminded me, the next time I went to that friend's house after the dream, I kept half-expecting Geddy to show up. I mean, not, like, for real, but...I don't know. Justin Bieber fans. There must be SOME people who like both Justin Bieber and Rush. There are a lot of people in the world.
  11. The other night I tried to fall asleep listening to 2112. I didn't, but I did have a Rush dream. I dreamed that Geddy had died in a wildfire, and then I was back in time before it happened and I was trying to make sure the fire didn't start. There was this small building where I knew the fire was going to start, and I somehow made it so that there wouldn't be a fire. Then I went behind the building and Geddy was standing in this big field. I knew it was him, because I knew he was near the fire of course, but I waited for him to turn around, I guess so he wouldn't know I'd time traveled. He looked at me and I was like "holy crap, it's Geddy Lee!" even though I already knew he was going to be there. There were a bunch of other people there as well, and everyone wanted his autograph. He said he didn't want to sign a ton of autographs because he was tired. I replied by saying "at least you're not dead." He looked very sad, and then I clapped a hand over my mouth because I realized he didn't know I was talking about him not dying in a wildfire and to him it probably seemed like I was talking about Neil. Then either I woke up or the dream changed. The time-travel part probably came from the many times I've wished to travel back in time and go to a Rush concert. And the wildfire part obviously came from the current situation on the West Coast. I'm not sure why I keep dreaming about wanting Geddy's autograph. I had another dream where Rush was playing a show in what looked like a skate park and I was trying to talk my Rush-obsessed brother into asking them for autographs. If I ever met any member of Rush, autographs would not be my priority.
  12. :hi: Now I know not everyone on this forum knows every random bit of Rush trivia! I think when I started this thread I was paranoid from reading the "you know you're not a Rush fan if..." thread.
  13. Thanks for the advice, but what I really meant by "I can't use YouTube" is "I can't do anything on the computer that involves sound." (Or I'd know a lot more Rush songs.) I know, I know, I'm just impatient. At least it's not thirty years ago and I'm waiting for new albums to be released...although if it was thirty years ago, they'd still be touring...but I guess if it was thirty years ago I wouldn't be born yet...and we wouldn't be having this conversation even if I was born...
  14. Waiting for the winds of change to sweep the clouds away
  15. Yeah, my username's kind of personal too. If the other person who knows the inside joke knew that I'd used it on an online forum, they might not be happy. I'm so annoyed right now. Not at you. I was going to get a ton of Rush albums and some of Neil's books, but, long story, we had to take an emergency vacation and so I couldn't. And, other long story, I can't use YouTube. But I'm trying. That violin thing! Wow!
  16. I've probably had more Rush dreams than I can remember. That one I posted here is the only one I can remember a lot of, I remember snippets of other ones. There was one where Alex was teaching me to play guitar, and one where Geddy and Alex and a bunch of other people and I were hanging out at my friend's house (same Rush-hating friend, strangely) talking about Neil. And one that wasn't even about Rush but I just remember Geddy being there. I WANT MORE RUSH DREAMS... Sometimes I try to fall asleep while listening to Rush, but that never works. I freak out (in a good way, of course) way too much when I listen to Rush, I'd never be able to fall asleep.
  17. Yeah, I know! How can anyone hate Rush? Your "other selves" thing reminded me, the next time I went to that friend's house after the dream, I kept half-expecting Geddy to show up. I mean, not, like, for real, but...I don't know.
  18. Oh, and I forgot to say that in real life, the friend whose house we were at in the dream hates Rush.
  19. I don't know if anyone still reads this thread, but I had a pretty interesting Rush dream a couple months ago. It started with me on a bus that was going past a record store. There was a ginormous Rush poster in the window, with a thumbs-down symbol on it for some reason. (Glad that part's not real.) Then another bus went by and that bus was full of Rush fans. In the context of the dream I somehow took that to mean that all those fans were heading to a Rush concert. I FREAKED OUT and, well, I'm not sure if I knew about the women-hate-Rush stereotype at that point or not, but it manifested itself in my dream by me saying, and I'm kind of annoyed about this, "What?!? Rush is touring again!!! That's my brother's favorite band!" I mean, they are actually my brother's favorite band, but still. :eyeroll: Anyway, I was freaking out about this Rush show, and THEN the dream changed and I was at my friend's house with GEDDY LEE. (It was '80s Geddy because at that point I think I only knew Subdivisions and 2112). I didn't freak out about that, though, strangely. I was very calm about it but internally I was like "oh my gosh it's Geddy!" The two of us were talking, and then he went over to my friend's humongous record collection and started reading the liner notes of 2112. What was funny is that some other people were in the room too and they IGNORED GEDDY. Then Geddy had to leave. Everybody said their goodbyes, then after he left I was like "I forgot to get his autograph!" I ran outside but it was my front yard for some reason, and I caught him just as he was leaving and got his autograph. Ugh, the worst part of that dream was waking up.
  20. Thanks! Yes, as JohnnyBlaze put it, the worst time to get into Rush would be not at all. What I meant is that I hate having gotten into them LITERALLY RIGHT AFTER WHAT HAPPENED TO NEIL! :( Thank you for the reminder. (oh by the way this post took me like fifteen minutes to write because I kept being distracted by my profile picture... )
  21. I'm not exactly sure! The only reason I've heard Moving Pictures, 2112, and Signals instead of any other three Rush albums is that I had them already when I started really getting into Rush. I've heard that Fly By Night is really good, so I'll probably listen to that sometime soon, and I'm also curious about Caress of Steel. Also, there's just a bunch of random songs that I've heard about from reading old stuff on this forum (Freewill, The Trees, and Counterparts, among others), and I want to listen to those. (I've really got to stop reading old posts on the forum because then I'm liable to make references to songs I haven't actually heard, and that never ends well.)
  22. Thank you so much for the suggestions. And, yes, the actual worst time possible to get into Rush would be never at all. What I meant is that I hate that I got into them right after what happened. :( I get the territory thing now! Thanks!
  23. Thank you, I know of some rather annoying, overobsessive fans and I wasn't sure if there were any people like that on this forum. And sometimes I get annoyed at myself for not getting half the references in these threads. (Also I was really tired when I posted that UGH WHY WAS I BEING SO SELF-DEPRECATING)
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